►NBulletXNA | |
►NBulletCollision | |
CAABB | Axis aligned box |
CGImpactQuantization | |
CGImpactQuantizedBvh | |
CIPrimitiveManagerBase | |
CPrimitiveTriangle | |
CQuantizedBvhTree | Basic Box tree structure |
►NLinearMath | |
CIndexedBasisMatrix | |
CIndexedMatrix | |
CIndexedVector3 | |
CObjectArray | |
CUShortVector3 | |
►NDShowNET | |
CAMMediaType | |
CClsid | |
CDsOptInt64 | |
CFilterInfo | |
CIBaseFilter | |
CIBasicAudio | |
CIEnumFilters | |
CIEnumPins | |
CIFilterGraph | |
CIGraphBuilder | |
CIMediaControl | |
CIMediaEventEx | |
CIMediaPosition | |
CIMediaSample | |
CIMediaSeeking | |
CIPin | |
CIReferenceClock | |
CISampleGrabber | |
CISampleGrabberCB | |
CIVideoWindow | |
CVideoInfoHeader | |
CVideoPlayer | Enables Video Playback in Microsoft XNA |
►NEntities | |
►NBlocks | |
CMySpaceProjector | |
►NHavok | |
CIPhysicsMesh | Interface through which physics can work with graphical meshes. This has been moved here due to problems with obfuscator and to reduce dependencies of Havok! You should treat this as part of HavokWrapper (not accessible when there is no reference to HavokWrapper)! Exception to this can only be rare cases such as avoiding code duplication. |
►NKeenSoftwareHouse | |
►NLibrary | |
►NExtensions | |
CEnabledAttribute | |
►NIO | |
CWin32Processes | |
►NLitJson | |
CIJsonWrapper | |
CJsonData | |
CJsonException | |
CJsonMapper | |
CJsonMockWrapper | |
CJsonReader | |
CJsonWriter | |
►NMedieval | |
►NAI | |
CMyAnimalBotActions | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyDx11VoxelMaterialDefinition | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Dx11VoxelMaterialDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MechanicalWheelBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_BattleWorldFromSave | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_GenerateStatues | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_GenerateTerrain | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_TestTrees | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_WorldFromMaps | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_WorldFromSave | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorPlayerStartingState_Range | |
►NMinerWars | |
►NAppCode | |
►NGame | |
►NTrailer | |
CMyTrailerXml | |
CMyTrailerXmlAnimation | |
CMyTrailerXmlAnimationShip | |
CNewDataSet | |
►NMultiplayer | |
CMySpaceClientState | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
►NGUI | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GuiSkinDefinition | |
CButtonStateDefinition | |
CButtonStyleDefinition | |
CCheckboxStateDefinition | |
CCheckboxStyleDefinition | |
CColorDefinition | |
CComboboxStateDefinition | |
CComboboxStyleDefinition | |
CContextMenuStyleDefinition | |
CIconStyleDefinition | |
CImageStyleDefinition | |
CLabelStyleDefinition | |
CListboxStyleDefinition | |
CPaddingDefinition | |
CSliderStateDefinition | |
CSliderStyleDefinition | |
CStyleDefinitionBase | |
CTextboxStateDefinition | |
CTextboxStyleDefinition | |
CTextureStyleDefinition | |
CSerializableCompositeTexture | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockStackSizeDefinition | |
CBlockStackSizeDef | |
►NParallelTasks | |
CActionWork | |
CBackgroundWorker | |
CDelegateWork | |
CFixedPriorityScheduler | |
CForEachLoopWork | |
CForLoopWork | |
CFuture | A task struct which can return a result. |
CFutureWork | |
CGetHashCode_HashTable | |
CHashtable | |
CHashTableEnumerator | |
CHashtableNode | |
CIPrioritizedWork | |
CIWork | An interface for a piece of work which can be executed by ParallelTasks. |
CIWorkScheduler | An interface defining a task scheduler. |
CPool | A thread safe, non-blocking, object pool. |
CPrioritizedScheduler | Sheduler that supports interruption of normal |
CSemaphore | A semaphore class. |
CSingleton | Implements a singleton instance of type T . |
CSpinLock | A struct which implements a spin lock. |
►CSpinLockRef | |
CToken | |
CTask | A struct which represents a single execution of an IWork instance. |
CTaskException | An exception thrown when an unhandled exception is thrown within a task. |
CWorkData | |
CWorker | |
CWorkItem | |
CWorkOptions | A struct containing options about how an IWork instance can be executed. |
CWorkStealingScheduler | A "work stealing" work scheduler class. |
►NProtoBuf | |
►NMeta | |
CCallbackSet | Represents the set of serialization callbacks to be used when serializing/deserializing a type. |
CLockContentedEventArgs | Contains the stack-trace of the owning code when a lock-contention scenario is detected |
CMetaType | Represents a type at runtime for use with protobuf, allowing the field mappings (etc) to be defined |
CRuntimeTypeModel | Provides protobuf serialization support for a number of types that can be defined at runtime |
CSubType | Represents an inherited type in a type hierarchy. |
CTypeFormatEventArgs | Event arguments needed to perform type-formatting functions; this could be resolving a Type to a string suitable for serialization, or could be requesting a Type from a string. If no changes are made, a default implementation will be used (from the assembly-qualified names). |
CTypeModel | Provides protobuf serialization support for a number of types |
CValueMember | Represents a member (property/field) that is mapped to a protobuf field |
►NSerializers | |
CArrayDecorator | |
CBlobSerializer | |
CBooleanSerializer | |
CByteSerializer | |
CCharSerializer | |
CDateTimeSerializer | |
CDecimalSerializer | |
CDefaultValueDecorator | |
CDoubleSerializer | |
►CEnumSerializer | |
CEnumPair | |
CFieldDecorator | |
CGuidSerializer | |
CInt16Serializer | |
CInt32Serializer | |
CInt64Serializer | |
CIProtoSerializer | |
CIProtoTypeSerializer | |
CISerializerProxy | |
CListDecorator | |
CMemberSpecifiedDecorator | |
CNetObjectSerializer | |
CNullDecorator | |
CParseableSerializer | |
CPropertyDecorator | |
CProtoDecoratorBase | |
CSByteSerializer | |
CSingleSerializer | |
CStringSerializer | |
CSubItemSerializer | |
CSurrogateSerializer | |
CSystemTypeSerializer | |
CTagDecorator | |
CTimeSpanSerializer | |
CTupleSerializer | |
CTypeSerializer | |
CUInt16Serializer | |
CUInt32Serializer | |
CUInt64Serializer | |
CUriDecorator | |
CBufferExtension | Provides a simple buffer-based implementation of an extension object. |
CExtensible | Simple base class for supporting unexpected fields allowing for loss-less round-tips/merge, even if the data is not understod. The additional fields are (by default) stored in-memory in a buffer. |
CIExtensible | Indicates that the implementing type has support for protocol-buffer extensions. |
CIExtension | Provides addition capability for supporting unexpected fields during protocol-buffer serialization/deserialization. This allows for loss-less round-trip/merge, even when the data is not fully understood. |
CProtoAfterDeserializationAttribute | Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked after deserialization. |
CProtoAfterSerializationAttribute | Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked after serialization. |
CProtoBeforeDeserializationAttribute | Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked before deserialization. |
CProtoBeforeSerializationAttribute | Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked before serialization. |
CProtoContractAttribute | Indicates that a type is defined for protocol-buffer serialization. |
CProtoEnumAttribute | Used to define protocol-buffer specific behavior for enumerated values. |
CProtoException | Indicates an error during serialization/deserialization of a proto stream. |
CProtoIgnoreAttribute | Indicates that a member should be excluded from serialization; this is only normally used when using implict fields. |
CProtoIncludeAttribute | Indicates the known-types to support for an individual message. This serializes each level in the hierarchy as a nested message to retain wire-compatibility with other protocol-buffer implementations. |
CProtoMemberAttribute | Declares a member to be used in protocol-buffer serialization, using the given Tag. A DataFormat may be used to optimise the serialization format (for instance, using zigzag encoding for negative numbers, or fixed-length encoding for large values. |
CProtoPartialIgnoreAttribute | Indicates that a member should be excluded from serialization; this is only normally used when using implict fields. This allows ProtoIgnoreAttribute usage even for partial classes where the individual members are not under direct control. |
CProtoPartialMemberAttribute | Declares a member to be used in protocol-buffer serialization, using the given Tag and MemberName. This allows ProtoMemberAttribute usage even for partial classes where the individual members are not under direct control. A DataFormat may be used to optimise the serialization format (for instance, using zigzag encoding for negative numbers, or fixed-length encoding for large values. |
CProtoReader | A stateful reader, used to read a protobuf stream. Typical usage would be (sequentially) to call ReadFieldHeader and (after matching the field) an appropriate Read* method. |
CProtoWriter | Represents an output stream for writing protobuf data |
CSerializationContext | Additional information about a serialization operation |
CSubItemToken | Used to hold particulars relating to nested objects. This is opaque to the caller - simply give back the token you are given at the end of an object. |
►NSandbox | |
►NAI | |
CActionCollection | |
CIMyBot | |
CMyAIComponent | |
CMyAIPlugin | |
CMyBotCollection | |
CMySandboxBot | |
►NAppCode | |
►NGame | |
►NSessions | |
CMyDataCorruptedException | |
►NTransparentGeometry | |
CMySunWind | |
CMyExternalAppBase | |
►NCommon | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
CEnvironmentItemsEntry | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AdvancedDoorDefinition | |
COpening | |
CSubpartDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightDoorGenericDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightHangarDoorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightSlideDoorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirVentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AngleGrinderDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AssemblerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BatteryBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BeaconDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ButtonPanelDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CameraBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CockpitDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CryoChamberDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ExtendedPistonBaseDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GasGeneratorResourceInfo | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GasTankDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGeneratorBaseDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGeneratorSphereDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GyroDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HandDrillDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_JumpDriveDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LandingGearDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LargeTurretBaseDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LaserAntennaDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LightingBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MechanicalConnectionBlockBaseDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoomDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MergeBlockDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_MissileAmmoDefinition | |
CAmmoMissileProperties | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MissileLauncherDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStatorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorStatorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorSuspensionDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OreDetectorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenContainerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenContainerObject | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenFarmDefinition | |
CMyProducedGasInfo | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenTankDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalModelCollectionDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PistonBaseDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProgrammableBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RadioAntennaDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ReactorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RefineryDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ReflectorBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RemoteControlDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SensorBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipControllerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipDrillDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SoundBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SpaceBallDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TimerBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VirtualMassDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WarheadDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_WeaponBlockDefinition | |
CWeaponBlockWeaponDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WelderDefinition | |
CMyPhysicalModelItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AdvancedDoor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightDoorGeneric | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightHangarDoor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirtightSlideDoor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AirVent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AngleGrinder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Assembler | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AutomaticRifle | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AutopilotBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AutopilotClipboard | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AutopilotWaypoint | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BatteryBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Beacon | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ButtonPanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CameraBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Cockpit | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Collector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ControlPanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Conveyor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorConnector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorSorter | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorTurretBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CryoChamber | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Decoy | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Door | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Drill | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ExtendedPistonBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GasTank | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGenerator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGeneratorBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GravityGeneratorSphere | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Gyro | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HandDrill | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret | |
CMyObjectBuilder_JumpDrive | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Ladder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LandingGear | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LaserAntenna | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LightingBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MechanicalConnectionBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MergeBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Meteor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Missile | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedRotor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorRotor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorStator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MotorSuspension | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MyProgrammableBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OreDetector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenFarm | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenGenerator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OxygenTank | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Passage | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PistonBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PistonTop | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock | |
CQueueItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Projector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Reactor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RealWheel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Refinery | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ReflectorLight | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RemoteControl | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SensorBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipConnector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipController | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipGrinder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipToolBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipWelder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SignalLight | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SimpleAutopilot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SmallGatlingGun | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncher | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncherReload | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SolarPanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SoundBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SpaceBall | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TextPanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Thrust | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TimerBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemTerminal | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemTerminalBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemTerminalGroup | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TurretBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UpgradeModule | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UserControllableGun | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VirtualMass | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Warhead | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Welder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Wheel | |
CMyModelObj | |
CMyRenderDebugInputComponent | This debug component can be used to remember debug draws methods, aabbs or matrices to be drawn, even if the event occurs just once and data can not be retrieved to render them in next frames. |
►NCommonLib | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiLabel | |
►NDefinitions | |
►NGUI | |
CMyButtonListStyleDefinition | |
►CMyGuiSkinDefinition | |
CIconStyleDefinition | |
CMyContextMenuStyleDefinition | |
CCubeBlockEffect | |
CCubeBlockEffectBase | |
CCubeMaterialSet | |
CMyAdvancedDoorDefinition | |
CMyAgentDefinition | |
CMyAiCommandBehaviorDefinition | |
CMyAiCommandDefinition | |
CMyAirtightDoorGenericDefinition | |
CMyAirtightHangarDoorDefinition | |
CMyAirtightSlideDoorDefinition | |
CMyAirVentDefinition | |
CMyAmmoDefinition | |
CMyAmmoMagazineDefinition | |
CMyAngleGrinderDefinition | |
CMyAnimalBotDefinition | |
CMyAnimationDefinition | |
CMyAreaMarkerDefinition | |
CMyAssemblerDefinition | |
CMyAudioEffectDefinition | |
►CMyBarbarianWaveEventDefinition | |
CWave | |
CMyBatteryBlockDefinition | |
CMyBattleDefinition | |
CMyBeaconDefinition | |
CMyBehaviorDefinition | |
CMyBlockBlueprintDefinition | |
CMyBlueprintClassDefinition | |
CMyBlueprintDefinition | |
►CMyBlueprintDefinitionBase | |
CItem | |
CProductionInfo | |
CMyBotDefinition | |
CMyButtonPanelDefinition | |
CMyCameraBlockDefinition | |
CMyCargoContainerDefinition | |
►CMyCharacterDefinition | |
CRagdollBoneSet | |
CMyCockpitDefinition | |
CMyComponentDefinition | |
CMyComponentGroupDefinition | |
CMyComponentSubstitutionDefinition | |
CMyCompositeBlueprintDefinition | |
►CMyCompoundBlockTemplateDefinition | |
CMyCompoundBlockBinding | |
CMyCompoundBlockRotationBinding | |
►CMyConsumableItemDefinition | |
CStatValue | |
►CMyContainerTypeDefinition | |
CContainerTypeItem | |
►CMyControllerSchemaDefinition | |
CControlGroup | |
CMyConveyorSorterDefinition | |
CMyCryoChamberDefinition | |
►CMyCubeBlockDefinition | |
CBuildProgressModel | |
CComponent | |
CMountPoint | |
CMyCubeBlockDefinitionGroup | |
CMyCubeDefinition | |
CMyDebrisDefinition | |
CMyDebugSphere1Definition | |
CMyDebugSphere2Definition | |
CMyDebugSphere3Definition | |
CMyDefinitionManager | |
►CMyDestructionDefinition | |
CMyFracturedPieceDefinition | |
CMyDoorDefinition | |
CMyEdgeDefinition | |
CMyEdgeOrientationInfo | |
CMyEdgesDefinition | |
CMyEngineerToolBaseDefinition | |
►CMyEntityStatDefinition | |
CGuiDefinition | |
CMyEnvironmentDefinition | Global (environment) mergeable definitions |
CMyEnvironmentItemDefinition | |
CMyEnvironmentItemsDefinition | |
CMyEquivalencyGroupDefinition | |
CMyExtendedPistonBaseDefinition | |
CMyFactionDefinition | |
►CMyFloraElementDefinition | |
CGrowthStep | |
CMyFontDefinition | |
CMyFracturedBlockDefinition | |
CMyGasProperties | |
CMyGasTankDefinition | |
CMyGhostCharacterDefinition | |
CMyGlobalEventDefinition | |
►CMyGpsCollectionDefinition | |
CMyGpsAction | |
CMyGpsCoordinate | |
CMyGravityGeneratorBaseDefinition | |
CMyGravityGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyGravityGeneratorSphereDefinition | |
CMyGridCreateToolDefinition | |
CMyGuiBlockCategoryDefinition | |
CMyGyroDefinition | |
CMyHandDrillDefinition | |
CMyHandItemDefinition | |
CMyHumanoidBotDefinition | |
CMyJumpDriveDefinition | |
CMyLandingGearDefinition | |
CMyLargeTurretBaseDefinition | |
CMyLaserAntennaDefinition | |
CMyLCDTextureDefinition | |
CMyLightingBlockDefinition | |
CMyLootBagDefinition | |
CMyMaterialEnvironmentItem | |
CMyMechanicalConnectionBlockBaseDefinition | |
CMyMedicalRoomDefinition | |
CMyMergeBlockDefinition | |
CMyMissileAmmoDefinition | |
CMyMissileLauncherDefinition | |
CMyMotorAdvancedStatorDefinition | |
CMyMotorStatorDefinition | |
CMyMotorSuspensionDefinition | |
►CMyMultiBlockDefinition | |
CMyMultiBlockPartDefinition | |
CMyOreDetectorDefinition | |
CMyOxygenContainerDefinition | |
CMyOxygenFarmDefinition | |
►CMyOxygenGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyGasGeneratorResourceInfo | |
CMyOxygenTankDefinition | |
CMyPhysicalItemDefinition | |
►CMyPhysicalMaterialDefinition | |
CCollisionProperty | |
CImpactSounds | |
CMyPhysicalModelCollectionDefinition | |
►CMyPhysicalModelDefinition | |
CPostprocessor | |
CMyPirateAntennaDefinition | |
CMyPistonBaseDefinition | |
CMyPlanetEnvironmentalSoundRule | |
CMyPlanetEnvironmentMapping | |
CMyPlanetGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyPlanetPrefabDefinition | |
CMyPoweredCargoContainerDefinition | |
CMyPowerProducerDefinition | |
CMyPrefabDefinition | |
CMyPrefabThrowerDefinition | |
CMyProductionBlockDefinition | |
CMyProgrammableBlockDefinition | |
CMyProjectileAmmoDefinition | |
CMyProjectorDefinition | |
CMyRadioAntennaDefinition | |
CMyReactorDefinition | |
CMyRefineryDefinition | |
CMyReflectorBlockDefinition | |
CMyRemoteControlDefinition | |
CMyRepairBlueprintDefinition | |
CMyResearchDefinition | |
CMyResourceDistributionGroupDefinition | |
CMyRespawnShipDefinition | |
CMyRopeDefinition | |
►CMyScenarioDefinition | |
CStartingItem | |
CStartingPhysicalItem | |
CMySchematicItemDefinition | |
CMyScriptedGroupDefinition | |
CMySensorBlockDefinition | |
CMySessionComponentResearchDefinition | |
CMyShipControllerDefinition | |
CMyShipDrillDefinition | |
CMyShipSoundsDefinition | |
CMyShipSoundSystemDefinition | |
CMySolarPanelDefinition | |
CMySoundBlockDefinition | |
►CMySoundCategoryDefinition | |
CSoundDescription | |
CMySpaceBallDefinition | |
►CMySpawnGroupDefinition | |
CSpawnGroupPrefab | |
CSpawnGroupVoxel | |
CMyTextPanelDefinition | |
CMyThrustDefinition | |
CMyTileDefinition | |
CMyTimerBlockDefinition | |
CMyToolActionDefinition | |
CMyToolHitCondition | |
CMyToolItemDefinition | |
CMyTransparentMaterialDefinition | |
CMyTreeDefinition | |
CMyUsableItemDefinition | |
CMyVirtualMassDefinition | |
CMyVoxelHandDefinition | |
CMyVoxelMapStorageDefinition | |
CMyVoxelMaterialDefinition | |
CMyVoxelMaterialModifierDefinition | |
CMyVoxelMiningDefinition | |
CMyWarheadDefinition | |
CMyWeaponBlockDefinition | |
►CMyWeaponDefinition | |
CMyWeaponAmmoData | |
CMyWeaponEffect | |
CMyWeaponItemDefinition | |
CMyWelderDefinition | |
CVoxelMapChange | |
►NEngine | |
►NAudio | |
CIMy3DSoundEmitter | |
CMyAudio | |
CMyCueBank | |
CMyEntity3DSoundEmitter | |
CMyInMemoryWave | |
CMySourceVoice | |
CMySourceVoicePool | |
CMyWaveBank | |
►CMyWaveFormat | |
CComparer | |
CMyX3DAudio | |
►NModels | |
CMyModelOctree | |
CMyModelOctreeNode | |
►NMultiplayer | |
CAllMembersDataMsg | |
CCallbackInfo | |
CIControlMessageCallback | |
CITransportCallback | |
CMessageIdAttribute | Message id, random number from 0 to 16383 Must be unique (there's assert for it to) |
CMyClientDebugCommands | |
CMyClientState | Client state, can be defined per-game. |
CMyControlAckHeaderMessageMsg | |
CMyControlAckMessageMsg | |
CMyControlBanClientMsg | |
CMyControlDisconnectedMsg | |
CMyControlKickClientMsg | |
CMyControlMessageCallback | |
CMyControlProfilerMsg | |
CMyControlWorldRequestMsg | |
CMyDedicatedServer | |
CMyDedicatedServerBase | |
CMyDownloadProfilerResult | |
CMyDownloadWorldResult | |
CMyDynamicObjectResolver | |
CMyLagQueue | |
►CMyMultiplayerBase | |
CMyConnectedClientData | |
CMyMultiplayerBattleData | |
CMyMultiplayerClient | |
CMyMultiplayerClientBase | |
CMyMultiplayerHostResult | |
CMyMultiplayerJoinResult | |
CMyMultiplayerLobby | Container of multiplayer classes |
CMyMultiplayerLobbyClient | Container of multiplayer classes |
CMyMultiplayerServerBase | |
CMyServerDebugCommands | |
CMyTransportLayer | |
CNetworkStat | |
CScriptedChatMsg | |
►NNetworking | |
CIMyAnalytics | |
CMyAudioInfo | |
CMyEndSessionStatistics | |
►CMyEShop | |
CNLFeedback | |
CMyGameplayEndAnalytics | |
CMyGameplayStartAnalytics | |
CMyGraphicsInfo | |
CMyInfinarioAnalytics | |
CMyLocalCache | |
CMyMultipartMessage | |
CMyMultipartSender | |
CMyNetworkReader | |
CMyNetworkStats | |
CMyPlanetNamesData | |
CMyProcessStartAnalytics | |
CMyReceiveQueue | Receives messages from Steam immediatelly on separate thread Precise receive time is required for proper interpolation |
CMyStartSessionStatistics | |
CMySteamUGC | |
CMySteamWebAPI | |
►CMySteamWorkshop | |
CCategory | |
CMyWorkshopPathInfo | |
CResultData | |
CSubscribedItem | |
►NPhysics | |
CMyBlockShapePool | |
►CMyBreakableShapeCloneJob | |
CArgs | |
CMyCharacterProxy | |
►CMyPhysics | |
CCollisionLayers | Collision layers that can be used to filter what collision should be found for casting methods. |
CFractureImpactDetails | |
CHitInfo | |
CMyContactPointEvent | |
►CMyPhysicsBody | Abstract engine physics body object. |
CMyWeldInfo | |
CMyRagdollMapper | Maps Ragdoll instance to Character Bones |
CMyWeldGroupData | |
CMyWeldingGroups | |
CPhysicsLayers | |
►NPlatform | |
►NVideoMode | |
CMyAspectRatio | |
CMyGraphicsSettings | |
CFixedLoop | |
CGame | The game. |
CGenericLoop | |
►NUtils | |
►CMyConfig | |
CMyDebugInputData | |
CMyConfigBase | |
CMyConfigDedicated | |
CMyCutsceneCamera | |
►CMyDebugHitCounter | |
CSample | |
CMyDebugWorkTracker | |
CMyFirstPersonCameraController | |
CMyGridIntersection | |
CMyIntersectionResultLineBoundingSphere | |
CMyLoadingPerformance | |
CMyLocalityGrouping | Use this class to prevent multiple instances close to each other at the same time. Call add instance to test whether instance can be added. |
CMyMemoryProfiler | |
CMyObfuscation | |
CMySpectator | |
CMySpectatorCameraController | |
CMyTextureAtlasUtils | |
►CMyThirdPersonSpectator | |
CSpringInfo | |
CMyTriangle | Defines a 3d triangleVertexes. Each edge goes from the origin. Cross(edge0, edge1) gives the triangleVertexes normal. |
CMyTutorialHelper | |
CMyUtilRandomVector3ByDeviatingVector | |
►CMyVoxelSegmentation | |
CSegment | |
►NVoxels | |
►NPlanet | |
CMyHeightCubemap | |
►CMyHeightmapFace | |
CHeightmapLevel | |
CHeightmapNode | |
CMyHeightmapNormal | |
►NStorage | |
CMyVoxelOperationsSessionComponent | |
CIMyIsoMesher | |
CIMyOctreeLeafNode | |
CIMyStorage | |
CIMyStorageDataProvider | |
CIMyVoxelDrawable | |
CIMyWrappedCubemapFace | |
CMyCsgBox | Creates simple axis aligned box with no noise applied to it. Meant to be simple example of how to implement CSG shape |
CMyCsgCapsule | |
CMyCsgShapeBase | Shape used in CSG operations in MyCompositeShapeProvider. It can provide signed distance from the surface of the shape as culling if this signed distance will not be within certain range of the surface given a query range. For simple implementation, see MyCsgBox |
CMyCsgSimpleSphere | |
CMyCsgSphere | |
CMyCsgTorus | |
CMyCubemap | |
CMyCubemapData | |
CMyDualContouringMesher | |
CMyHeightDetailTexture | |
CMyIsoMesh | |
CMyIsoMesherArgs | |
CMyMarchingCubesMesher | |
CMyMicroOctreeLeaf | |
CMyOctreeNode | |
►CMyOctreeStorage | |
CChunkHeader | |
►CMyPlanetMaterialProvider | |
CMaterialSampleParams | |
CPlanetBiome | |
CPlanetMaterial | |
CPlanetMaterialRule | |
CPlanetOre | |
CVoxelMaterial | |
CMyPlanetShapeProvider | |
►CMyPlanetStorageProvider | |
CSurfacePropertiesExtended | |
CMyPrecalcComponent | |
CMyPrecalcJob | |
CMyProviderLeaf | |
CMyRenderCellBuilder | |
CMyShape | |
CMyShapeBox | |
CMyShapeCapsule | |
CMyShapeEllipsoid | |
CMyShapeRamp | |
CMyShapeSphere | |
CMySparseOctree | |
►CMyStorageBase | |
CVoxelChunk | |
CWriteCacheStats | |
CMyStorageDataProviderAttribute | |
CMyTileTexture | |
CMyVoxelDataRequest | |
►CMyVoxelGeometry | |
CCellData | |
►CMyVoxelMaterialRequestHelper | |
CContouringFlagsProxy | |
CMyVoxelPhysicsBody | |
CMyVoxelTriangle | |
CMyVoxelVertex | |
CMyWorkTracker | |
CMyWrappedCubemap | |
CStoragePin | |
►NGame | |
►NAI | |
►NActions | |
CMyAgentActions | |
CMyBotActionsBase | |
CMyHumanoidBotActions | |
►NBehaviorTree | |
CIMyDecoratorLogic | |
►CMyBehaviorTree | |
CMyBehaviorTreeDesc | |
CMyBehaviorTreeActionNode | |
CMyBehaviorTreeCollection | |
CMyBehaviorTreeControlBaseNode | |
CMyBehaviorTreeControlNodeMemory | |
CMyBehaviorTreeDecoratorCounterLogic | |
CMyBehaviorTreeDecoratorNode | |
►CMyBehaviorTreeDecoratorNodeMemory | |
CCounterLogicMemory | |
CLogicMemory | |
CTimerLogicMemory | |
CMyBehaviorTreeDecoratorTimerLogic | |
CMyBehaviorTreeManager | |
CMyBehaviorTreeNode | |
CMyBehaviorTreeNodeMemory | |
CMyBehaviorTreeNodeMemoryTypeAttribute | |
CMyBehaviorTreeNodeTypeAttribute | |
CMyBehaviorTreeRoot | |
CMyBehaviorTreeSelectorNode | |
CMyBehaviorTreeSequenceNode | |
CMyPerTreeBotMemory | |
►NCommands | |
CIMyAiCommand | |
CMyAiCommandBehavior | |
►NLogic | |
CMyAgentLogic | |
CMyAnimalBotLogic | |
CMyBotLogic | |
CMyHumanoidBotLogic | |
►NNavigation | |
CMyBotNavigation | |
CMyCharacterAvoidance | |
CMyCollisionDetectionSteering | |
CMyPathSteering | |
CMySteeringBase | |
CMyStuckDetection | |
CMyTargetSteering | |
CMyTreeAvoidance | |
►NPathfinding | |
CIMyDestinationShape | A shape describing the destination of a pathfinding query. It is abstracted like this, so that the destination for an agent can be anything from a simple point to the space inside a building or a perimeter around an object. |
CIMyHighLevelComponent | This class contains information about the high-level components of a navigation group |
CIMyHighLevelPrimitiveObserver | |
CIMyNavigationGroup | |
CIMyObstacle | |
CIMyPath | An interface for describing a path for an agent It can be used by the bot navigation to steer the bot along a path, regardless of the underlying pathfinding implementation. This is what you should return from a pathfinding system to abstract away the implementation details of that system. |
CIMyPathfinding | A gateway to all the pathfinding tasks and queries |
CIMyPathfindingLog | For BW compatibility only to allow separation of Cestmir's pathfinding |
CMyBasicObstacle | |
CMyBlockNavigationDefinition | |
CMyDestinationRing | |
CMyDestinationSphere | |
CMyDynamicObstacles | |
CMyExternalPathfinding | |
CMyGridHighLevelHelper | |
►CMyGridNavigationMesh | |
CComponent | |
CMyGridObstacle | |
►CMyGridPathfinding | |
CCubeId | |
CMyHighLevelGroup | |
CMyHighLevelPrimitive | |
CMyNavgroupLinks | |
CMyNavigationEdge | |
►CMyNavigationInputMesh | |
CCacheInterval | |
CCapsuleMesh | |
CCubeInfo | |
CGridInfo | |
CIcoSphereMesh | |
CWorldVerticesInfo | |
►CMyNavigationMesh | |
CFunnelState | |
CMyNavigationPrimitive | |
CMyNavigationTriangle | |
►CMyNavmeshComponents | A helper class to store mapping from triangles (represented by their int index) to components (represented by their int index) and cells (ulong), given following conditions: |
CCellInfo | |
CClosedCellInfo | |
CMyNavmeshCoordinator | |
►CMyNavmeshManager | |
CCoordComparer | |
COBBCoordComparer | |
►CMyNavmeshOBBs | Class that contains the OBBs that are used to obtain tiled mesh (ground and grid), used by Pathfinding |
COBBCoords | |
CMyPathfinding | |
CMyRandomLocationSphere | |
CMyRDPath | |
CMyRDPathfinding | |
CMySmartGoal | |
CMySmartPath | |
►CMyVoxelConnectionHelper | |
COuterEdgePoint | |
►CMyVoxelHighLevelHelper | |
CComponent | |
CConnectionInfo | |
CMyVoxelNavigationMesh | |
►CMyVoxelPathfinding | |
CCellId | |
CMyVoxelPathfindingLog | |
►CActionCollection | |
CBotActionDesc | |
CBehaviorActionImplAttribute | |
CBehaviorLogicAttribute | |
CIMyBot | |
CIMyEntityBot | |
►CMyAgentBot | |
CMyLastActions | |
CSLastRunningState | |
►CMyAIComponent | |
CAgentGroupData | |
CMyAIPlugin | |
CMyAiTargetBase | |
►CMyAiTargetManager | |
CReservedAreaData | |
CReservedEntityData | |
CMyAnimalBot | |
CMyAutopilotBase | |
CMyBotAiming | |
CMyBotCollection | |
►CMyBotFactoryBase | |
CBehaviorData | |
CBehaviorTypeData | |
CLogicData | |
CMyBotMemory | |
CMyBotTypeAttribute | |
CMyHumanoidBot | |
CMySimpleAutopilot | |
CTargetTypeAttribute | |
►NAudio | |
CMyMusicController | |
►NComponents | |
CMyCharacterSoundComponent | |
CMyCharacterStatComponent | |
►CMyCraftingComponentBase | |
CMyBlueprintToProduce | Normal class to hold information about blueprint being produced |
CMyRepairBlueprintToProduce | Use this class with blueprints, that are type of MyRepairBlueprintDefinition, intended for repairing items.. |
CMyCraftingComponentBasic | |
CMyCraftingComponentBlock | |
CMyCraftingComponentInteractive | |
CMyDebugRenderCompomentDrawDrillBase | |
CMyDebugRenderComponent | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentCharacter | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentCockpit | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentCubeBlock | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentCubeGrid | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentDrawConveyorEndpoint | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentDrawConveyorSegment | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentDrawPowerReciever | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentEngineerTool | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentGravityGenerator | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentGravityGeneratorSphere | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentLadder | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentLandingGear | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentLargeTurret | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentMotorBase | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentMotorStator | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentMotorSuspension | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentPlanet | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentShipMergeBlock | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentSmallGatlingGun | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentSolarPanel | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentTerminal | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentThrust | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentVoxelMap | |
CMyDebugRenderCompoonentShipConnector | |
CMyEntityGameLogic | |
CMyEntityStatComponent | |
CMyFracturePiecePositionComponent | |
CMyRenderComponent | |
CMyRenderComponentAutomaticRifle | |
►CMyRenderComponentCharacter | |
CMyJetpackThrust | |
CMyRenderComponentCompoundCubeBlock | |
CMyRenderComponentCubeBlock | |
CMyRenderComponentCubeGrid | |
CMyRenderComponentDebrisVoxel | |
CMyRenderComponentEngineerTool | |
CMyRenderComponentEnvironmentItems | |
CMyRenderComponentFloatingObject | |
CMyRenderComponentFracturedPiece | |
CMyRenderComponentInventoryItem | |
CMyRenderComponentLight | |
CMyRenderComponentPlanet | |
CMyRenderComponentReflectorLight | |
CMyRenderComponentSensor | |
CMyRenderComponentSkinnedEntity | |
CMyRenderComponentSmallGatlingGun | |
CMyRenderComponentTextPanel | |
CMyRenderComponentThrust | |
CMyRenderComponentVoxelMap | |
CMyRopeAttacher | |
CMyRopeComponent | |
CMyRopeData | |
CMySessionComponentThrower | |
CMyTimerComponent | |
CMyTriggerComponent | |
CMyUpdateTriggerComponent | |
CMyUseObjectsComponent | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyCubeBlockStackSizeDefinition | |
►NEntities | |
►NBlocks | |
CIMyTriggerableBlock | |
CMyAttachableTopBlockBase | |
CMyCollector | |
CMyCryoChamber | |
CMyDecoy | |
CMyExtendedPistonBase | |
CMyGasGenerator | |
CMyGasTank | |
CMyLaserBroadcaster | |
CMyLaserReceiver | |
CMyLightingBlock | |
►CMyMechanicalConnectionBlockBase | |
CState | |
CMyPistonBase | |
CMyPistonTop | |
CMyProgrammableBlock | |
CMyProjectorBase | |
CMyRealWheel | |
CMyScenarioBuildingBlock | |
CMySensorBlock | |
CMyTextPanel | |
CMyWheel | |
CToolbarItem | |
CToolbarItemCache | |
►NCharacter | |
►NComponents | |
CMyCharacterJetpackComponent | |
CMyCharacterOxygenComponent | |
CMyCharacterPickupComponent | |
CMyCharacterRagdollComponent | |
CMyCharacterWeaponPositionComponent | Weapon positioning. |
CMyInventorySpawnComponent | |
CMyCharacter | |
CMyCharacterBreath | |
CMyCharacterComponent | |
CMyCharacterDetectorComponent | |
CMyCharacterHitInfo | |
CMyCharacterRaycastDetectorComponent | |
CMyCharacterShapecastDetectorComponent | |
CMyChatHistory | |
CMyFactionChatHistory | |
CMyFactionChatItem | |
CMyFeetIKSettings | |
CMyGlobalChatHistory | |
CMyGlobalChatItem | |
CMyPlayerChatHistory | |
CMyPlayerChatItem | |
►NCube | |
►NCubeBuilder | |
CMyCubeBuilderState | Class that handles cube builder state. |
CConnectivityResult | |
CIMyBlockAdditionalModelGenerator | Interface for implementation of additional geometry in cube grids (automatic placement of additional geometry). |
CIMyGridConnectivityTest | |
CIMyGridOverlapTest | |
CIMyPlacementProvider | |
CMassCellData | |
►CMyAdditionalModelGeneratorBase | Base class for additional model geometry with common implementation. |
CMyGeneratedBlockLocation | |
CMyGridInfo | |
CMyAssembler | |
CMyBeacon | |
CMyBlockBuilderRenderData | |
CMyBlockBuilderRotationHints | Calculates and draws rotation hints. |
CMyBlockGroupData | |
CMyBlockVerticesCache | |
CMyComponentList | |
►CMyCubeBlockCollector | |
CShapeInfo | |
CMyCubeBlockDefinitionWithVariants | |
CMyCubeBlockTypeAttribute | |
►CMyCubeBuilderGizmo | |
CMyGizmoSpaceProperties | |
CMyCubeGridMultiBlockInfo | Helper data for multiblock in a grid. |
CMyCubeGridRenderCell | |
CMyCubeGridRenderData | |
CMyCubeGrids | |
CMyCubeGridSmallToLargeConnection | Class which handles small block to large one connection. Such connection creates block and grid groups so connected grids can be copied together. It is done on server and client, but client uses it only for groups (copying of all grids together), dynamic grid testing is processed on server only. |
CMyCubeGridSystems | |
CMyDefaultPlacementProvider | |
►CMyDepositQuery | This is not in Sandbox.Engine.Voxels as I consider it gameplay related, rather than voxel engine functionality. |
CArgs | |
CMyDirtyRegion | |
►CMyDisconnectHelper | |
CGroup | |
CMyEdgeInfo | |
►CMyEntityOreDeposit | |
CData | |
CTypeComparer | |
CMyFatBlockReader | |
CMyFourEdgeInfo | |
►CMyFracturedBlock | |
CInfo | |
CMultiBlockPartInfo | |
CMyFunctionalBlock | |
CMyGridClipboard | |
CMyGridClipboardAdvanced | Enhanced clipboard which supports dynamic placing, allow rotation of static grid. |
CMyGridContactInfo | |
CMyGridMassComputer | |
CMyGridNoDamageGroupData | |
CMyGridPartsRenderData | Helper class for rendering additional grid models - roof tops, roof edges, etc). Instances must be rotated with ortho matrices only. |
►CMyGridPhysics | |
CMyDirtyBlocksInfo | Information about dirty (added, removed,...) blocks. |
CMyGridShape | |
CMyInstanceInfo | |
CMyLadder | |
CMyLaserAntenna | |
CMyMotorAdvancedRotor | |
CMyMotorAdvancedStator | |
CMyMotorBase | |
CMyMotorRotor | |
CMyMotorStator | |
CMyMotorSuspension | |
CMyMultiBlockClipboard | Multiblock clipboard for building multiblocks. Can be used for building only (not copy/paste) because it uses definitions not real tile grid/block data. |
CMyOreDepositGroup | |
CMyOreDetector | |
CMyOreDetectorBase | |
CMyOreDetectorComponent | |
CMyPassage | |
►CMyProductionBlock | Common base for Assembler and Refinery blocks |
CQueueItem | |
CMyProjectorClipboard | |
CMyRadioAntenna | |
CMyRadioBroadcaster | |
CMyRadioReceiver | |
CMyRefinery | |
CMyShipConnector | |
CMySlimBlock | |
CMySyncedBlock | |
CMyTerminalBlock | |
CMyUseObjectAdvancedDoorTerminal | |
CMyUseObjectAirtightDoors | |
CMyUseObjectCockpitDoor | |
CMyUseObjectCryoChamberDoor | |
CMyUseObjectDoorTerminal | |
CMyUseObjectPanelButton | |
CMyUseObjectTerminal | |
CMyUseObjectTextPanel | |
CMyWarhead | |
COverlapResult | |
►NDebris | |
CMyDebris | Wrapper for different types of debris and their pools. Also used to create debris. |
►CMyDebrisBase | Single physical debris object. These are stored in a pool and are not meant to be created all the time, but only pulled out and returned back to the pool. Therefore, we do not use constructor to initialize an instance. |
CMyDebrisBaseLogic | |
CMyDebrisPhysics | |
CMyDebrisBaseDescription | Description of |
CMyDebrisVoxel | This class has two functions: it encapsulated one instance of voxel debris object, and also holds static prepared/preallocated object pool for those instances - and if needed adds them to main phys objects collection for short life. It's because initializing JLX object is slow and we don't want to initialize 20 (or so) objects for every explosion. |
►NEnvironmentItems | |
CMyDestroyableItems | Class for managing all static bushes as one entity. |
►CMyEnvironmentItems | Base class for collecting environment items (of one type) in entity. Useful for drawing of instanced data, or physical shapes instances. |
CItemInfo | |
CMyEnvironmentItemData | |
CMyEnvironmentItemsSpawnData | |
CMyEnvironmentItemsCoordinator | |
CMyEnvironmentSector | Area of environment items where data is instanced. |
CMyTrees | Class for managing all static trees as one entity. |
►NInterfaces | |
CIMyInventoryItemAdapter | |
CIMyLandingGear | |
►NInventory | |
CMyComponentCombiner | |
CMyInventoryAggregate | This class implements basic functionality for the interface IMyInventoryAggregate. Use it as base class only if the basic functionality is enough. |
CMyInventoryItemAdapter | |
CMyTriggerAggregate | |
►NPlanet | |
CMyPlanetEnvironmentComponent | |
CMyPlanetEnvironmentSessionComponent | |
CMyPlanets | |
CMyPlanetSectorId | |
►NUseObject | |
CIMyUsableEntity | Simple interface for entities so they don't have to implement IMyUseObject. |
CBlockMaterial | |
CCyclingOptions | |
CIMyControllableEntity | |
CIMyGizmoDrawableObject | |
CIMyGravityProvider | |
CIMyGunBaseUser | |
CIMyGunObject | This can be hand held weapon (including welders and drills) as well as weapons on ship (including ship drills). |
CIMyHandheldGunObject | |
CIMyHandToolComponent | |
CIMyMissileGunObject | |
CIMyOxygenProvider | |
CIMySceneComponent | |
CIStoppableAttackingTool | |
CMoveInformation | |
CMyAdvancedDoor | |
CMyAirtightDoorGeneric | |
CMyAirtightHangarDoor | |
CMyAirtightSlideDoor | |
CMyAnimationCommand | |
CMyAnimationPlayerBlendPair | |
CMyAnimationSetData | |
CMyAreaMarker | |
CMyBatteryBlock | |
CMyBlockBuilderBase | |
CMyCameraBlock | |
CMyCargoContainer | |
CMyCockpit | |
►CMyComponentStack | |
CGroupInfo | |
CMyCompositeGameLogicComponent | |
CMyCompoundCubeBlock | Cube block which is composed of several cube blocks together with shared compound template name. |
CMyConstructionStockpile | |
CMyControllableSphere | |
CMyConveyor | |
CMyConveyorConnector | |
CMyConveyorSorter | |
CMyCube | |
►CMyCubeBlock | |
CMyBlockPosComponent | |
CMyCubeBuilder | |
►CMyCubeGrid | Grid - small ship, large ship, station Cubes (armor, walls...) are merge and rendered by this entity Blocks (turret, thrusts...) are rendered as child entities |
CBlockPositionId | |
CBlockTypeCounter | Used when calculating index of added block. Might not be count of blocks since removal of a block does not decrement this. Key is numerical ID of cube block definition. |
CLocationIdentity | |
CMyBlockBuildArea | |
CMyBlockLocation | |
CMySingleOwnershipRequest | |
CMyCubeGridGroups | |
CMyCubeGridHitInfo | |
CMyCubePart | |
CMyDataBroadcaster | |
CMyDataReceiver | |
CMyDebugSphere1 | |
CMyDebugSphere2 | |
CMyDebugSphere3 | |
CMyDoor | |
CMyDoorBase | GR: Added this class to be used as a base for all door classes. Added only very basic functionallity no new definitions or object builders. The main issue was that door actions (open / close) couldn't be used in groups because they were not inheriting from same class. Instead were inheriting directly from MyFunctionalBlock so this class is used in between for common attributes. |
CMyEntity3DSoundEmitter | |
CMyEntityCreationThread | |
CMyEntityIdRemapHelper | |
CMyEntityStat | |
CMyEntityStatEffectTypeAttribute | |
CMyEntityStatRegenEffect | |
►CMyExportModel | |
CMaterial | |
CMyFloatingObject | |
CMyFloatingObjectClipboard | |
CMyFloatingObjects | |
►CMyFracturedPiece | |
CHitInfo | |
CMyGamePruningStructure | |
►CMyGhostCharacter | |
CITouchPadListener | |
CMyGravityProviderComponent | |
CMyGridLogicalGroupData | |
CMyGridPhysicalDynamicGroupData | |
CMyGridPhysicalGroupData | |
CMyGridSkeleton | |
CMyGyro | |
►CMyHandToolBase | |
CMyBlockingBody | |
CMyIDModule | This should be replaced by MyEntityOwnershipComponent |
CMyInventoryBagEntity | Inventory bag spawned when character died, container breaks, or when entity from other inventory cannot be spawned then bag spawned with the item in its inventory. |
CMyJumpDrive | |
►CMyManipulationTool | Manipulation tool - used for manipulating target entities. creates fixed constraint between owner's head pivot and target. |
CMyCharacterVirtualPhysicsBody | |
►CMyMeteor | |
CMyMeteorGameLogic | |
CMyMeteorShower | |
CMyPlaceArea | |
CMyPlaceAreas | |
CMyPlanet | |
CMyPlanetInitArguments | |
CMyReactor | |
CMyReflectorLight | |
►CMyRemoteControl | |
CDetectedObject | |
CIRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour | |
CMyAutopilotWaypoint | |
CMyRenderComponentRope | |
CMyRope | |
CMyShipController | |
CMySkinnedEntity | |
CMySolarGameLogicComponent | |
CMySoundPair | |
CMySpherePlaceArea | |
CMySphericalNaturalGravityComponent | |
CMyStockpileItem | |
CMySyncGridThrustState | |
►CMyThrust | |
CFlameInfo | |
CMyTrashRemovalSettings | |
CMyUpgradableBlockComponent | |
CMyVoxelBase | |
CMyVoxelClipboard | |
CMyVoxelMap | |
CMyVoxelMaps | |
CMyWeaponSharedActionsComponentBase | |
CPlanetsNotEnabledException | |
►NEntityComponents | |
►NRenders | |
CMyRenderComponentWheel | |
►NSystems | |
CMyTimerComponentSystem | |
CMyAreaTriggerComponent | |
CMyAtmosphereDetectorComponent | |
CMyCasterComponent | Component used for finding object by casting. It is possible to create this component with different types of casting: Box, Raycast, Shape |
CMyCraftingComponentBasicDefinition | |
CMyCraftingComponentBlockDefinition | |
CMyCraftingComponentInteractiveDefinition | |
CMyEntityInventorySpawnComponent | TODO: This component should replace the MyInventorySpawnComponent which is limited to be used by CharacterComponents container |
CMyEntityInventorySpawnComponent_Definition | |
CMyEntityReferenceComponent | Reference counting component for entities |
CMyEntityReverbDetectorComponent | |
CMyEntityStatComponentDefinition | |
►CMyFractureComponentBase | Fracture component adds fractures to entities. The component replaces renderer so the entity is responsible to restore it to original when this component is removed and original state is needed (repaired blocks). |
CInfo | |
CMyFractureComponentCubeBlock | |
CMyGridOwnershipComponentBase | |
CMyGridTargeting | |
CMyInventoryComponentDefinition | |
CMyModelComponent | |
CMyModelComponentDefinition | |
CMyModStorageComponent | Component that stores custom mod data for an entity. Shared by all mods. NOTE: Create an EntityComponents.sbc with your mod's GUIDs to make sure data is saved. This allows data to remain in the world file until the user removes the mod. |
CMyPhysicsBodyComponentDefinition | |
CMyResourceDistributorComponent | |
CMyResourceSinkComponent | |
CMyResourceSourceComponent | |
CMyResourceSourceInfo | |
CMyShipSoundComponent | |
CMyTimerComponentDefinition | |
CMyUseObjectsComponentDefinition | |
►NGameSystems | |
►NContextHandling | |
CIMyFocusHolder | Defines interface for handling and releasing game focus. |
CMyGameFocusManager | Manages game objects that can be deactivated. |
►NConveyors | |
CConveyorLineEnumerator | |
CConveyorLinePosition | |
CIMyConveyorEndpoint | |
CIMyConveyorEndpointBlock | |
CIMyConveyorSegmentBlock | |
CMyAttachableConveyorEndpoint | |
►CMyConveyorLine | |
CBlockLinePositionInformation | |
CInvertedConductivity | |
CLinePositionEnumerator | Enumerates inner line positions (i.e. not endpoint positions) |
CMyConveyorPacket | |
CMyConveyorSegment | |
CMyMultilineConveyorEndpoint | |
CPullInformation | |
►NCoordinateSystem | |
►CMyCoordinateSystem | |
CCoordSystemData | |
CMyLocalCoordSys | Local coord system. |
►NElectricity | |
CIMyRechargeSocketOwner | |
CMyBattery | |
CMyRechargeSocket | |
►NStructuralIntegrity | |
CIMyIntegritySimulator | |
CMyAdvancedStaticSimulator | |
CMyOndraSimulator | |
CMyOndraSimulator2 | |
CMyOndraSimulator3 | |
CMyStructuralIntegrity | |
CDroneTarget | |
CIMyGasBlock | |
CIMyGasConsumer | |
CIMyGasProducer | |
►CMyAntennaSystem | |
CBroadcasterInfo | |
CBroadcasterInfoComparer | |
CMyBlockGroup | |
CMyChatSystem | |
CMyCubeBlockDecayScript | |
CMyDamageSystem | This session component has all damage routed through it. This allows damage tracking, nullification, mitigation and amplification. |
CMyDroneStrafeBehaviour | Improved strafe drone behavior |
►CMyEntityThrustComponent | |
CFuelTypeData | |
CMyConveyorConnectedGroup | |
CMyEnvironmentBotSpawningSystem | |
CMyFracturedPiecesManager | |
CMyGravityProviderSystem | |
CMyGridCameraSystem | |
►CMyGridConveyorSystem | |
CConveyorEndpointMapping | |
CMyGridGasSystem | |
CMyGridGyroSystem | |
CMyGridJumpDriveSystem | |
CMyGridLandingSystem | |
CMyGridReflectorLightSystem | |
CMyGridSelectionSystem | |
CMyGridTerminalSystem | |
►CMyGridWeaponSystem | |
CEventArgs | |
CMyGridWheelSystem | |
CMyGroupControlSystem | |
CMyHeightMapLoadingSystem | |
CMyOxygenBlock | |
CMyOxygenRoom | |
CMyOxygenRoomLink | Used as a pointer so that we can change rooms fast without iterating through all of the blocks |
CMyOxygenRoomLinkPool | |
CMyScenarioSystem | |
CMySpaceStrafeData | |
CMyTriggerManipulator | |
►NGui | |
►NDebugInputComponents | |
CMyReloadTestComponent | |
CIMyAsyncResult | |
CIMySearchCondition | |
CITerminalAction | |
CITerminalControl | |
CITerminalControlSync | |
CMyAIDebugInputComponent | AI Debug Input class (base on Cestmir Debug Input) |
CMyAlesDebugInputComponent | |
►CMyAlexDebugInputComponent | |
CLineInfo | |
CMyAsteroidsDebugInputComponent | |
CMyBlueprintItemInfo | |
CMyCestmirDebugInputComponent | |
CMyCharacterInputComponent | |
CMyComponentsDebugInputComponent | |
►CMyDebugComponent | |
CMyRef | |
CMyDebugEntity | |
CMyDebugScreenAttribute | |
CMyGlobalInputComponent | |
CMyGuiBlueprintScreen | |
CMyGuiBlueprintScreenBase | |
CMyGuiBlueprintTextDialog | |
CMyGuiDetailScreenBase | |
CMyGuiDetailScreenDefault | |
CMyGuiDetailScreenLocal | |
CMyGuiDetailScreenScriptLocal | |
CMyGuiDetailScreenSteam | |
CMyGuiIngameScriptsPage | |
CMyGuiScreenAdminMenu | |
CMyGuiScreenAdvancedScenarioSettings | |
CMyGuiScreenAdvancedWorldSettings | |
CMyGuiScreenBotSettings | |
CMyGuiScreenChat | |
CMyGuiScreenColorPicker | |
CMyGuiScreenConfigComponents | |
CMyGuiScreenCreateOrEditFaction | |
CMyGuiScreenCubeBuilder | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugAudio | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugBase | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCharacter | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCharacterProperties | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugDeveloper | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugErrors | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugHandItemAnimations | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugHandItemAnimations3rd | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugHandItemBase | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugHandItems | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugHandItemShoot | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugInput | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugNetwork | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugNetworkPrediction | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugOfficial | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugPlayerCamera | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugPlayerShake | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderDebug | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderEnvironment | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderEnvironmentAmbient | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderEnvironmentLight | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderEnvironmentShadows | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderGBufferDebug | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderGBufferMultipliers | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderOutdoor | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderPostprocessBloom | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderPostprocessEyeAdaptation | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderPostprocessHBAO | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderPostprocessSSAO | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderPostprocessTonemap | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderShadows | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugShipLargeProperties | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugShipSmallProperties | |
►CMyGuiScreenDebugSpawnMenu | |
CSpawnAsteroidInfo | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugStatistics | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugStructuralIntegrity | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugSystem | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugTiming | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogContainerType | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogInventoryCheat | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogPrefabCheat | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogRemoveTriangle | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogTeleportCheat | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogViewEdge | |
CMyGuiScreenEditor | |
CMyGuiScreenGameCredits | |
CMyGuiScreenGamePlay | |
CMyGuiScreenHelpSpace | |
CMyGuiScreenHudBase | |
CMyGuiScreenHudSpace | |
CMyGuiScreenIntroVideo | |
CMyGuiScreenJoinGame | |
CMyGuiScreenLoading | |
CMyGuiScreenLoadSandbox | |
CMyGuiScreenLoadSubscribedWorld | |
CMyGuiScreenMainMenu | |
CMyGuiScreenMods | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsAudio | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsControls | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsDisplay | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsGame | |
CMyGuiScreenPlayers | |
CMyGuiScreenProgressAsync | |
CMyGuiScreenRenderModules | |
CMyGuiScreenSaveAs | |
CMyGuiScreenScenario | |
CMyGuiScreenSpawnDefinedEntity | |
CMyGuiScreenSpawnEntity | |
CMyGuiScreenStartQuickLaunch | |
CMyGuiScreenStartSandbox | |
CMyGuiScreenTerminal | |
►CMyGuiScreenText | |
CStyle | |
CMyGuiScreenTextPanel | |
►CMyGuiScreenToolbarConfigBase | |
CGridItemUserData | |
CMyGuiScreenTutorial | |
CMyGuiScreenVoxelHandSetting | |
CMyGuiScreenWorkshopTags | |
CMyGuiScreenWorldGeneratorSettings | |
CMyGuiScreenWorldSettings | |
►CMyHonzaInputComponent | |
CDefaultComponent | |
CLiveWatchComponent | |
CPhysicsComponent | |
CMyHud | |
►CMyHudBlockInfo | |
CComponentInfo | |
CMyHudCameraInfo | |
►CMyHudChangedInventoryItems | |
CMyItemInfo | |
CMyHudCharacterInfo | |
CMyHudChat | |
CMyHudCrosshair | |
►CMyHudGpsMarkers | |
CDistanceFromCameraComparer | |
CMyHudGravityIndicator | |
CMyHudHackingMarkers | |
CMyHudLargeTurretTargets | |
CMyHudLocationMarkers | |
CMyHudMissingComponentNotification | |
►CMyHudNameValueData | |
CData | |
►CMyHudNetgraph | |
CNetgraphLineData | |
CMyHudNotification | |
CMyHudNotificationBase | |
CMyHudNotificationDebug | |
►CMyHudNotifications | |
CControlsHelper | |
CMyHudObjectHighlightStyleData | |
CMyHudObjectiveLine | |
CMyHudOreMarkers | |
CMyHudQuestlog | |
CMyHudScenarioInfo | |
CMyHudScreenEffects | |
CMyHudSelectedObject | |
CMyHudSelectedObjectStatus | |
CMyHudShipInfo | |
CMyHudSinkGroupInfo | |
►CMyHudText | |
CComparerType | |
CMyHudVoiceChat | |
CMyHudWarning | This class represents HUD warning |
CMyHudWarningGroup | This class represents HUD warning group. Only 1 warning can be signalized, from this group. |
CMyHudWarnings | This class represents HUD warnings for entities |
CMyHudWorldBorderChecker | |
CMyLoadAISchoolListResult | |
CMyLoadListResult | |
CMyLoadMissionListResult | |
CMyLoadTutorialListResult | |
CMyLoadWorldInfoListResult | |
►CMyMartinInputComponent | |
CMyMarker | |
CMyMichalDebugInputComponent | |
►CMyMultiDebugInputComponent | |
CMultidebugData | |
CMyOndraInputComponent | |
CMyPetaInputComponent | |
CMyPlanetsDebugInputComponent | |
CMyRendererStatsComponent | |
CMyScriptItemInfo | |
CMySearchByCategoryCondition | |
CMySearchByStringCondition | |
CMySplashScreen | |
CMyTerminalAction | |
CMyTerminalChatController | |
CMyTerminalControl | Terminal control for specified block type. E.g. Torque slider for stator |
CMyTerminalControlButton | |
CMyTerminalControlCheckbox | |
CMyTerminalControlColor | |
CMyTerminalControlCombobox | |
CMyTerminalControlListbox | |
CMyTerminalControlOnOffSwitch | |
CMyTerminalControlPanel | |
CMyTerminalControls | |
CMyTerminalControlSeparator | |
CMyTerminalControlSlider | |
CMyTerminalControlTextbox | |
CMyTerminalFactionController | |
CMyTerminalGpsController | |
CMyTerminalInfoController | |
CMyTerminalInventoryController | |
CMyTerminalProductionController | |
CMyTestersInputComponent | |
CMyTomasInputComponent | |
CMyVRDebugInputComponent | |
CTerminalControl | |
►NGUI | |
►NDebugInputComponents | |
►NHonzaDebugInputComponent | |
CLiveWatch | |
CMyOndraDebugIntegrity | |
CMyOndraDebugIntegrity2 | |
CMyResearchDebugInputComponent | |
CMyVisualScriptingDebugInputComponent | |
►CMyVoxelDebugInputComponent | |
CPhysicsComponent | |
CValueGetScreenWithCaption | |
►NHudViewers | |
CMyHudControlChat | |
CMyHudMarkerRender | |
►CMyHudMarkerRenderBase | |
CDistanceComparer | |
CMyMarkerStyle | |
CMyCommandCharacter | |
CMyCommandConsole | |
CMyCommandEntity | |
CMyCommandScript | |
CMyGuiAudio | |
CMyGuiScreenConsole | |
CMyGuiScreenScenarioWaitForPlayers | |
CMyGuiSkinManager | |
CMyHudCameraOverlay | |
►NLights | |
CMyDirectionalLight | |
CMyLight | |
CMyLights | |
►NLocalization | |
CMyKeysToString | |
CMyUtilKeyToString | |
CMyUtilKeyToStringLocalized | |
CMyUtilKeyToStringSimple | |
►NMultiplayer | |
CIEntityMessage | |
CMyCameraCollection | |
CMyCameraControllerSettings | |
CMyClientCollection | |
CMyEntityCameraSettings | |
CMyEntitySerializer | |
CMyFactionCollection | |
CMyGpsCollection | |
CMyNetworkTimer | Returns continuous server time including network lag For server it's real time, and speed won't ever change |
CMyPerPlayerData | |
►CMyPlayerCollection | |
CAllPlayerData | |
CRespawnMsg | |
CMySyncDamage | |
CMySyncEntity | |
►CMySyncGlobal | |
CPlayMusicMsg | |
CShowNotificationMsg | |
CMySyncLayer | |
CMyToolBarCollection | |
CPlayerRequestArgs | |
►NParticleEffects | |
CMyCubeBlockEffect | |
CMyCubeBlockParticleEffect | |
►NReplication | |
►NHistory | |
CIMySnapshotSync | |
CMyAnimatedSnapshotSync | |
CMyPredictedSnapshotSync | |
CMyPredictedSnapshotSyncSetup | |
CMySnapshot | |
►CMySnapshotHistory | |
CMyItem | |
CMySnapshotSyncSetup | |
►NStateGroups | |
CMyCharacterPhysicsStateGroup | Responsible for synchronizing entity physics over network |
CMyEntityInventoryStateGroup | |
►CMyEntityPhysicsStateGroup | Responsible for synchronizing entity physics over network |
CPrioritySettings | To be cleaned up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
CMyFloatingObjectPhysicsStateGroup | |
CMyPropertySyncStateGroup | Property sync state group. Synchronizes Sync members in SyncType. |
CMyStreamingEntityStateGroup | |
CMyCharacterNetState | Currently used to inject new state read from character state group to MyCharacter |
CMyCharacterPhysicsStateGroup | Responsible for synchronizing entity physics over network |
CMyCharacterPositionVerificationStateGroup | |
CMyCharacterReplicable | |
CMyComponentReplicableBase | |
CMyCraftingComponentReplicable | |
CMyCubeGridReplicable | |
CMyEntityInventoryStateGroup | |
►CMyEntityPhysicsStateGroup | Responsible for synchronizing entity physics over network |
CPrioritySettings | |
CMyEntityPhysicsStateGroupWithSupport | This takes care of support, on what the entity is standing on. |
►CMyEntityPositionVerificationStateGroup | |
CClientData | |
CMyEntityReplicableBase | |
CMyEntityReplicableBaseEvent | Same as MyEntityReplicableBase, but with support for event proxy. |
CMyExternalReplicable | |
CMyExternalReplicableEvent | Same as MyExternalReplicableEvent, but with support for event proxy. |
CMyFloatingObjectPhysicsStateGroup | |
CMyFloatingObjectReplicable | This class creates replicable object for MyReplicableEntity : MyEntity |
CMyGridNetState | |
CMyGridPhysicsStateGroup | Responsible for synchronizing entity physics over network |
CMyGridPositionVerificationStateGroup | |
CMyInventoryBagReplicable | This class creates replicable object for MyReplicableEntity : MyEntity |
CMyInventoryBaseReplicable | |
CMyInventoryReplicable | |
CMyMeteorReplicable | |
CMyPropertySyncStateGroup | Property sync state group. Synchronizes Sync members in SyncType. |
CMyReplicableFactory | |
CMyRopeReplicable | |
CMySmallObjectPhysicsStateGroup | |
CMyStreamingEntityStateGroup | |
CMyTerminalBlockData | |
CMyTerminalReplicable | Responsible for synchronizing cube block properties over network |
CMyTimestampHelper | |
CMyTimeStampValues | |
CMyVoxelReplicable | |
►NScreens | |
►NDebugScreens | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugAi | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCharacterKinematics | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCrashTests | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCubeBlocks | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugCutscenes | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugDrawSettings | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugDrawSettings2 | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugDrawSettings3 | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugEnvironment | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugFeetIK | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugPhysics | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugPlanets | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderEnvironmentAtmosphere | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderLodding | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugRenderOverrides | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugThrusts | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugTravel | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugVoxelMaterials | |
CMyGuiScreenDebugVoxels | |
►NHelpers | |
CIMyControlMenuInitializer | |
CIMyToolbarItemEntity | |
CMyAbstractControlMenuItem | |
CMyBattleLoadListResult | |
CMyBattleMapInfo | |
CMyBriefingMenuControlHelper | |
CMyCameraModeControlHelper | |
CMyColorPickerControlHelper | |
CMyConnectorControlHelper | |
CMyControllableEntityControlHelper | |
CMyEnableStationRotationControlHelper | |
CMyGps | |
CMyGridColorHelper | |
CMyGuiControlComponentList | |
CMyGuiControlContentButton | |
CMyGuiControlInventoryOwner | Composite control for inventory. Not a general-use control so don't use it for anything but inventories. Also not meant for editor or serialization. |
CMyGuiControlNews | |
CMyGuiControlOnOffSwitch | |
CMyGuiControlSaveBrowser | |
CMyGuiControlScenarioButton | |
CMyGuiControlScreenSwitchPanel | |
►CMyGuiControlStats | |
CMyGuiControlStat | |
CMyGuiControlToolbar | |
CMyGuiControlVoxelHandSettings | |
CMyHudToggleControlHelper | |
CMyLandingGearControlHelper | |
CMyLoadingScreenQuote | |
CMyLobbyHelper | |
CMyPauseToggleControlHelper | |
CMyQuickLoadControlHelper | |
CMyShowBuildScreenControlHelper | |
CMyShowTerminalControlHelper | |
CMySpaceControlMenuInitializer | |
CMySuicideControlHelper | |
CMyTerminalComparer | |
►CMyToolbar | |
CIMyToolbarExtension | |
CIndexArgs | |
CPageChangeArgs | |
CSlotArgs | |
CMyToolbarComponent | |
CMyToolbarItem | |
CMyToolbarItemActions | |
CMyToolbarItemAiCommand | |
CMyToolbarItemAnimation | |
CMyToolbarItemAreaMarker | |
CMyToolbarItemBot | |
CMyToolbarItemConsumable | |
CMyToolbarItemCreateGrid | |
CMyToolbarItemCubeBlock | |
CMyToolbarItemDefinition | |
CMyToolbarItemDescriptor | |
CMyToolbarItemEmpty | |
CMyToolbarItemPrefabThrower | |
CMyToolbarItemTerminalBlock | |
CMyToolbarItemTerminalGroup | |
CMyToolbarItemUsable | |
CMyToolbarItemVoxelHand | |
CMyToolbarItemWeapon | |
CMyUseTerminalControlHelper | |
►NTerminal | |
►NControls | |
CITerminalValueControl | |
CMyTerminalControlLabel | |
CMyTerminalControlProperty | |
CMyTerminalValueControl | |
CMyTerminalPropertiesController | |
►NTriggers | |
CMyGuiScreenTrigger | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerAllOthersLost | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerBlockDestroyed | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerLives | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerNoSpawn | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerPosition | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerPositionLeft | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerPositionReached | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerSomeoneWon | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerTime | |
CMyGuiScreenTriggerTimeLimit | |
CMyGuiControlQuestlog | |
CMyGuiScreenBriefing | |
CMyGuiScreenControlMenu | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogText | |
CMyGuiScreenFade | |
►CMyGuiScreenHighlight | This screen serves the highlighting purposes. Instantiate it through the static methods only. Should directly overlay the screen of the referenced controls. |
CMyHighlightControl | |
CMyGuiScreenMainMenuBase | |
CMyGuiScreenMission | |
CMyGuiScreenMissionTriggers | |
CMyGuiScreenNewControlTesting | |
CMyGuiScreenNewGame | |
CMyGuiScreenNewsletter | |
CMyGuiScreenScenarioBase | |
CMyGuiScreenScenarioMpBase | |
CMyGuiScreenScenarioMpClient | |
CMyGuiScreenScenarioMpServer | |
CMyGuiScreenScriptingTools | |
CMyGuiScreenWardrobe | |
CMyLoadingException | |
►NSessionComponents | |
►NClipboard | |
CMyClipboardComponent | |
CIMyVoxelBrush | |
CIMyVoxelBrushGUIProperty | |
CMyBrushAutoLevel | |
CMyBrushBox | |
CMyBrushCapsule | |
CMyBrushEllipsoid | |
CMyBrushGUIPropertyNumberCombo | |
CMyBrushGUIPropertyNumberSelect | |
CMyBrushGUIPropertyNumberSlider | |
CMyBrushRamp | |
CMyBrushSphere | |
CMyCampaignSessionComponent | Maintains a state machine that holds campain progress. This session component is shared with newly loaded campaign worlds and serialized on session saving. |
CMyEntityTransformationSystem | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticles | |
►CMyFloraAreas | |
CAreaData | |
CMyGridPickupComponent | |
►CMyHighlightSystem | System designed to propagate highlights over the network. The replication happens only for server calls. Client side cannot ask for highlights on other clients. |
CMyHighlightData | |
CMyHitReportingComponent | Handles client-side reactions to hits (change in crosshair color, hit sounds, etc...). Also handles sending the hit messages on the server so that clients can react on them |
CMyPlanetTrackComponent | |
CMyRespawnComponentBase | |
CMyScriptedGroupsSystem | |
CMySectorWeatherComponent | |
CMySessionComponentArmorHand | |
CMySessionComponentCutscenes | |
CMySessionComponentEntityTrigger | |
CMySessionComponentEquivalency | |
CMySessionComponentMissionTriggers | |
CMySessionComponentPlanetAmbientSounds | |
CMySessionComponentResearch | |
CMySessionComponentTrash | |
CMySessionComponentTriggerSystem | |
CMySessionComponentVoxelHand | |
CMySteamAchievementBase | |
CMySteamAchievements | |
CMyUniformGravityProviderComponent | |
►NUtils | |
CMyMaterialPropertiesHelper | |
CMyOctree | |
►NVoiceChat | |
CIMyVoiceChatLogic | |
CMyVoiceChatSessionComponent | |
►NWeapons | |
►NGuns | |
►NBarrels | |
CMyLargeBarrelBase | |
CMyAmmoTypeData | |
►CMyDrillSensorBase | |
CDetectionInfo | |
CMyDrillSensorBox | |
CMyDrillSensorRayCast | |
CMyDrillSensorSphere | |
CMyMissileData | |
CMyProjectileData | |
CMyAmmoBase | |
CMyAmmoMagazine | |
CMyAngleGrinder | |
CMyAutomaticRifleGun | |
CMyBaseInventoryItemEntity | |
CMyBlockPlacerBase | |
CMyDeviceBase | |
►CMyDrillBase | Common code for all drills (both cube blocks on ship and hand drill). |
CSounds | |
CMyDrillCutOut | |
CMyEngineerToolBase | |
►CMyGunBase | |
CDummyContainer | |
CMyHandDrill | |
CMyLargeGatlingBarrel | |
CMyLargeTurretBase | |
CMyMissile | |
CMyMissiles | |
CMyProjectile | |
CMyProjectiles | |
CMyShipDrill | |
CMyShipGrinder | |
CMyShipToolBase | |
CMySmallGatlingGun | |
CMySmallMissileLauncher | |
CMySmallMissileLauncherReload | |
CMyToolBase | |
CMyUserControllableGun | |
CMyWeaponPropertiesWrapper | |
►CMyWelder | |
CProjectionRaycastData | |
►NWorld | |
►NGenerator | |
CIMyAsteroidFieldDensityFunction | |
CMyBoxOreDeposit | |
CMyCompositeOrePlanetDeposit | |
CMyCompositeShapeGeneratedData | |
CMyCompositeShapeOreDeposit | |
CMyCompositeShapeProvider | |
CMyEncounterGenerator | |
CMyEntityTracker | |
CMyInfiniteDensityFunction | |
CMyObjectSeed | |
CMyOreProbability | |
CMyPanCakeFieldDesityFunction | |
CMyPlanetDetailModulator | |
CMyProceduralAsteroidCellGenerator | |
CMyProceduralCell | |
CMyProceduralPlanetCellGenerator | |
CMyProceduralWorldGenerator | |
CMyProceduralWorldModule | |
CMySphereDensityFunction | |
►NTriggers | |
CMyMissionTriggers | |
CMyTrigger | |
CMyTriggerAllOthersLost | |
CMyTriggerBlockDestroyed | |
CMyTriggerLives | |
CMyTriggerNoSpawn | |
CMyTriggerPositionLeft | |
CMyTriggerPositionReached | |
CMyTriggerSomeoneWon | |
CMyTriggerTimeLimit | |
CTriggerTypeAttribute | |
CMyAudioComponent | |
CMyBuildComponentBase | |
CMyControllerInfo | |
CMyEntityController | |
►CMyEnvironmentalParticleLogic | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticle | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticleLogicFactory | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticleLogicFireFly | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticleLogicTypeAttribute | |
CMyEventTypeAttribute | |
CMyFaction | |
CMyGlobalEventBase | |
CMyGlobalEventFactory | |
CMyGlobalEventHandler | |
CMyGlobalEvents | |
CMyGodRaysProperties | |
►CMyIdentity | |
CFriend | |
CMyImpostorProperties | |
CMyNetworkClient | This class identifies the steam client (basically a computer) on the network. |
CMyNeutralShipSpawner | |
CMyParticleDustProperties | |
CMyPirateAntennas | |
►CMyPlayer | |
►CPlayerId | |
CPlayerIdComparerType | |
►CMyPrefabManager | |
CCreateGridsData | Holds data for asynchrnonous initialization of prefabs |
CMyScriptManager | |
CMySector | |
CMySectorLodding | |
CMySession | Base class for all session types (single, coop, mmo, sandbox) |
CMySessionCompatHelper | |
CMySessionSnapshot | |
►CMyWorldGenerator | |
CArgs | |
CMyTransformState | |
COperationAddAsteroidPrefab | |
COperationAddObjectsPrefab | |
COperationAddPlanetPrefab | |
COperationAddShipPrefab | |
COperationCreatePlanet | |
COperationSetupBasePrefab | |
COperationTypeAttribute | |
CStartingStateTypeAttribute | |
CMyWorldGeneratorOperationBase | |
CMyWorldGeneratorStartingStateBase | |
CMyWorldInfo | |
►NWorldEnvironment | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyBiomeMaterial | |
CMyBotCollectionDefinition | |
CMyEnvironmentItemMapping | |
CMyEnvironmentModuleBase | |
CMyEnvironmentModuleProxyDefinition | |
CMyEnvironmentRule | |
►CMyGrowableEnvironmentItemDefinition | |
CEnvironmentItemAction | |
►CGrowthSubtree | |
CStep | |
CItemGrowthStep | |
►CMyItemTypeDefinition | |
CModule | |
CMyProceduralEnvironmentDefinition | |
CMyProceduralEnvironmentDefinitionPostprocessor | |
CMyProceduralEnvironmentModuleDefinition | |
CMyRuntimeEnvironmentItemInfo | |
CMyVoxelMapCollectionDefinition | |
CMyWorldEnvironmentDefinition | |
►NModules | |
CMyBotSpawningEnvironmentProxy | |
CMyBreakableEnvironmentProxy | |
CMyEnvironmentalEntityCacher | The environmental entity cacher will keep entity references for some time and then close them |
CMyMemoryEnvironmentModule | |
CMyStaticEnvironmentModule | |
►CMyVoxelMapEnvironmentProxy | |
CVoxelMapInfo | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
CMyEnvironmentItemInfo | |
CMyEnvironmentItemTypeDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BotCollectionDefinition | |
CBotDefEntry | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DummyEnvironmentModule | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentBotSpawningSystem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentDataProvider | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentModuleBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentModuleProxyDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentRegrowthSystem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentSector | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GrowableEnvironmentItemDefinition | |
CEnvironmentItemActionDef | |
CGrowthStepDef | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GrowableEnvironmentModule | |
CGrowthStepInfo | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_PlanetEnvironmentComponent | |
CObstructingBox | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProceduralEnvironmentModuleDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProceduralEnvironmentProvider | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ProceduralEnvironmentSector | |
CModule | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProceduralWorldEnvironment | |
CMyObjectBuilder_StaticEnvironmentModule | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelMapCollectionDefinition | |
CVoxelMapStorage | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldEnvironmentBase | |
CMyProceduralEnvironmentMapping | |
CIMy2DClipmapManager | |
CIMy2DClipmapNodeHandler | |
CIMyEnvironmentDataProvider | |
CIMyEnvironmentModule | |
CIMyEnvironmentModuleProxy | |
CIMyEnvironmentOwner | |
CItemInfo | |
CMy2DClipmap | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentEnvironmentSector | |
CMyEnvironmentDataView | |
CMyEnvironmentModelUpdateBatch | |
CMyEnvironmentSector | |
CMyEnvironmentSectorParameters | |
CMyInstancedRenderSector | |
CMyLodEnvironmentItemSet | |
CMyLogicalEnvironmentSectorBase | |
CMyProceduralDataView | |
CMyProceduralEnvironmentProvider | |
CMyProceduralLogicalSector | |
CMySurfaceParams | |
CMyBasicGameInfo | |
CMyCampaignManager | |
CMyCharacterMovementSettings | |
CMyCollisionParticleSettings | |
CMyCredits | |
CMyCreditsDepartment | |
CMyCreditsNotice | |
CMyCreditsPerson | |
CMyDecals | |
CMyDestructionParticleSettings | |
CMyExplosion | |
CMyExplosionInfo | |
CMyExplosions | |
CMyGameStats | |
►CMyGridExplosion | This class is responsible for calculating damage from explosions It works by recursively raycasting from the point it needs to calculate to the explosion center. It does two types of raycast, 3D DDA raycasts for traversing grids (ships, stations) and Havok raycasts for traversing space between grids. For each block, it builds a stack of blocks that are between it and the explosion center and then calculates the damage for all blocks in this stack. It early exits if it encounters a block that was already calculated. |
CMyRaycastDamageInfo | |
CMyGuidedMissileConstants | |
CMyGuiScreenProgress | |
CMyGUISettings | |
CMyInventory | |
CMyInventoryConstraint | |
CMyInventoryTransferEventContent | |
►CMyStatLogic | |
CMyStatAction | |
CMyStatEfficiencyModifier | |
CMyStatRegenModifier | |
CMyStatLogicDescriptor | |
CMyWarheads | |
►NGraphics | |
►NGUI | |
CIMyGuiControlsOwner | |
CIMyGuiControlsParent | |
CIMyGuiSandbox | |
CITreeView | |
CMyColoredText | |
CMyDragAndDropEventArgs | |
CMyDragAndDropInfo | |
CMyDragAndDropRestriction | |
►CMyDX9Gui | |
CMyScreenShot | |
CMyGuiBorderThickness | Structure specifying thickness of each of the 4 borders of a rectangle. Can be used for margin and padding specification. |
CMyGuiCompositeTexture | Composite texture is built from several parts. Currently there is Top and Bottom which are rendered at their original aspect ratio and size, and Center which fills up space between Top and Bottom. |
►CMyGuiControlBase | |
CFriend | |
CNameChangedArgs | |
►CMyGuiControlBlockInfo | |
CMyControlBlockInfoStyle | |
CMyGuiControlBlockProperty | |
►CMyGuiControlButton | |
CStyleDefinition | |
►CMyGuiControlCheckbox | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlColor | |
►CMyGuiControlCombobox | |
CItem | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlCompositePanel | |
►CMyGuiControlContextMenu | |
CEventArgs | |
CMyGuiControlCountdownWheel | |
CMyGuiControlGenericFunctionalBlock | |
►CMyGuiControlGrid | |
CColoredIcon | |
CEventArgs | |
CItem | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlGridDragAndDrop | |
►CMyGuiControlImage | |
CStyleDefinition | |
►CMyGuiControlLabel | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlLabeledGrid | |
►CMyGuiControlList | |
CStyleDefinition | |
►CMyGuiControlListbox | |
CItem | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlMultilineEditableText | |
►CMyGuiControlMultilineText | |
CMyGuiControlMultilineSelection | |
CMyGuiControlPanel | |
CMyGuiControlParent | |
CMyGuiControlProgressBar | |
►CMyGuiControlRadioButton | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlRadioButtonGroup | |
CMyGuiControlRotatingWheel | |
CMyGuiControls | |
CMyGuiControlScrollablePanel | |
CMyGuiControlSeparatorList | |
CMyGuiControlSlider | |
►CMyGuiControlSliderBase | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlTabControl | |
►CMyGuiControlTable | |
CCell | |
CEventArgs | |
CRow | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlTabPage | |
►CMyGuiControlTextbox | |
CMySkipCombination | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlTreeView | |
CMyGuiControlTypeAttribute | |
CMyGUIHelper | |
CMyGuiHighlightTexture | Structure describing texture that consists of normal and highlight version. Also holds information about size of the texture before it was scaled to power of 2 and this size in GUI normalized coordinates. |
CMyGuiPaddedTexture | Texture that also contains padding information. |
CMyGuiScreenBase | |
CMyGuiScreenDialogAmount | |
CMyGuiScreenLogo | |
►CMyGuiScreenMessageBox | |
CStyle | |
CMyGuiScreenProgressBase | |
CMyGuiScreenProgressBaseAsync | |
CMyGuiSizedTexture | Similar to MyGuiHighlightTexture but only contains one texture image. |
CMyGuiSliderProperties | |
CMyGuiSliderPropertiesExponential | |
CMyHScrollbar | |
CMyIconTexts | |
CMyKeyThrottler | |
CMyLayoutHorizontal | |
CMyLayoutTable | |
CMyLayoutVertical | |
CMyNullGui | |
CMyRichLabel | |
CMyRichLabelImage | |
CMyRichLabelLine | |
CMyRichLabelPart | |
CMyRichLabelText | |
CMyScrollbar | |
CMyToolTips | |
CMyTreeView | |
CMyTreeViewBase | |
CMyTreeViewBody | |
CMyTreeViewItem | |
CMyTreeViewItemDragAndDrop | |
CMyVScrollbar | |
CShadowTexture | |
CShadowTextureSet | |
CMyFontDescription | |
CMyTextureAtlas | There's so little to this class you barely need it but it saves some typing if nothing else. |
CMyTextureAtlasItem | |
►NGui | |
►NDirectoryBrowser | |
CMyCancelEventArgs | |
CMyDirectoryChangeCancelEventArgs | |
CMyGuiControlDirectoryBrowser | |
►NRichTextLabel | |
CMyRichLabelLink | |
►CMyGuiControlImageButton | |
CButtonIcon | |
CStateDefinition | |
CStyleDefinition | |
CMyGuiControlProgressBarHud | |
CMyGuiProgressCompositeTexture | |
CMyWikiMarkupParser | |
►NModAPI | |
►NIngame | |
CIMyAdvancedDoor | |
CIMyAirtightDoorBase | |
CIMyAirtightHangarDoor | |
CIMyAirtightSlideDoor | |
CIMyAssembler | |
CIMyBatteryBlock | |
CIMyBeacon | |
CIMyBlockGroup | |
CIMyButtonPanel | |
CIMyCameraBlock | |
CIMyCargoContainer | |
CIMyCockpit | |
CIMyCollector | |
CIMyConveyor | |
CIMyConveyorSorter | |
CIMyConveyorTube | |
CIMyCryoChamber | |
CIMyCubeBlock | |
CIMyCubeGrid | |
CIMyDecoy | |
CIMyDoor | |
CIMyExtendedPistonBase | |
CIMyFunctionalBlock | |
CIMyGridProgramRuntimeInfo | Provides runtime info for a running grid program. |
CIMyGridTerminalSystem | |
CIMyGyro | |
CIMyInteriorLight | |
CIMyJumpDrive | |
CIMyLandingGear | |
CIMyLargeTurretBase | |
CIMyLaserAntenna | Laser antenna block interface |
CIMyLCDScreen | |
CIMyLightingBlock | |
CIMyMotorAdvancedRotor | |
CIMyMotorAdvancedStator | |
CIMyMotorBase | |
CIMyMotorRotor | |
CIMyMotorStator | |
CIMyMotorSuspension | |
CIMyOreDetector | |
CIMyOxygenGenerator | Oxygen generator interface |
CIMyOxygenTank | |
CIMyPassage | |
CIMyPistonBase | |
CIMyPistonTop | |
CIMyProductionBlock | |
CIMyProgrammableBlock | |
CIMyProjector | |
CIMyRadioAntenna | Antenna block interface |
CIMyReactor | |
CIMyRefinery | |
CIMyReflectorLight | |
CIMyRemoteControl | |
CIMySensorBlock | |
CIMyShipConnector | |
CIMyShipController | |
CIMyShipDrill | |
CIMyShipGrinder | |
CIMyShipMergeBlock | |
CIMyShipToolBase | |
CIMyShipWelder | Ship welder interface |
CIMySlimBlock | |
CIMySmallGatlingGun | |
CIMySmallMissileLauncher | |
CIMySmallMissileLauncherReload | |
CIMyTerminalBlock | |
CIMyTextPanel | |
CIMyThrust | |
CIMyUpgradableBlock | interface to retrieve upgrade effects on block |
CIMyUserControllableGun | |
CIMyWarhead | |
CIMyWheel | |
CMyDetectedEntityInfo | |
CMyGridProgram | All programmable block scripts derive from this class, meaning that all properties in this class are directly available for use in your scripts. If you use Visual Studio or other external editors to write your scripts, you can derive directly from this class and have a compatible script template. |
CMyInventoryItemFilter | |
CMyShipMass | |
CMyShipVelocities | |
CMyWaypointInfo | Provides basic information about a waypoint. |
CTerminalActionParameter | |
►NInterfaces | |
►NTerminal | |
CIMyTerminalAction | This is an interface wrapper for terminal actions that appear on a toolbar. An instance of this interface is created via MyAPIGateway.TerminalControls.CreateAction. Once created, you may modify various fields to control how the action behaves. |
CIMyTerminalControl | This is the base terminal control interface. All controls implement this. |
CIMyTerminalControlButton | This is a control button. When a button is clicked an action is performed. |
CIMyTerminalControlCheckbox | This is a checkbox. A label appears and a box appears next to it |
CIMyTerminalControlColor | This is a color control. This terminal controls allows you to select colors. |
CIMyTerminalControlCombobox | This is a combobox control. It is a field that gives a drop down list that contains options that you can select. |
CIMyTerminalControlLabel | This is a simple label control. |
CIMyTerminalControlListbox | This is a list box. It contains a list of items that a user can select. |
CIMyTerminalControlOnOffSwitch | This is an on / off switch or toggle button. It gives two options that a user can toggled between. |
CIMyTerminalControlProperty | This is a control property. This is use to set properties on a block that can be referenced in the ProgrammableBlock. |
CIMyTerminalControlSeparator | This is a simple line separator used to separate controls in a visible manner. |
CIMyTerminalControlSlider | This is a value slider. A slider can be moved by a user and a value selected. |
CIMyTerminalControlTextbox | This is a textbox where a user can enter values into. |
CIMyTerminalControlTitleTooltip | This is a base interface for other interfaces. Almost all controls implement this, and allows you to set the label (Title) of the control and also the tooltip that appears when hovering over the control. |
CIMyTerminalValueControl | This is a value control interface that a few controls implement. When a value changes, the Setter action is performed. When a value is queried the Getter action is performed. |
CITerminalAction | |
CITerminalProperty | Terminal block property definition |
►NPhysics | |
CMyPhysics | |
►NWeapons | |
CIMyAngleGrinder | |
CIMyAutomaticRifleGun | |
CIMyBlockPlacerBase | |
CIMyEngineerToolBase | |
CIMyHandDrill | |
CIMyWelder | |
CIMyAdvancedDoor | |
CIMyAirtightDoorBase | |
CIMyAirtightHangarDoor | |
CIMyAirtightSlideDoor | |
CIMyAssembler | |
CIMyBatteryBlock | |
CIMyBeacon | |
CIMyBlockGroup | |
CIMyCameraBlock | |
CIMyCargoContainer | |
CIMyCockpit | |
CIMyCollector | |
CIMyConveyor | |
CIMyConveyorSorter | |
CIMyConveyorTube | |
CIMyCryoChamber | |
CIMyDecoy | |
CIMyDoor | |
CIMyExtendedPistonBase | |
CIMyFunctionalBlock | |
CIMyGridProgram | The interface for the grid program provides extra access for the game and for mods. See MyGridProgram for the class the scripts actually derive from. |
CIMyGridTerminalSystem | |
CIMyGyro | |
CIMyIngameScripting | |
CIMyInventoryBag | Inventory bag spawned when character died, container breaks, or when entity from other inventory cannot be spawned then bag spawned with the item in its inventory. |
CIMyJumpDrive | |
CIMyLargeTurretBase | |
CIMyLaserAntenna | ModAPI laserantenna block interface |
CIMyLightingBlock | |
CIMyMeteor | |
CIMyMotorAdvancedRotor | |
CIMyMotorAdvancedStator | |
CIMyMotorBase | |
CIMyMotorRotor | |
CIMyMotorStator | |
CIMyMotorSuspension | |
CIMyOreDetector | |
CIMyOxygenGenerator | Oxygen generator interface |
CIMyOxygenTank | |
CIMyPassage | |
CIMyPistonBase | |
CIMyPistonTop | |
CIMyProductionBlock | |
CIMyProgrammableBlock | |
CIMyProjector | |
CIMyRadioAntenna | |
CIMyReactor | |
CIMyRefinery | |
CIMyReflectorLight | |
CIMyRemoteControl | |
CIMyScriptBlacklist | Exposes blacklist functionality to allow mods to disallow parts of the scripting API that has been allowed by the system whitelist. |
CIMyScriptBlacklistBatch | A handle which enables adding members to the blacklist in a batch. It is highly recommended that you try to group your changes into as few batches as possible. |
CIMySensorBlock | |
CIMyShipConnector | |
CIMyShipController | |
CIMyShipDrill | |
CIMyShipGrinder | |
CIMyShipToolBase | |
CIMyShipWelder | Ship welder interface |
CIMySmallGatlingGun | |
CIMySmallMissileLauncher | |
CIMySmallMissileLauncherReload | |
CIMyTerminalActionsHelper | |
CIMyTerminalBlock | |
CIMyTerminalControls | This interface allows you to query, add or remove terminal controls for a block. The terminal controls are the controls that appear in the terminal screen when you select a block. You may add new controls, remove existing controls, or modify existing controls. |
CIMyTextPanel | |
CIMyThrust | |
CIMyUpgradableBlock | interface to retrieve upgrade effects from block Ingame.IMyUpgradableBlock |
CIMyUserControllableGun | |
CIMyWarhead | |
CIMyWheel | |
CMyAPIUtilities | |
CMyEntitiesHelper_ModAPI | |
CMyGuiModHelpers | |
CMyParallelTask | |
CMyProductionQueueItem | |
CMyTerminalControlFactoryHelper | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition | |
CErrorInfo | |
CIErrorConsumer | |
CIMyGuiAudio | |
CMyCommonProgramStartup | Serves as the main wrapper class that will be used for the program initialization. The individual games should use the services of this class and should not need to do things "on their own" |
CMyDestructionConstants | |
CMyDestructionData | |
CMyErrorReporter | |
CMyErrorTexts | |
CMyGameErrorConsumer | |
CMyRenderProfiler | |
CMySandboxExternal | |
CMySandboxForm | |
►CMySandboxGame | |
CIGameCustomInitialization | |
CMySteamService | Steam service, may be replaced by interface later. Don't use it directly in GameLib |
CVRageGameServices | |
►NSpaceEngineers | |
►NAI | |
CMySpaceFaunaComponent | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyUpgradeModuleDefinition | |
►NGame | |
►NAchievements | |
CMyAchievement_Colorblind | |
CMyAchievement_DeathWish | |
CMyAchievement_DeclareWar | |
CMyAchievement_Explorer | |
CMyAchievement_GiantLeapForMankind | |
CMyAchievement_GoingGreen | |
CMyAchievement_IHaveGotPresentForYou | |
CMyAchievement_LockAndLoad | |
CMyAchievement_LostInSpace | |
CMyAchievement_MasterEngineer | |
CMyAchievement_Monolith | |
CMyAchievement_NumberFiveIsAlive | |
CMyAchievement_PersonalityCrisis | |
CMyAchievement_SmileAndWave | |
CMyAchievement_TheBiggerTheyAre | |
CMyAchievement_TheHarderTheyFall | |
CMyAchievement_ToTheStars | |
CMyAchievement_WinWin | |
►NAI | |
CMySpaceBotFactory | |
CMySpiderActions | |
CMySpiderLogic | |
CMySpiderTarget | |
CMyWolfActions | |
CMyWolfLogic | |
CMyWolfTarget | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyDemoComponentDefinition | |
►NEntities | |
►NBlocks | |
CMyAirVent | |
CMyButtonPanel | |
CMyControlPanel | |
CMyGravityGenerator | |
CMyGravityGeneratorBase | |
CMyGravityGeneratorSphere | |
CMyInteriorLight | |
►CMyLandingGear | |
CState | |
CMyMedicalRoom | |
CMyOxygenFarm | |
CMyShipMergeBlock | |
CMyShipWelder | |
CMySolarPanel | |
CMySoundBlock | |
CMySpaceBall | |
CMyTimerBlock | |
CMyUpgradeModule | |
CMyVirtualMass | |
►NCube | |
CMyUseObjectPanelButton | |
►NUseObjects | |
CMyUseObjectInventory | |
CMyUseObjectMedicalRoom | |
CMyUseObjectWardrobe | |
►NWeapons | |
CMyCubePlacer | |
CMySpaceBuildComponent | |
►NEntityComponents | |
►NDebugRenders | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentGravityGenerator | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentGravityGeneratorSphere | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentLandingGear | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentShipMergeBlock | |
►NRenders | |
CMyRenderComponentLargeTurret | |
►NGui | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsVideoSpace | |
►NGUI | |
CMyGuiScreenCreateOrEditFactionSpace | |
CMyGuiScreenMainMenu | |
CMyGuiScreenMedicals | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsGraphics | |
CMyGuiScreenOptionsSpace | |
CMyGuiScreenPerformanceWarnings | |
►NModAPI | |
►NIngame | |
CIMyAirVent | AirVent block for pressurizing and depresurizing rooms |
CIMyButtonPanel | |
CIMyControlPanel | |
CIMyGravityGenerator | |
CIMyGravityGeneratorBase | |
CIMyGravityGeneratorSphere | |
CIMyInteriorLight | |
CIMyLandingGear | |
CIMyLargeConveyorTurretBase | |
CIMyLargeGatlingTurret | |
CIMyLargeInteriorTurret | |
CIMyLargeMissileTurret | |
CIMyMedicalRoom | |
CIMyOxygenFarm | |
CIMyShipMergeBlock | |
CIMySolarPanel | |
CIMySoundBlock | |
CIMySpaceBall | Spaceball interface |
CIMyTimerBlock | |
CIMyUpgradeModule | Interface to access module upgrades properties |
CIMyVirtualMass | |
CIMyAirVent | |
CIMyButtonPanel | |
CIMyControlPanel | |
CIMyGravityGenerator | |
CIMyGravityGeneratorBase | |
CIMyGravityGeneratorSphere | |
CIMyInteriorLight | |
CIMyLandingGear | |
CIMyLargeConveyorTurretBase | |
CIMyLargeGatlingTurret | |
CIMyLargeInteriorTurret | |
CIMyLargeMissileTurret | |
CIMyMedicalRoom | |
CIMyOxygenFarm | |
CIMyShipMergeBlock | |
CIMySolarPanel | |
CIMySoundBlock | |
CIMySpaceBall | ModAPI Spaceball interface |
CIMyTimerBlock | |
CIMyUpgradeModule | Interface to access upgrade module properties Ingame.IMyUpgradeModule |
CIMyVirtualMass | ModAPI VirtualMass Interface |
►NSessionComponents | |
CDemoComponent | |
►CMyIslandSyncComponent | |
CIslandData | |
►NVoiceChat | |
CMyVoiceChatLogic | |
►NWeapons | |
►NGuns | |
►NBarrels | |
CMyLargeGatlingBarrel | |
CMyLargeInteriorBarrel | |
CMyLargeMissileBarrel | |
CMyLargeConveyorTurretBase | |
CMyLargeGatlingTurret | |
CMyLargeInteriorTurret | |
CMyLargeMissileTurret | |
►NWorld | |
►NEnvironment | |
CMyEnvironmentalParticleLogicSpace | |
►NGenerator | |
CMyRespawnShipState | |
CMySpaceWorldGenerator | |
CMySpaceRespawnComponent | |
CMySpaceGameCustomInitialization | |
CSpaceEngineersGame | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UpgradeModuleDefinition | Upgrade module base definition |
CMyUpgradeModuleInfo | Module upgrade information |
CSpaceEngineersObjectBuilders | |
►NSpaceEngineersDedicated | |
CWindowsServiceInstaller | |
►NSpaceStatEffect | |
CMyEffectConstants | |
CMySpaceStatEffect | |
►NSystem | |
►NCollections | |
►NGeneric | |
CClearToken | |
►NLinq | |
►NRuntime | |
►NCompilerServices | |
CClassIdAttribute | Attribute which assigns ID to class, this id persists after obfuscation and it's same on both x86 and X64 build. ID can change with different versions of source code. |
CBoolBlit | |
CInvalidBranchException | |
CPreloadRequiredAttribute | Specifies that this class requires preload before running the game Preload is be done when starting the app |
CTestScriptHelpers | |
►NUnsharper | |
CUnsharperDisableReflectionAttribute | |
CUnsharperExclude | |
CUnsharperStaticInitializersPriority | |
►NValve | |
►NInterop | |
CVRNativeEntrypoints | |
►NVR | |
CCameraVideoStreamFrame_t | |
CCompositor_FrameTiming | |
CCompositor_OverlaySettings | |
CCVRApplications | |
CCVRChaperone | |
CCVRChaperoneSetup | |
CCVRCompositor | |
CCVRExtendedDisplay | |
CCVRNotifications | |
CCVROverlay | |
CCVRRenderModels | |
CCVRSettings | |
CCVRSystem | |
CCVRTrackedCamera | |
CDistortionCoordinates_t | |
CHiddenAreaMesh_t | |
CHmdColor_t | |
CHmdMatrix34_t | |
CHmdMatrix44_t | |
CHmdQuad_t | |
CHmdQuaternion_t | |
CHmdRect2_t | |
CHmdVector2_t | |
CHmdVector3_t | |
CHmdVector3d_t | |
CHmdVector4_t | |
CIVRApplications | |
CIVRChaperone | |
CIVRChaperoneSetup | |
CIVRCompositor | |
CIVRExtendedDisplay | |
CIVRNotifications | |
CIVROverlay | |
CIVRRenderModels | |
CIVRSettings | |
CIVRSystem | |
CIVRTrackedCamera | |
CNotificationBitmap_t | |
COpenVR | |
COpenVRInterop | |
CRenderModel_ComponentState_t | |
CRenderModel_ControllerMode_State_t | |
CRenderModel_t | |
CRenderModel_TextureMap_t | |
CRenderModel_Vertex_t | |
CTexture_t | |
CTrackedDevicePose_t | |
CUnity | |
CVRControllerAxis_t | |
CVRControllerState_t | |
CVREvent_Chaperone_t | |
CVREvent_Controller_t | |
CVREvent_Data_t | |
CVREvent_Ipd_t | |
CVREvent_Keyboard_t | |
CVREvent_Mouse_t | |
CVREvent_Notification_t | |
CVREvent_Overlay_t | |
CVREvent_PerformanceTest_t | |
CVREvent_Process_t | |
CVREvent_Reserved_t | |
CVREvent_Scroll_t | |
CVREvent_Status_t | |
CVREvent_t | |
CVREvent_TouchPadMove_t | |
CVROverlayIntersectionParams_t | |
CVROverlayIntersectionResults_t | |
CVRTextureBounds_t | |
►NVRage | |
►NAlgorithms | |
CIMyPathEdge | |
CIMyPathVertex | |
►CMyPath | |
CPathNode | |
CMyPathfindingData | |
►CMyPathFindingSystem | |
CEnumerator | |
CMyUnionFind | Fast representation for disjoint sets |
►NAudio | |
►NX3DAudio | |
CChannelAzimuts | |
CCone | |
CCurvePoint | |
CDistanceCurve | |
CEmitter | |
CListener | |
CMyX3DAudio | |
CIMy3DSoundEmitter | |
CIMyAudio | |
CIMyAudioEffect | |
CIMySourceVoice | |
CMyAudio | |
CMyAudioInitParams | |
CMyCueBank | |
►CMyCueId | |
CComparerType | |
CMyEffectBank | |
CMyEffectInstance | |
CMyInMemoryWave | |
CMyNullAudio | |
CMySourceVoice | |
CMySourceVoicePool | |
CMyWaveBank | |
►CMyWaveFormat | |
CComparer | |
CMyXAudio2 | |
►CNativeSourceVoice | Native wrapper for source voice. It's not ref counted, no need to call Release or Dispose. |
CBufferWma | |
CNativeAudioBuffer | |
CVoiceSendDescriptors | |
►NCollections | |
CCachingDictionary | Dictionary wrapper that allows for addition and removal even during enumeration. Done by caching changes and allowing explicit application using Apply* methods. |
CCachingHashSet | |
CCachingList | List wrapper that allows for addition and removal even during enumeration. Done by caching changes and allowing explicit application using Apply* methods. |
►CConcurrentCachingHashSet | |
CSafeEnumerator | |
CConcurrentCachingList | List wrapper that allows for addition and removal even during enumeration. Done by caching changes and allowing explicit application using Apply* methods |
CDictionaryKeysReader | |
CDictionaryReader | |
CDictionaryValuesReader | |
CHashSetReader | |
CHeapItem | |
CListReader | |
CLRUCache | |
CMyBinaryHeap | |
►CMyBinaryStructHeap | |
CHeapItem | |
CMyCommitQueue | Basic copy-on-commit implementation, later it will be faster by using one queue with 2 tails |
CMyConcurrentDeque | |
CMyConcurrentDictionary | Simple thread-safe queue. Uses spin-lock |
CMyConcurrentHashSet | Simple thread-safe queue. Uses spin-lock |
CMyConcurrentPool | Simple thread-safe pool. Can store external objects by calling return. Creates new instances when empty. |
CMyConcurrentQueue | Simple thread-safe queue. Uses spin-lock |
CMyDeque | |
CMyDistributedUpdater | Class distributing updates on large amount of objects in configurable intervals. |
►CMyIntervalList | |
CEnumerator | |
CMyQueue | Allows access to queue by index Otherwise implementation is similar to regular queue |
►CMySinglyLinkedList | |
CEnumerator | |
CMySlidingWindow | |
CMySwapQueue | |
CMyTransparentQueue | |
CMyUniqueList | |
►CObservableCollection | Observable collection that also fix support to clear all. Don't know if ObservableCollection<T> is allocation free. |
CEnumerator | Enumerator which uses index access. Index access on Collection is O(1) operation |
CQueueReader | |
CStackReader | |
CThreadSafeStore | |
CUniqueListReader | |
►NCommon | |
►NNoise | |
►NModifiers | |
CMyBinarize | Maps the output value from a source module onto an set {0, 1} based on given threshold. |
►NUtils | |
CMyChecksums | Helper class for serializing and deserializing checksum file. |
CMyRSA | |
►NCompiler | |
CIlChecker | |
CIlCompiler | |
►CIlInjector | |
CICounterHandle | |
►CIlReader | Reads method body and returns instructions |
CIlInstruction | |
CScriptOutOfRangeException | |
►NCompression | |
CMyStreamWrapper | Stream wrapper which will close both stream and other IDisposable object |
►CMyZipArchive | Class based on http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/209731/Csharp-use-Zip-archives-without-external-libraries. |
CEnumerator | |
CMyZipArchiveReflection | |
CMyZipFileInfo | |
CMyZipFileInfoReflection | |
►NData | |
►NAudio | |
►CMyAudioEffect | |
CSoundEffect | |
CMyMusicTrack | |
CMySoundData | |
CModdableContentFileAttribute | |
►NDedicated | |
►NConfigurator | |
CAddNewInstanceForm | |
►CSelectInstanceForm | |
CInstance | |
CBlockTypeList | |
CConfigForm | |
CWindowsService | |
CWindowsServiceInstallerBase | |
►NExtensions | |
CArrayEnumerable | |
CArrayEnumerator | |
CArrayOfTypeEnumerator | |
►NFilesystem | |
CMyFileChecksumWatcher | |
►NFileSystem | |
CIFileProvider | |
CIFileVerifier | |
CMyChecksumVerifier | |
CMyClassicFileProvider | |
CMyFileHelper | |
CMyFileProviderAggregator | |
CMyNullVerifier | |
CMyZipFileProvider | |
►NGame | |
►NAI | |
CBTInAttribute | |
CBTInOutAttribute | |
CBTMemParamAttribute | |
CBTOutAttribute | |
CBTParamAttribute | |
CMyBehaviorDescriptorAttribute | |
CMyBehaviorTreeActionAttribute | |
►NCommon | |
CMyExtDebugClient | Auto-debug client. |
CMyFactoryTagAttribute | |
►NComponents | |
►NInterfaces | |
CIMyUserInputComponent | |
►NSession | |
►CMyEventBus | |
CIRegisteredInstance | |
CRegisteredInstance | |
CMyLocalizationSessionComponent | |
CMySessionComponentDefinition | |
CMySessionComponentScriptSharedStorage | |
CIMyComponentAggregate | When creating a new aggregate component type, derive from this interface so that you can use extension methods AddComponent and RemoveComponent |
CIMyComponentBase | |
CIMyComponentContainer | |
CIMyComponentOwner | Always implement explicitly, because of Obfuscation |
CMyAggregateComponentList | |
CMyAnimationControllerComponent | Entity component containing animation controller. |
CMyComponentBase | |
CMyComponentBuilderAttribute | |
CMyComponentContainer | |
CMyComponentTypeAttribute | |
CMyDebugRenderComponentBase | |
CMyEntityComponentBase | |
CMyEntityComponentContainer | |
CMyEntityComponentDescriptor | |
CMyEntityComponentsDebugDraw | |
CMyGameLogicComponent | |
CMyHierarchyComponent | |
CMyHierarchyComponentBase | |
CMyIngameScript | |
CMyModStorageComponentBase | |
CMyNullGameLogicComponent | |
CMyNullPositionComponent | |
CMyNullRenderComponent | |
CMyPhysicsComponentBase | |
CMyPositionComponent | |
CMyPositionComponentBase | |
CMyRenderComponentBase | |
CMyResourceSinkComponentBase | |
CMyResourceSinkInfo | |
CMyResourceSourceComponentBase | |
CMyRespawnComponent | |
CMySessionComponentBase | |
CMySessionComponentDescriptor | |
CMySyncComponentBase | |
CMyUseObjectsComponentBase | |
►NCore | |
CVRageCore | Class initializing the (minimal) engine, setting the render properties based on the data. |
►NDefinitions | |
►NAnimation | |
CMyAnimationControllerDefinition | |
CMyAnimationDefinition | |
►NSessionComponents | |
CMyClipboardDefinition | |
CMyCoordinateSystemDefinition | |
CMyCubeBuilderDefinition | |
►CMyDefinitionPostprocessor | |
CBundle | |
CPostprocessorComparer | |
CMyDefinitionTypeAttribute | |
CMyGameDefinition | |
CMyModStorageComponentDefinition | |
CNullDefinitionPostprocessor | |
►NEntity | |
►NEntityComponents | |
CMyEntityOwnershipComponent | |
►NUseObject | |
CIMyUseObject | |
CMyActionDescription | |
CMyUseObjectAttribute | |
CMyUseObjectBase | |
CMyComponentChange | |
CMyEntitiesInterface | Callbacks to various MyEntities methods. |
CMyEntity | |
►CMyEntitySubpart | |
CData | |
CMyEntityTypeAttribute | |
CMyInventoryBase | |
CMyPhysicalInventoryItem | |
►NGUI | |
►NGui | |
CMyHudEntityParams | |
►NLocalization | |
►CMyLocalization | |
CMyBundle | |
CMyLocalizationContext | Class designed around an idea of localization contexts. Context can be game, gui screen, mission, campaign or a task. Consists of a multitude of files stored in content folder. Each context can be modded, same way as created. |
►NModAPI | |
►NIngame | |
CIMyCubeBlock | Basic cube interface |
CIMyCubeGrid | Grid interface |
CIMyEntity | Ingame (Programmable Block) interface for all entities. |
CIMyInventory | |
CIMyInventoryItem | |
CIMyInventoryOwner | |
CIMySlimBlock | basic block interface |
►NInterfaces | |
CIMyCameraController | |
CIMyControllableEntity | |
CIMyDecalHandler | |
CIMyDecalProxy | |
CIMyDestroyableObject | |
CMoveInformation | |
CIHitInfo | |
CIMyCharacter | |
CIMyConfig | |
CIMyConfigDedicated | |
CIMyControllerInfo | |
CIMyCubeBlock | base block interface, block can be affected by upgrade modules, and you can retrieve upgrade list from IMyUpgradableBlock |
CIMyCubeBuilder | |
CIMyCubeGrid | |
CIMyDamageSystem | |
CIMyEntityController | |
CIMyFaction | |
CIMyFactionCollection | |
CIMyFloatingObject | |
CIMyGamePaths | |
CIMyGps | |
CIMyGpsCollection | |
CIMyGui | |
CIMyHudNotification | |
CIMyHudObjectiveLine | |
CIMyIdentity | |
CIMyInventory | |
CIMyInventoryItem | |
CIMyMultiplayer | |
CIMyNetworkClient | |
CIMyParallelTask | |
CIMyPhysics | |
CIMyPlayer | |
CIMyPlayerCollection | |
CIMyPrefabManager | |
CIMySession | |
CIMySlimBlock | |
CIMyUtilities | |
CIMyVoxelMap | |
CIMyVoxelMaps | |
CIMyVoxelShape | |
CIMyVoxelShapeBox | |
CIMyVoxelShapeCapsule | |
CIMyVoxelShapeRamp | |
CIMyVoxelShapeSphere | |
CMyDamageInformation | This structure contains all information about damage being done. |
CMyHitInfo | |
►NModels | |
CIMyTriangePruningStructure | |
CMyCompressedBoneIndicesWeights | |
CMyCompressedVertexNormal | |
CMyIntersectionResultLineTriangle | |
CMyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx | |
CMyModel | |
CMyQuantizedBvhAdapter | |
CMyQuantizedBvhAllTrianglesResult | |
CMyQuantizedBvhResult | |
CMyResultComparer | |
CMyTriangleVertexIndices | structure used to set up the mesh |
CVertexArealBoneIndexWeight | |
CVertexBoneIndicesWeights | |
►NNews | |
CMyNews | |
CMyNewsEntry | |
►NObjectBuilder | |
CMyGlobalTypeMetadata | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NAI | |
►NBot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimalBot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BarbarianBot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HumanoidBot | |
►NEvents | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BarbarianWaveEvent | |
►CMyAIBehaviorData | |
CActionData | |
CCategorizedData | |
CParameterData | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AutomaticBehaviour | |
CDroneTargetSerializable | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DroneStrafeBehaviour | |
►NCampaign | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Campaign | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CampaignSM | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CampaignSMNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CampaignSMTransition | |
►NComponents | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BarbarianComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CoordinateSystem | |
CCoordSysInfo | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityOwnershipComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HierarchyComponentBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ItemAutoswitchComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LocalizationSessionComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_PirateAntennas | |
CMyPirateDrone | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SessionComponentResearch | |
CResearchData | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SharedStorageComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SpaceFaunaComponent | |
CSpawnInfo | |
CTimeoutInfo | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SpacePlanetTrackComponent | |
►NComponentSystem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AreaInventory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AreaInventoryAggregate | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AreaTrigger | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AtmosphereDetectorComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CharacterPickupComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CharacterSoundComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CharacterStatComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentBase | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentContainer | |
CComponentData | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentBasic | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentCharacter | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentInteractive | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_DurabilityComponentDefinition | |
CHitDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityDurabilityComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityReverbDetectorComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityStatComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityStatComponentDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_FractureComponentBase | |
CFracturedShape | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FractureComponentCubeBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryAggregate | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryBase | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryComponentDefinition | |
CInventoryConstraintDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventorySpawnComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventorySpawnComponent_Definition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ModStorageComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ModStorageComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicsBodyComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicsBodyComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicsComponentBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicsComponentDefinitionBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RespawnComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipSoundComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TimerComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TimerComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerAggregate | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UpdateTrigger | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UseObjectsComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UseObjectsComponentDefinition | |
►NDefinitions | |
►NGUI | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ButtonListStyleDefinition | |
►NSessionComponents | |
CMyGridPlacementSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ClipboardDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CoordinateSystemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CubeBuilderDefinition | |
CMyPlacementSettings | |
CVoxelPlacementSettings | Voxel penetration definition |
CMyObjectBuilder_BlockBlueprintDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DroneBehaviorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EquivalencyGroupDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GameDefinition | |
CComp | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GasProperties | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GhostCharacterDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GpsCollectionDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PirateAntennaDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RepairBlueprintDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ResearchDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ResourceDistributionGroup | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SchematicItemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptedGroupDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SessionComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SessionComponentResearchDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipSoundsDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipSoundSystemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UsableItemDefinition | |
CShipSound | |
CShipSoundVolumePair | |
►NGui | |
CMultilineData | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlImage | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlImageButton | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Questlog | |
►NVisualScripting | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CommentScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ForLoopScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InterfaceMethodNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LocalizationScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LogicGateScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_NewListScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSM | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMBarrierNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMCursor | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMFinalNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMSpreadNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptSMTransition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptStateMachineManager | |
CCursorStruct | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SequenceScriptNode | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SwitchScriptNode | |
COptionData | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VSFiles | |
CIMyObjectBuilder_GunObject | |
CMyComponentBlockEntry | |
►CMyGroupedIds | |
CGroupedId | |
CMyMappedId | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationControllerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationFootIkChain | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationLayer | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationSM | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationSMCondition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationSMConditionsConjunction | Conjunction of several simple conditions. This conjunction is true if all contained conditions are true. |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationSMNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationSMTransition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationTree | Root node of the whole animation tree. Supports storing of orphaned nodes. |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationTreeNode | Base class of all object builders of animation tree nodes. |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationTreeNodeAdd | Additive node. Child nodes are base node + additive node. |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationTreeNodeMix1D | Linear mixing node. Maps child nodes on 1D axis, interpolates according to parameter value. |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationTreeNodeTrack | Track node, storing information about track and playing settings. |
CMyObjectBuilder_CampaignSessionComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityStat | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityStatRegenEffect | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentalParticleLogic | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentalParticleLogicFireFly | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentalParticleLogicGrassland | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentalParticleLogicSpace | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryBagEntity | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Localization | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SchematicItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SectorWeatherComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemMedievalWeapon | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemUsable | |
CMyObjectBuilder_UsableItem | |
CMyParameterAnimTreeNodeMapping | Helper struct: parameter mapping. |
►NSessionComponents | |
CMySessionComponentAnimationSystem | |
CMySessionComponentExtDebug | Communication between game and editor. |
CMyVisualScriptManagerSessionComponent | |
►NSystems | |
CMyGroupScriptBase | |
CMyScriptedSystemAttribute | |
►NUtils | |
CMyCamera | |
CMyCameraShake | |
CMyCameraSpring | Camera spring |
CMyCameraZoomProperties | |
►NVisualScripting | |
►NCampaign | |
CMyCampaignStateMachine | |
CMyCampaignStateMachineNode | |
►NMissions | |
CMyVSStateMachine | |
CMyVSStateMachineBarrierNode | |
CMyVSStateMachineFinalNode | |
CMyVSStateMachineNode | |
CMyVSStateMachineSpreadNode | |
►NScriptBuilder | |
►NNodes | |
CMyVisualSyntaxArithmeticNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxBranchingNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxBuilderNode | This node does not generate any syntax, but runs the preprocessing part and initializes the collecting of syntax. |
CMyVisualSyntaxCastNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxConstantNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxEventNode | This node represents a Method signature / entrypoint to method. Contains only general information about the method signature. Generates no syntax. |
CMyVisualSyntaxForLoopNode | Sequence dependent node that creates syntax for For loops with support for custom initial index, increment and last index. |
CMyVisualSyntaxFunctionNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxGetterNode | This node represents a class variable name getter. Genertes no syntax and only provides other node with variable name. |
CMyVisualSyntaxInputNode | Special case of Event node. The logic is the same for both, but on the gui side the logic is different. Thats why I kept it separated also here. |
CMyVisualSyntaxInterfaceMethodNode | Simple method declaration node for implementing the interface methods. |
CMyVisualSyntaxKeyEventNode | Special case of Event node that also generates some syntax. Creates a simple if statement that filters the input to this node. |
CMyVisualSyntaxLocalizationNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxLogicGateNode | Sequence independent node that creates syntax for basic boolean algebra operations. AND OR NOT XOR NAND NOR. It joins all provided values into a change of operations started and ended with parenthesis. |
CMyVisualSyntaxNewListNode | |
►CMyVisualSyntaxNode | |
CHeapNodeWrapper | |
CMyVisualSyntaxOutputNode | Output node that fills in the output values of a method. |
CMyVisualSyntaxScriptNode | Represens a method call from local instance of Script class. Contains some data that are used out of the graph generation process. |
CMyVisualSyntaxSequenceNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxSetterNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxSwitchNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxTriggerNode | |
CMyVisualSyntaxVariableNode | |
CMyDependencyCollector | |
CMyVSCompiler | |
CMyVSPreprocessor | |
CIMyLevelScript | |
CIMyStateMachineScript | |
CMyObjectiveLogicScript | |
CMyVisualScriptBuilder | Creates class syntax for provided file |
CMyVSStateMachineManager | |
CVisualScriptingEvent | |
CVisualScriptingMember | |
CVisualScriptingMiscData | |
CAlternativeImpactSounds | |
CAnimationItem | |
CAnimationSet | |
CBlueprintClassEntry | |
CBlueprintItem | |
CBoneInfo | |
CCutscene | |
CCutsceneSequenceNode | |
CCutsceneSequenceNodeWaypoint | |
CDefinitionIdBlit | |
CEmptyArea | |
CEnvironmentItemsEntry | |
CGameRelationAttribute | This class is here only to distinguish fields in SessionSettings Will be removed after correct hierarchy and usage of session settings is made |
CIdentifierList | |
CIMyParticleGeneration | |
CMyAnimatedParticle | |
CMyAtmosphereColorShift | |
CMyAudioDefinition | |
CMyBBMemoryBool | |
CMyBBMemoryFloat | |
CMyBBMemoryInt | |
CMyBBMemoryLong | |
CMyBBMemoryString | |
CMyBBMemoryTarget | |
CMyBBMemoryValue | |
CMyBlockPosition | |
CMyBoneSetDefinition | |
CMyCharacterName | |
CMyComponentDefinitionBase | |
CMyConfigDedicatedData | |
►CMyContainerDefinition | |
CDefaultComponent | |
CMyControllerData | |
CMyCurveDefinition | |
CMyDefinitionBase | |
►CMyDefinitionId | Prefer getting definition ID using object builder used to create the item. If you have automatic rifle, in its Init method create new MyDefinitionId using TypeId and SubtypeName of object builder. Do not write specific values in code, as data comes from XML and if those change, code needs to change as well. |
CDefinitionIdComparerType | |
CMyDefinitionManagerBase | |
CMyDefinitionManagerSimple | Simple definition manager class that allows loading of definitions from files and support type overrides (e.g. for loading subset of EnvironmentDefinition) |
CMyDefinitionSet | |
CMyDefinitionXmlSerializer | Custom XmlSerializer for definitions that allows to override the definition type |
CMyEdgesModelSet | |
CMyEncounterId | |
CMyEngineConstants | |
CMyEnvironmentItemsAttribute | |
►CMyFactionMember | |
CFactionComparerType | |
CMyFinalBuildConstants | |
CMyFogProperties | |
CMyFontEnum | |
CMyFuelConverterInfo | |
CMyGuiCustomVisualStyle | |
CMyInputParameterSerializationData | |
CMyJetpackThrustDefinition | |
CMyMeshHelper | |
CMyModContext | |
CMyMovementAnimationMapping | |
CMyMusicCategory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AgentBot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AgentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AiCommandBehaviorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AiCommandDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AIComponent | |
CBotData | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AiTarget | |
CUnreachableEntitiesData | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AmmoDefinition | |
CAmmoBasicProperties | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazineDefinition | |
CAmmoDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimalBotDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AnimationDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AntennaSessionComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AreaMarker | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AreaMarkerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ArithmeticScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_AudioDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_AudioEffectDefinition | |
CSoundEffect | |
CSoundList | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BarbarianWaveEventDefinition | |
CBotDef | |
CWaveDef | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Battery | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BattleDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BattleSystemComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorControlBaseNode | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeActionNode | |
CBoolType | |
CFloatType | |
CIntType | |
CMemType | |
CStringType | |
CTypeValue | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeControlNodeMemory | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeDecoratorNode | |
CCounterLogic | |
CLogic | |
CTimerLogic | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeDecoratorNodeMemory | |
CCounterLogicMemoryBuilder | |
CLogicMemoryBuilder | |
CTimerLogicMemoryBuilder | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeNodeMemory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeSelectorNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BehaviorTreeSequenceNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BlockGroup | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BlockItem | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BlockNavigationDefinition | |
CTriangle | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BlueprintClassDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BlueprintDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Bot | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BotDefinition | |
CBotBehavior | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_BotMemory | |
CBehaviorTreeBlackboardMemory | |
CBehaviorTreeNodesMemory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_BranchingScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Bushes | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CargoContainer | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CargoContainerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CastScriptNode | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Character | |
CStoredGas | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CharacterDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ChatHistory | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint | |
CModItem | |
CPlayerId | |
CPlayerItem | |
CRespawnCooldownItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Client | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Component | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentDefinitionBase | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentGroupDefinition | |
CComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ComponentSubstitutionDefinition | |
CProvidingComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CompositeBlueprintDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CompoundBlockTemplateDefinition | |
CCompoundBlockBinding | |
CCompoundBlockRotationBinding | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CompoundCubeBlock | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Configuration | |
CBaseBlockSettings | |
CCubeSizeSettings | |
CLootBagDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConstantScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConstructionStockpile | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConsumableItem | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ConsumableItemDefinition | |
CStatValue | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ContainerDefinition | |
CDefaultComponentBuilder | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ContainerTypeDefinition | |
CContainerTypeItem | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ControllerSchemaDefinition | |
CCompatibleDevice | |
CControlDef | |
CControlGroup | |
CSchema | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorLine | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorPacket | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ConveyorSorterDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentBasicDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CraftingComponentInteractiveDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock | |
CMySubBlockId | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockDefinition | |
CBuildProgressModel | |
CCriticalPart | |
CCubeBlockComponent | |
CCubeBlockEffect | |
CCubeBlockEffectBase | |
CEntityComponentDefinition | |
CMountPoint | |
CMySubBlockDefinition | |
CPatternDefinition | |
CSide | |
CVariant | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CubePlacer | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CurveDefinition | |
CPoint | |
CMyObjectBuilder_CutsceneSessionComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_CuttingDefinition | |
CMyCuttingPrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DeadBodyShape | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebrisDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere1 | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere1Definition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere2 | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere2Definition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere3 | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DebugSphere3Definition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DecalDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DecalGlobalsDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Definitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsToPreload | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DestroyableItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DestroyableItems | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_DestructionDefinition | |
CMyOBFracturedPieceDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DeviceBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_DoorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EdgesDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Encounters | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EngineerToolBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EngineerToolBaseDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_EntityStatDefinition | |
CGuiDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentDefinition | Global (environment) mergeable definitions |
CEnvironmentalParticleSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentItemDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentItems | |
CMyOBEnvironmentItemData | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentItemsDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EnvironmentSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EventScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Faction | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionChatHistory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionChatItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionCollection | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionMember | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionRelation | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FactionRequests | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FloatingObject | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_FloraComponent | |
CHarvestedData | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_FloraElementDefinition | |
CEnvItem | |
CGatheredItemDef | |
CGrowthStep | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FontDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_FracturedBlock | |
CMyMultiBlockPart | |
CShapeB | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FracturedBlockDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_FracturedPiece | |
CShape | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FunctionalBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_FunctionScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GetterScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GhostCharacter | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GlobalChatHistory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GlobalChatItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GlobalEventBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GlobalEventDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GlobalEvents | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GoodAIControlHandTool | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Gps | |
CEntry | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GridCreateToolDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiBlockCategoryDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlButton | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlCheckbox | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlCombobox | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlCompositePanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlGrid | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlLabel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlList | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlListbox | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlMultilineEditableLabel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlMultilineLabel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlOnOffSwitch | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlPanel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlParent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlProgressBar | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlRadioButton | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControls | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlSeparatorList | |
CSeparator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlTabControl | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlTabPage | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiControlTextbox | |
CMyObjectBuilder_GuiScreen | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_GunBase | |
CRemainingAmmoIns | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HandItemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HandTool | |
CMyObjectBuilder_HandToolBase | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_HumanoidBotDefinition | |
CItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Identity | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Ingot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InputScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Inventory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_JetpackDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_KeyEventScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LastLoadedTimes | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LastSession | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LCDTextureDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_LockableDrumDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ManipulationTool | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_MaterialPropertiesDefinition | |
CContactProperty | |
CGeneralProperty | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MissionTriggers | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ModelComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ModelComponentDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ModInfo | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_MultiBlockDefinition | |
CMyOBMultiBlockPartDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_MyFeetIKSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Ore | |
CMyObjectBuilder_OutputScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ParticleEffect | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalItemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalMaterialDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalModelDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Planet | |
CSavedSector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PlanetGeneratorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PlanetPrefabDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Player | |
CCameraControllerSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PlayerChatHistory | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PlayerChatItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PoweredCargoContainerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PowerProducerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PrefabDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PrefabThrowerDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_PreloadFileInfo | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlockDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Profiler | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProfilerBlock | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ProjectileAmmoDefinition | |
CAmmoProjectileProperties | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProjectorBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ProjectorDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RespawnShipDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Rope | |
CMyObjectBuilder_RopeDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ScenarioDefinition | |
CAsteroidClustersSettings | |
CMyOBBattleSettings | |
CStartingItem | |
CStartingPhysicalItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScenarioDefinitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptManager | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ScriptScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Sector | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SessionComponentMission | |
Cpair | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShadowTexture | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShadowTextureSetDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_SolarPanelDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SoundCategoryDefinition | |
CSoundDesc | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_SpawnGroupDefinition | |
CSpawnGroupPrefab | |
CSpawnGroupVoxel | |
CMyObjectBuilder_StockpileItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TerminalBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TextPanelDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ThrustDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_Toolbar | |
CSlot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItem | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemActionParameter | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemAiCommand | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemAnimation | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemAreaMarker | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemBot | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemConsumable | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemCreateGrid | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemCubeBlock | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemEmpty | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemPrefabThrower | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemRope | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemVoxelHand | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItemWeapon | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ToolBase | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_ToolItemDefinition | |
CMyToolActionDefinition | |
CMyToolActionHitCondition | |
CMyVoxelMiningDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TransparentMaterial | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TransparentMaterialDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TransparentMaterials | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Tree | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TreeCuttingDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TreeObject | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Trees | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TreesMedium | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Trigger | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerAllOthersLost | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerBlockDestroyed | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerLives | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerNoSpawn | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerPositionLeft | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerPositionReached | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerSomeoneWon | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TriggerTimeLimit | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TutorialsHelper | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VariableScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VariableSetterScriptNode | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VisualLevelScript | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VisualScript | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VisualScriptManagerSessionComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VisualSettingsDefinition | Stripped environment definition with only visual settings |
CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelHandDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelMap | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelMapStorageDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelMaterialDefinition | |
CMyObjectBuilder_VoxelMaterialModifierDefinition | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_WeaponDefinition | |
CWeaponAmmoData | |
CWeaponAmmoMagazine | |
CWeaponEffect | |
►CMyObjectBuilder_WeaponItemDefinition | |
CPhysicalItemWeaponDefinitionId | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WeatherComponent | |
CMyObjectBuilder_World | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGenerator | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_AddAsteroidPrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_AddObjectsPrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_AddPlanetPrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_AddShipPrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_CreatePlanet | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorOperation_SetupBasePrefab | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorPlayerStartingState | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorPlayerStartingState_RespawnShip | |
CMyObjectBuilder_WorldGeneratorPlayerStartingState_Transform | |
CMyObjectSeedParams | |
CMyOutputParameterSerializationData | |
CMyParameterValue | |
CMyParticleEffect | |
CMyParticleEmitter | |
CMyParticleGeneration | |
CMyParticleGPUGeneration | |
CMyParticleLight | |
CMyParticlesLibrary | |
CMyParticlesManager | |
CMyParticleSound | |
CMyPhysicsComponentDefinitionBase | |
CMyPlanetAnimal | |
CMyPlanetAnimalSpawnInfo | |
CMyPlanetAtmosphere | |
CMyPlanetDistortionDefinition | |
CMyPlanetEnvironmentItemDef | |
CMyPlanetMaps | |
CMyPlanetMaterialBlendSettings | |
CMyPlanetMaterialDefinition | |
CMyPlanetMaterialGroup | |
CMyPlanetMaterialLayer | |
CMyPlanetMaterialPlacementRule | |
CMyPlanetOreMapping | |
CMyPlanetSurfaceDetail | |
CMyPlanetSurfaceRule | |
CMyRagdollBoneSetDefinition | |
CMySerializablePlanetEnvironmentalSoundRule | |
CMySunProperties | |
CMyTransparentGeometry | |
CMyTutorialDescription | |
CMyVariableIdentifier | |
CMyVisualSettingsDefinition | Stripped environment definition with only visual settings |
CMyVoxelMapModifierChange | |
CMyVoxelMapModifierOption | |
CMyVRageConstants | All common constants for use in game engine. Note: The name is probably temporary - avoiding colision with Sandbox.Engine.Utils during sandbox removement. I guess it can be renamed to MyConstants once we are finished with sandbox deletion. |
CParticleEmitter | |
CParticleGeneration | |
CParticleLight | |
CParticleSound | |
CPlanetEnvironmentItemMapping | |
CSerializableBlockOrientation | |
CSerializableLineSectionInformation | |
CSuitResourceDefinition | |
CToolSound | |
CVoxelPlacementOverride | |
►NGenerics | |
►NStateMachine | |
CMyCondition | Implementation of generic condition. Immutable class, once set, its parameters cant be changed. |
CIMyCondition | Interface of totally generic condition. |
CIMyVariableStorage | Interface of variable storage (key-value principle). |
CMyCachingDynamicObjectsPool | |
CMyConcurrentObjectsPool | |
CMyDynamicObjectPool | Dynamic object pool. It's allocate new instance when necessary. |
CMyNamedEnum | |
CMyObjectsPool | |
CMyObjectsPoolSimple | |
CMySingleStateMachine | Implementation of generic state machine. Inherit from this class to create your own state machine. Transitions are performed automatically on each update (if conditions of transition are fulfilled). |
►CMySparseGrid | |
CCell | |
CMyStateMachine | Implementation of generic multistate state machine. Is able to run multiple independent cursors at once updated with every update call. Use cursors as access point to active states. |
CMyStateMachineCursor | |
CMyStateMachineNode | Node of the state machine. |
CMyStateMachineTransition | Definition of transition to some node. |
CMyStateMachineTransitionWithStart | Pair holding transition and its starting node. |
CMyWeightDictionary | Contains items of any type. Each item has weight (float value). Allows to get item based on weight. |
►NGroups | |
CIGroupData | |
CMyGroups | |
CMyGroupsBase | |
►NImport | |
CVF_Packer | |
►NInput | |
CIMyControlNameLookup | |
CIMyInput | |
CMyControl | |
CMyDirectXInput | |
CMyGuiDescriptor | |
►CMyGuiLocalizedKeyboardState | |
CKeyboardLayout | |
CMyInput | |
CMyKeyboardBuffer | |
CMyKeyboardState | |
CMyKeyHasher | |
CMyMouseState | |
CMyNullInput | |
►NLibrary | |
►NAlgorithms | |
CSequenceIdGenerator | Generates IDs sequentially and reuses old IDs which are returned to pool by calling Return method. Protection count and time can be set to protect returned IDs. Protection is useful especially in multiplayer where clients can still have objects with those IDs. |
►NCollections | |
CBitReader | Lightweight bit reader which works on native pointer. Stores bit length and current position. |
CBitReaderWriter | |
CBitStream | Stream which writes data based on bits. When writing, buffer must be reset to zero to write values correctly, this is done by ResetWrite() methods or SetPositionAndClearForward() |
CBitStreamException | |
CCacheList | |
CComponentIndex | |
CIBitSerializable | |
CIMyQueue | |
CIndexHost | |
CMyComponentContainerTemplate | |
CMyConcurrentSortableQueue | |
CMyFreeList | |
CMyIndexArray | Automatically resizing array when accessing index. |
CMyIndexedComponentContainer | |
►CMyIndexList | Stores items in list with fixed index (no reordering). Null is used as special value and cannot be added into list. |
CEnumerator | |
CMyListDictionary | Collection which stores multiple elements under same key by using list. Collection does not allow removing single value, only all items with same key. |
►CMyMultiKeyDictionary | MyMultiKeyDictionary supports value lookups using multiple different keys. When keys can be derived from value, use MultiKeyIndex. |
CTriple | |
CMyMultiKeyIndex | MultiKeyIndex supports value lookups using multiple different keys. The keys must derivable from value, if it's not the case use MultiKeyDictionary. |
►CMyRangeIterator | |
CEnumerable | |
CSmallBitField | Bit field with up to 64 bits. |
CTypeSwitch | |
CTypeSwitchBase | |
CTypeSwitchParam | |
CTypeSwitchRet | |
►NReflection | |
CGenericCallCache | |
►NUtils | |
CDisposable | |
CDontCheckAttribute | |
CMyGameTimer | Global thread-safe timer. Time for update and time for draw must be copied at the beginning of update and draw. |
CMyInterpolationQueue | |
CMyIterableComplementSet | |
CMyLibraryUtils | |
►CMyRandom | Original C# implementation which allows settings the seed. |
CState | |
CStateToken | |
CMyTimer | Hi-resolution wait timer, internally uses multimedia timer |
CMyTimeSpan | Hi-resolution time span. Beware: the resolution can be different on different systems! |
CWaitForTargetFrameRate | |
►NModAPI | |
CIMyCamera | |
CIMyControl | |
CIMyEntities | |
CIMyEntity | |
CIMyInput | |
CIMyRemapHelper | |
CIMyStorage | |
CIMyVoxelBase | |
CMyTerminalControlComboBoxItem | |
CMyTerminalControlListBoxItem | This is a listbox item in a list box terminal control |
►NNative | |
CNativeCallHelper | |
►NNetwork | |
CBlockingAttribute | Indicates that event will be blocking all other events. |
CBroadcastAttribute | Client method. Decorated method is be called by server on all clients. Clients always trust server and does not perform any validation. When used together with Server attribute, server (optionally) validates data, invokes the method on server and then sends it to all clients. If the data is found invalid, it can be marked so by calling MyEventContext.ValidationFailed() on the server. The broadcasts will then not be performed. |
CBroadcastExceptAttribute | Client method. Decorated method is be called by server on all clients (except the one who invoked it on server or the one specified in RaiseEvent...when called from server). Clients always trust server and does not perform any validation. When used together with Server attribute, server validates data, invokes the method on server and then sends it to all clients except the client who invoked it on server. |
CCallSite | |
CChatMsg | |
CClientAttribute | Client method. Decorated method is be called by server on client. Clients always trust server and does not perform any validation. When used together with Server attribute, server validates data, invokes the method on server and then sends it to client who invoked it on server. |
CConnectedClientDataMsg | |
CEndpointId | Id of network endpoint, opaque struct, internal value should not be accessed outside VRage.Network. EndpointId is not guid and can change when client reconnects to server. Internally it's SteamId or RakNetGUID. |
CEventAttribute | |
CIMyClientCallback | |
CIMyEventOwner | Common interface for IMyNetObject and IMyEventProxy used to raise events. Base interface for classes passed as event instance. Custom implementations not supported. |
CIMyEventProxy | Interface which only marks class as event owner. Object itself must be replicated in network to allow raising events. If you considering to add this to object, it's probably wrong and you should use static events in most cases. This is commonly implemented only by entities which has it's external replicable. |
CIMyNetObject | Base interface for networked object. Derived interfaces are so far IMyReplicable and IMyStateGroup. |
CIMyPeerCallback | |
CIMyProxyTarget | |
CIMyReplicable | |
CIMyServerCallback | |
CIMyStateGroup | |
CIMyStreamableReplicable | |
CIMySyncedValue | |
CJoinResultMsg | |
CKeyValueDataMsg | |
CMyClientInfo | |
CMyClientStateBase | Base class for game-defined client state. It's set of data required by server, sent from client. E.g. current client area of interest, context (game, terminal, inventory etc...) Abstract class for performance reasons (often casting) |
►CMyEventContext | |
CToken | |
CMyEventTable | |
CMyIncompatibleDataException | |
CMyPacketQueue | |
CMyRakNetConnectionException | |
CMyRakNetStartupException | |
CMyReplicationClient | |
CMyReplicationLayer | |
CMyReplicationLayerBase | |
►CMyReplicationServer | |
CPauseToken | |
CUpdateLayer | |
CUpdateLayerDesc | |
CMyReplicationSingle | |
CMyStateDataEntry | |
CMyStateDataEntryComparer | |
CMySyncedBase | |
CMySyncedBool | |
CMySyncedClass | |
CMySyncedFloat | |
CMySyncedInt | |
CMySyncedQuaternionNorm | |
CMySyncedString | |
CMySyncedVector3 | |
CMySyncedVector3D | |
CMySynchronizedTypeInfo | Type descriptor for synchronized type. |
CMyTypeTable | |
CNetworkId | Network object identifier. Similar to entity id, but on network. Also one entity can have multiple NetworkIds, one main, one for physics sync, one for terminal sync and more. Opaque struct, it should not be necessary to internal member outside VRage.Network. NetworkId is not persistent and changes with server restart, never store it in persistent storage (saves). Internally takes advantage of small numbers. |
CNotReplicableAttribute | Marks class which should be never replicated. |
CRefreshReplicableAttribute | |
CReliableAttribute | Event which is sent reliably, use with caution and only when necessary! |
CServerAttribute | Server method. Decorated method is be called by client on server or by server locally. Server performs validation. Pass null as validation method to perform no validation (not recommended) |
CServerDataMsg | |
CStateDataAttribute | |
CStaticEventOwnerAttribute | |
CTypeId | |
►NNoise | |
►NCombiners | |
CMyAdd | |
CMyBlend | |
CMyMax | |
CMyMin | |
CMyMultiply | |
CMyPower | |
►NModels | |
CMyCylinder | Maps the output of a module onto a cylinder. |
CMySphere | Maps the output of a module onto a sphere. |
►NModifiers | |
CMyAbs | Outputs the absolute value of the output value from a source module. |
CMyBendFilter | |
CMyClamp | Clamps the output value from a source module to a range of values. |
CMyCurve | Maps the output value from a source module onto an arbitrary function curve. |
CMyCurveControlPoint | |
CMyExponent | Maps the output value from a source module onto an exponential curve. |
CMyInvert | Inverts the output value from a source module. |
CMyRemapTo01 | |
CMySinus | |
CMyTerrace | |
►NPatterns | |
CMyCheckerBoard | |
CMyConstant | |
CMyCylinders | Noise that outputs concentric cylinders. Each cylinder extends infinitely along the y axis. |
CMyRing | Noise that outputs dounut-like ring |
CMySphere | |
CMySpheres | Noise that outputs concentric spheres. |
CIMyModule | |
CMyBillow | |
CMyBillowFast | |
CMyCompositeNoise | |
CMyModule | High quality noise module that combines properties of Value noise and gradient noise. Value noise is used as input for gradient function. This leads to no artifacts or zero values at integer points. It's so called Value-Gradient noise. |
CMyModuleFast | Faster version of MyModule. This time we do not compute the gradient position directly but we're using gradient table lookup via permutation table. This leads to more 'grid' result as the local min and max (like in Value noise) are always appearing at integer points. |
CMyPerlin | |
CMyPerlinFast | |
CMyRidgedMultifractal | |
CMyRidgedMultifractalFast | |
CMyRNG | ! TODO AR : measure times & values againts System.Random |
CMySimplex | |
CMySimplexFast | |
►NObjectBuilders | |
►NDefinitions | |
CMyObjectBuilder_TreeDefinition | |
CDynamicNullableObjectBuilderItemAttribute | |
CDynamicObjectBuilderAttribute | |
CDynamicObjectBuilderItemAttribute | |
CMyObjectBuilder_Base | |
CMyObjectBuilder_EntityBase | |
CMyObjectBuilder_ReplicableEntity | This object builder is old and is for "MyInventoryBagEntity". Do not use it as base class or for anything. It is here only for backward compatibility. |
CMyObjectBuilderDefinitionAttribute | |
CMyObjectBuilderDynamicSerializer | |
CMyObjectBuilderSerializer | |
►CMyObjectBuilderType | |
CComparerType | |
CMyObjectFactory | |
CMyRuntimeObjectBuilderId | |
CMyRuntimeObjectBuilderIdComparer | |
CSerializableDefinitionId | |
►NOpenVRWrapper | |
CControllerState | |
CLMUEntry | |
►CMyOpenVR | |
CTimer | |
►NParallelization | |
CMyPausableJob | Allows to pause one thread at exact points |
►NPlugins | |
CIPlugin | |
CMyPlugins | |
►NProfiler | |
CMyDrawArea | |
►CMyProfiler | Part of MyRenderProfiler, this is per-thread profiler |
CHistoryLock | |
CMyProfilerObjectBuilderInfo | |
►CMyProfilerBlock | |
CMyProfilerBlockObjectBuilderInfo | |
CMyProfilerBlockKey | |
CMyProfilerBlockKeyComparer | |
CMyRenderProfiler | Provides profiling capability |
►NReflection | |
CFullyQualifiedNameComparer | |
►NRender11 | |
►NCommon | |
CIManager | |
CIManagerDevice | |
CIManagerFrameEnd | |
CIManagerUnloadData | |
CIManagerUpdate | |
CMyImmediateRC | |
CMyManagers | |
►NGeometryStage | |
►NMaterials | |
CMyVoxelMaterialsConstantBuffer | |
CMyGeometryTextureSystem | |
►NGeometryStage2 | |
►NCommon | |
CMyIDGenerator | |
CMyIDGeneratorManager | |
►NCulling | |
CMyCpuCulledEntity | |
CMyCpuFrustumCullingWork | |
CMyCpuFrustumCullPass | |
CMyCpuFrustumCullPasses | |
CMyHierarchicalCulledEntitiesManager | |
►NInstancing | |
CITransformStrategy | |
CMyCompatibilityDataForTheOldPipeline | |
CMyInstanceComponent | |
CMyInstanceManager | |
CMyInstanceMaterial | |
CMyInstanceMaterialList | |
CMyInstanceVisibilityStrategy | |
CMyLodStrategy | |
CMyLodStrategyCachedResult | |
CMyLodStrategyInfo | |
CMyLodStrategyPreprocessor | |
CMyMultiTransformStrategy | |
CMySingleTransformStrategy | |
►NModel | |
CMyGlassMaterial | |
CMyLod | |
CMyLodInstanceMaterialsStrategy | |
CMyMaterialManager | |
CMyModel | |
CMyModelBufferManager | |
CMyModelFactory | |
CMyModelInstanceMaterialStrategy | |
CMyModels | |
►CMyMwmData | |
CMyPartsComparer | |
CMyPart | |
CMySection | |
CMyStandardMaterial | |
CMyStandardMaterialKey | |
►NRendering | |
CIDrawableGroupStrategy | |
CIGeometrySrvStrategy | |
CMyDepthPass | |
CMyDrawableGroupDepthStrategy | |
CMyDrawableGroupFactory | |
CMyDrawableGroupGBufferStrategy | |
CMyGBufferPass | |
CMyGeometryRenderer | |
CMyGeometrySrvResolver | |
CMyInstancesCounters | |
CMyLodGeometrySrvStrategy | |
CMyMipmapGeometrySrvStrategy | |
CMyRawDrawableGroup | |
CMyRenderPass | |
CMyShaderBundle | |
CMyShaderBundleManager | |
CMyStandardGeometrySrvStrategy | |
►NLightingStage | |
►NShadows | |
►NInternal | |
CMyCascadeShadowMap | |
CMyCascadeShadowMapSlice | |
CMySingleShadowmap | |
CICascadeShadowMap | |
CICascadeShadowMapSlice | |
CICsmPlacementStrategy | |
CISingleShadowmap | |
CMyCsmOldPlacementStrategy | |
CMyCsmRigidPlacementStrategy | |
►CMyPostprocessMarkCascades | |
CMyMarkerConstants | |
CMyPostprocessRedToAll | |
CMyPostprocessShadows | |
CMyProjectionInfo | |
CMyShadowCoreManager | |
CMyShadowManager | |
CMyShadowmapQuery | |
CMyShadowVolume | |
CMyAAEdgeMarking | |
CMyDepthResolve | |
►NPostprocessStage | |
CMySaveExportedTextures | |
►NProfiler | |
►NInternal | |
CMyRenderProfilerLineBatch | |
►NRenderContext | |
►NInternal | |
CMyRenderContextState | |
CMyCommonStage | |
►NResources | |
►NBuffers | |
CMyBufferInternal | |
CMyConstantBuffer | |
CMyIndexBuffer | |
CMyIndirectArgsBuffer | |
CMyReadBuffer | |
CMySrvBuffer | |
CMySrvUavBuffer | |
CMyUavBuffer | |
CMyVertexBuffer | |
►NInternal | |
CMyArraySubresourceSrv | |
CMyCustomTexture | |
CMyDynamicFileArrayTexture | |
CMyFileArrayTexture | |
CMyGeneratedTextureFromPattern | |
CIBlendState | |
CIBlendStateInternal | |
CMyBufferManager | |
CMyBufferStatistics | |
CMyCustomTextureManager | |
CMyDynamicFileArrayTextureManager | |
CMyFileArrayTextureManager | |
CMyFileTextureParams | |
CMyGeneratedTextureManager | |
CMyGlobalResources | |
CMyTextureStatistics | |
►NShader | |
►CCacheGenerator | |
CCombo | |
CComboGroup | |
CMaterial | |
CPass | |
CMyShaderIdentity | |
►NTools | |
►CMyStatsUpdater | |
CMyPasses | |
CMyTimestamps | |
►NReplication | |
CIReplicationClientCallback | |
CIReplicationServerCallback | |
CMyBandwidthLimits | |
CMyEventsBuffer | |
CMyPacketStatistics | |
CMyPacketTracker | |
CMyPendingReplicable | |
CMyReplicableClientData | |
CMyReplicables | |
►NRpc | |
CCallSite | |
CCallSiteCache | |
CRpcAttribute | |
CRpcDispatcher | |
CRpcProxy | |
CSerializer | |
►NScripting | |
►NRewriters | |
CInstructionCountingRewriter | |
CIMyWhitelistBatch | A handle which enables adding members to the whitelist in a batch. It is highly recommended that you try to group your changes into as few batches as possible. |
CMyIngameScripting | |
►CMyScriptCompiler | Provides a compiler for scripts, with support for a type whitelist and instruction counting. |
CMessage | |
CMyScriptWhitelist | The script whitelist contains information about which types and type members are allowed in the various types of scripts. |
CMyWhitelistException | Exceptions during registration of whitelisted type members |
CScript | Represents a named script. |
►NSerialization | |
CBlitCollectionSerializer | This is not optimal in terms of allocations, but works fine |
CBlitSerializer | |
CDynamicAttribute | |
CDynamicItemAttribute | |
CDynamicKeyAttribute | |
CDynamicNullableItemAttribute | |
CIAssignableFrom | |
CIDynamicResolver | |
CINetObjectResolver | |
CISerializer | |
CMyMemberSerializer | |
CMySerializeException | |
CMySerializeInfo | |
CMySerializer | |
CMySerializerArray | |
CMySerializerBitReaderWriter | |
CMySerializerBool | |
CMySerializerColor | |
CMySerializerDBNull | |
CMySerializerDictionary | |
CMySerializerDouble | |
CMySerializerEnum | |
CMySerializerFloat | |
CMySerializerGuid | |
CMySerializerHalf | |
CMySerializerHashSet | |
CMySerializerInt16 | |
CMySerializerInt32 | |
CMySerializerInt64 | |
CMySerializerInt8 | |
CMySerializerList | |
CMySerializerMyStringHash | |
CMySerializerNullable | |
CMySerializerObject | |
CMySerializerQuaternion | |
CMySerializerString | |
CMySerializerUInt16 | |
CMySerializerUInt32 | |
CMySerializerUInt64 | |
CMySerializerUInt8 | |
CNoSerializeAttribute | |
CNullableAttribute | |
CNullableItemAttribute | |
CNullableKeyAttribute | |
CProtoSerializer | |
CSerializableBoundingSphereD | |
CSerializableDictionary | |
CSerializableDictionaryCompat | |
CSerializableDictionaryHack | |
CSerializeAttribute | |
CTupleSerializer | Serializer for empty class, does nothing |
►NService | |
CMyServiceBase | |
►NStats | |
CMyNameComparer | |
CMyStats | |
CMyStatToken | |
►NSync | |
CSync | |
CSyncBase | |
CSyncType | |
►NTrace | |
CITrace | |
CMyNullTrace | |
CMyWintraceWrapper | |
►NUtils | |
CMy5BitEncoding | |
CMyAtlasTextureCoordinate | |
CMyAverageFiltering | Mean (average) filtering. |
CMyBBSetSampler | This class allows for uniform generation of points from a set of bounding boxes |
CMyBinaryReader | |
CMyBox | |
CMyDebug | |
CMyDiscreteSampler | A templated class for sampling from a set of objects with given probabilities. Uses MyDiscreteSampler. |
CMyEventArgs | |
CMyEventSet | From http://www.wintellect.com/Resources CLR Via C# by Jeffrey Richter |
►CMyLog | |
CIndentToken | |
►CMyMemoryLogs | |
CMyMemoryEvent | |
CMyPlane | |
CMyPolyLine | |
CMyPolyLineD | |
CMyQuantizer | |
CMyRectangle2D | |
CMySingleCrypto | |
CMySingleProgramInstance | |
►CMyStringHash | Generates string hashes deterministically and crashes on collisions. When used as key for hash tables (Dictionary or HashSet) always pass in MyStringHash.Comparer, otherwise lookups will allocate memory! Can be safely used in network but never serialize to disk! |
CHashComparerType | |
►CMyStringId | Generates unique IDs for strings. When used as key for hash tables (Dictionary or HashSet) always pass in MyStringId.Comparer, otherwise lookups will allocate memory! Never serialize to network or disk! |
CIdComparerType | |
CMyTriangle_Vertex_Normal | |
CMyTriangle_Vertex_Normals | |
CMyTriangle_Vertex_Normals_Tangents | |
CMyValueFormatter | |
►CMyVector3ISet | A data structure for a set of Vector3I coordinates optimized for sets with high spatial coherence (hence the name) |
CEnumerator | |
CMyVersion | |
►NVoxels | |
CIMyClipmapCell | |
CIMyClipmapCellHandler | |
►CMyCellCoord | |
CEqualityComparer | |
►CMyClipmap | |
CVoxelKey | |
CMyClipmap_CellData | |
CMyClipmapCellBatch | |
►CMyStorageData | |
CMortonEnumerator | |
CBoxed | |
CByteStream | |
CCrc32 | |
CCustomRootReader | Custom XmlReader that allows to read xml fragments |
CCustomRootWriter | Custom XmlWriter that allows to write xml fragments |
CDistantSound | |
CEnumComparer | A fast and efficient implementation of IEqualityComparer{T} for Enum types. Useful for dictionaries that use Enums as their keys. |
CFastNoArgsEvent | |
►CFastResourceLock | |
CStatistics | |
CIMyCompressionLoad | |
CIMyCompressionSave | |
CIMyXmlSerializable | |
CInstanceComparer | Most probably fastest possible comparer which compares instances of objects |
CIResourceLock | |
CMyAbstractXmlSerializer | Custom xml serializer that allows object instantiation on elements with xsl:type attribute |
CMyAudioWave | |
CMyBoneIndexWeight | |
►CMyCommand | |
CMyCommandAction | |
CMyCommandArgs | |
CMyCompressionFileLoad | |
CMyCompressionFileSave | |
CMyCompressionStreamLoad | |
CMyCompressionStreamSave | |
CMyConsoleInvalidArgumentsException | |
CMyConsoleMethodNotFoundException | |
CMyCubeInstanceData | |
CMyDecalTriangle_Data | |
CMyDeltaTransform | Transform structure for delta-transforms. |
►CMyEntityIdentifier | |
CPerThreadData | |
CMyFixedPoint | Fixed point number represented as 64-bit integer with 6 decimal places (one millionts) |
CMyIncompatibleDataException | |
CMyInstanceData | |
CMyOrientation | |
CMyPacket | |
CMyPositionAndOrientation | |
CMyRenderCustomMaterialData | |
CMyRenderThread | |
CMyRenderVoxelMaterialData | |
►CMySimpleProfiler | A simple performance profiler intended to show players information about which area of the game is slowing it down |
CMySimpleProfilingBlock | |
CPerformanceWarning | |
CMySpectator | |
CMyStructXmlSerializer | Deserializes structs using a specified default value (see StructDefaultAttribute). |
CMyTriangle_BoneIndicesWeigths | |
CMyTriangle_Colors | |
CMyTriangle_Coords | |
CMyTriangle_Normals | |
CMyTriangle_Vertices | |
CMyTryConnectHelper | |
CMyTuple | |
CMyTupleComparer | Use this as a custom comparer for the dictionaries, where the tuple is a key |
CMyVertex_BoneIndicesWeights | |
CMyVertexFormatVoxelSingleData | |
CMyVertexFormatVoxelSingleData2 | |
CMyXmlSerializerBase | Xml serializer base class with custom root element reader/writer caching |
CMyXmlSerializerManager | |
CMyXmlTextReader | Custom XML Reader with user data attached |
CRef | Good for struct wrapping to store it as ref value in dictionary. |
CResetableMemoryStream | |
CSerializableBoundingBoxD | |
CSerializableBounds | |
CSerializableQuaternion | |
CSerializableVector2 | |
CSerializableVector2I | |
CSerializableVector3 | |
CSerializableVector3D | |
CSerializableVector3I | |
CSerializableVector3UByte | |
CStructDefaultAttribute | Specifies a static read-only default value field for structs |
►NVRageMath | |
►NPackedVector | |
CByte4 | Packed vector type containing four 8-bit unsigned integer values, ranging from 0 to 255. |
CHalfVector2 | Packed vector type containing two 16-bit floating-point values. |
CHalfVector3 | Packed vector type containing four 16-bit floating-point values. |
CHalfVector4 | Packed vector type containing four 16-bit floating-point values. |
CIPackedVector | Interface that converts packed vector types to and from Vector4 values, allowing multiple encodings to be manipulated in a generic way. |
CNormalizedByte4 | Packed vector type containing four 8-bit signed normalized values, ranging from −1 to 1. |
►NSpatial | |
►CMyClusterTree | |
CIMyActivationHandler | |
CMyClusterQueryResult | |
►CMyVector3DGrid | |
CEnumerator | |
►CMyVector3Grid | |
CSphereQuery | |
CBase27Directions | Base 26 directions and Vector3.Zero Each component is only 0,-1 or 1; |
CBase6Directions | |
►CBoundingBox | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
CComparerType | |
CBoundingBox2 | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
CBoundingBox2D | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
CBoundingBox2I | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
►CBoundingBoxD | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
CComparerType | |
CBoundingBoxI | Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume. |
CBoundingFrustum | Defines a frustum and helps determine whether forms intersect with it. |
CBoundingFrustumD | Defines a frustum and helps determine whether forms intersect with it. |
CBoundingSphere | Defines a sphere. |
CBoundingSphereD | Defines a sphere. |
►CBoxCornerEnumerator | |
CTwoVectors | |
CCapsule | |
CCapsuleD | |
CColor | Represents a four-component color using red, green, blue, and alpha data. |
CCompressedPositionOrientation | Defines a matrix. |
CCurve | Stores an arbitrary collection of 2D CurveKey points, and provides methods for evaluating features of the curve they define. |
CCurveKey | Represents a point in a multi-point curve. |
CCurveKeyCollection | Contains the CurveKeys making up a Curve. |
CLine | |
CLineD | |
CMatrix | Defines a matrix. |
CMatrixD | Defines a matrix. |
CMatrixI | |
CMyBlockOrientation | |
CMyBounds | |
CMyCuboid | |
CMyCuboidSide | |
CMyDynamicAABBTree | Dynamic aabb tree implementation as a prunning structure |
CMyDynamicAABBTreeD | Dynamic aabb tree implementation as a prunning structure |
►CMyLineSegmentOverlapResult | |
CMyLineSegmentOverlapResultComparer | |
CMyOrientedBoundingBox | |
CMyOrientedBoundingBoxD | |
CMyQuad | |
CMyQuadD | |
CMyShort4 | |
CMyTransform | |
CMyTransformD | |
CMyUShort4 | |
CPlane | Defines a plane. |
CPlaneD | Defines a PlaneD. |
CPoint | Defines a point in 2D space. |
CQuaternion | Defines a four-dimensional vector (x,y,z,w), which is used to efficiently rotate an object about the (x, y, z) vector by the angle theta, where w = cos(theta/2). |
CQuaternionD | Defines a four-dimensional vector (x,y,z,w), which is used to efficiently rotate an object about the (x, y, z) vector by the angle theta, where w = cos(theta/2). Uses double precision floating point numbers for calculation and storage |
CRay | Defines a ray. |
CRayD | Defines a ray. |
CRectangle | Defines a rectangle. |
CRectangleF | Structure using the same layout than System.Drawing.RectangleF |
CSerializableRange | |
CSymetricSerializableRange | |
CVector2 | Defines a vector with two components. |
CVector2B | |
CVector2D | Defines a vector with two components. |
►CVector2I | |
CComparerClass | |
CVector3 | Defines a vector with three components. |
CVector3B | |
CVector3D | Defines a vector with three components. |
►CVector3I | |
CEqualityComparer | |
CVector3I_RangeIterator | A class for simpler traversal of ranges of integer vectors |
CVector3INormalEqualityComparer | This can be used only to compare normal vectors of Vector3I, where X, Y and Z has values -1, 0 or 1 |
CVector3S | |
►CVector3UByte | |
CEqualityComparer | |
CVector3Ushort | |
CVector4 | Defines a vector with four components. |
CVector4D | Defines a vector with four components. |
►CVector4I | |
CEqualityComparer | |
CVector4UByte | |
►NVRageRender | |
►NAnimations | |
CAnimationKey | |
CGeneration2DProperty | |
CGenerationProperty | |
CIMyAnimatedProperty | |
CIMyAnimatedProperty2D | |
CIMyConstProperty | |
CIMyTerrainHeightProvider | Interface providing terrain height in model space. |
CModelAnimations | Class that contains additional information attached to the model and shared with the runtime. |
►CMyAnimatedProperty | |
CValueHolder | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2D | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DEnum | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DFloat | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DInt | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DVector3 | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DVector4 | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyEnum | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyFloat | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyInt | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyVector3 | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyVector4 | |
►CMyAnimationClip | An animation clip is a set of keyframes with associated bones. VRAGE TODO: Any link to actual animation collection? Or at least to rest pose? Please? |
CBone | Keyframes are grouped per bone for an animation clip |
CBoneState | BoneState is a rotation and translation of the bone. It would be easy to extend this to include scaling as well. |
CKeyframe | An Keyframe extends rotation and translation of the bone by specifying time of the event. |
►CMyAnimationController | Animation controller contains and drives skeletal animations. It also serves as an abstraction layer, hiding low/level classes. |
CMyResultBonesPool | Simple pool allocator for bone results. |
CMyAnimationIkChain | Tiny structure describing IK chain. |
CMyAnimationIkChainExt | Tiny structure describing IK chain + remembering last state. |
CMyAnimationInverseKinematics | Class providing various IK solutions. Feet IK is |
CMyAnimationStateMachine | Animation state machine selects the animation to match current state. When it finds valid transition to some next state, transition is performed automatically. |
CMyAnimationStateMachineNode | Animation state machine node is a representation of one state inside MyAnimationStateMachine. |
CMyAnimationStateMachineTransition | Description of transition to another state (MyAnimationStateMachineNode) in the state machine (MyAnimationStateMachine). |
CMyAnimationTreeNode | Interface representing one node in animation tree. |
CMyAnimationTreeNodeDummy | Node of animation tree: single track. Contains reference to animation clip. |
►CMyAnimationTreeNodeMix1D | Mixing between animation nodes on 1D axis. |
CMyParameterNodeMapping | |
CMyAnimationTreeNodeTrack | Node of animation tree: single track. Contains reference to animation clip. |
CMyAnimationUpdateData | Helper structure passed as an parameter during computation of current pose. |
CMyAnimationVariableStorage | Key-value storage of float values, other types are implicitly converted. |
CMyCharacterBone | Bones in this model are represented by this class, which allows a bone to have more detail associatd with it |
CMyConstProperty | |
CMyConstPropertyBool | |
CMyConstPropertyEnum | |
CMyConstPropertyFloat | |
CMyConstPropertyGenerationIndex | |
CMyConstPropertyInt | |
CMyConstPropertyString | |
CMyConstPropertyVector3 | |
CMyConstPropertyVector4 | |
►NExternalApp | |
CIExternalApp | |
CIMyBufferedInputSource | |
CIMyRenderWindow | |
CMyGameRenderComponent | |
CMyRenderThread | |
CMyRenderWindow | |
►NFractures | |
CMyFractureSettings | |
CMyModelFractures | |
CRandomSplitFractureSettings | |
CVoronoiFractureSettings | |
CWoodFractureSettings | |
►NImport | |
CBone | |
CMesh | |
CMyLODDescriptor | |
CMyMaterialDescriptor | material params for export |
CMyMeshPartInfo | |
CMyMeshSectionInfo | |
CMyMeshSectionMeshInfo | |
CMyModelBone | |
CMyModelDummy | |
CMyModelExporter | |
►CMyModelImporter | |
CReductionInfo | |
CMyModelInfo | |
CNodeDesc | |
►NMessages | |
CMyAtmosphereSettings | |
CMyBoneDecalUpdate | |
CMyClipmapCellMeshMetadata | |
CMyCloudLayerSettings | |
CMyCubeInstanceDecalData | |
CMyDebugRenderMessage | |
CMyDecalPositionUpdate | |
CMyDecalTopoData | |
CMyFlareDesc | |
CMyGPUEmitter | |
CMyGPUEmitterData | |
CMyGPUEmitterLight | |
CMyGPUEmitterTransformUpdate | |
CMyHBAOData | |
CMyLightLayout | |
CMyModelData | |
CMyRenderDebugOverrides | |
CMyRenderFogSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageAddRuntimeModel | |
CMyRenderMessageBase | |
CMyRenderMessageCancelClipmapCell | |
CMyRenderMessageChangeMaterialTexture | |
CMyRenderMessageChangeModel | |
CMyRenderMessageChangeModelMaterial | |
CMyRenderMessageClearLightShadowIgnore | |
CMyRenderMessageClearScreenDecals | |
CMyRenderMessageClipmapsReady | |
CMyRenderMessageCloseVideo | |
CMyRenderMessageCollectGarbage | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateClipmap | |
CMyRenderMessageCreatedDeviceSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateFont | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateGeneratedTexture | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateGPUEmitter | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateLineBasedObject | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateManualCullObject | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderCharacter | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderEntity | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderEntityAtmosphere | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderEntityClouds | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderInstanceBuffer | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderLight | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderVoxelDebris | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateRenderVoxelMaterials | |
CMyRenderMessageCreateScreenDecal | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugClearPersistentMessages | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugCrashRenderThread | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDraw6FaceConvex | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawAABB | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawAxis | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawCapsule | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawCone | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawCylinder | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawFrustrum | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawLine2D | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawLine3D | |
►CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawMesh | |
CFormatPositionColor | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawModel | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawOBB | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawPlane | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawPoint | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawSphere | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawText2D | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawText3D | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawTriangle | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugDrawTriangles | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugPrintAllFileTexturesIntoLog | |
CMyRenderMessageDebugWaitForPresent | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawScene | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawSprite | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawSpriteAtlas | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawSpriteNormalized | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawString | |
CMyRenderMessageDrawVideo | |
CMyRenderMessageEnableAtmosphere | |
CMyRenderMessageError | |
CMyRenderMessageExportToObjComplete | |
CMyRenderMessageInvalidateClipmapRange | |
CMyRenderMessagePlayVideo | |
CMyRenderMessagePreloadMaterials | |
CMyRenderMessagePreloadModel | |
CMyRenderMessagePreloadTextures | |
CMyRenderMessageRebuildCullingStructure | |
CMyRenderMessageRegisterScreenDecalsMaterials | |
CMyRenderMessageReloadEffects | |
CMyRenderMessageReloadModels | |
CMyRenderMessageReloadTextures | |
CMyRenderMessageRemoveDecal | |
CMyRenderMessageRemoveGPUEmitter | |
CMyRenderMessageRemoveRenderObject | |
CMyRenderMessageRenderColoredTexture | |
CMyRenderMessageRenderOffscreenTextureToMaterial | |
CMyRenderMessageRenderProfiler | |
CMyRenderMessageRenderTextureFreed | |
CMyRenderMessageRequireClipmapCell | |
CMyRenderMessageResetGeneratedTexture | |
CMyRenderMessageResetRandomness | |
CMyRenderMessageScreenshotTaken | |
CMyRenderMessageSetCameraViewMatrix | |
CMyRenderMessageSetCharacterSkeleton | |
CMyRenderMessageSetCharacterTransforms | |
CMyRenderMessageSetDecalGlobals | |
CMyRenderMessageSetFrameTimeStep | |
CMyRenderMessageSetInstanceBuffer | |
CMyRenderMessageSetLightShadowIgnore | |
CMyRenderMessageSetMouseCapture | |
CMyRenderMessageSetParentCullObject | |
CMyRenderMessageSetRenderEntityData | |
CMyRenderMessageSetVideoVolume | |
CMyRenderMessageSpriteScissorPop | |
CMyRenderMessageSpriteScissorPush | |
CMyRenderMessageSwitchDeviceSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageSwitchRenderSettings | 1 at the end is naming convention from DX, saying this is newer version (for Dx11 render). |
CMyRenderMessageTakeScreenshot | |
CMyRenderMessageUnloadData | |
CMyRenderMessageUnloadTexture | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateAtmosphereSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateClipmapCell | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateCloudLayerFogFlag | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateColorEmissivity | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateDebugOverrides | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateEnvironmentMap | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateFogSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateGameplayFrame | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateGPUEmitters | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateGPUEmittersLight | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateGPUEmittersTransform | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateHBAO | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateLineBasedObject | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateMaterialsSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateModelHighlight | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateModelProperties | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateNewLoddingSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateNewPipelineSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdatePostprocessSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderCubeInstanceBuffer | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderEntity | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderEnvironment | The difference between environment and RenderSettings is that environment are game play values, on the other hand render settings are render internal/debugging values |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderInstanceBufferRange | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderInstanceBufferSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderLight | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderObject | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderObjectVisibility | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateRenderVoxelMaterials | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateScreenDecal | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateShadowSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateSSAOSettings | |
CMyRenderMessageUpdateVideo | |
CMyRenderMessageVideoAdaptersRequest | |
CMyRenderMessageVideoAdaptersResponse | |
CMyRuntimeSectionInfo | |
CMySkeletonBoneDescription | |
CMySpotLightLayout | |
CMySpriteDrawRenderMessage | |
CMyTextureChange | |
CrenderColoredTextureProperties | |
CUpdateRenderLightData | |
►NModels | |
CMyMesh | |
CMyMeshMaterial | |
CMyMeshSection | |
►NProfiler | |
CMyNullRenderProfiler | |
CMyRenderProfilerRendering | |
►NResources | |
CMyDsvInfo | |
CMyRtvInfo | |
CMyRwTextureInfo | |
CMySrvInfo | |
►CMySubresourceId | |
CMySubResourceIdComparerType | |
CMyTextureInfo | |
CMyUavInfo | |
►CRwTexId | |
CMyRwTexIdComparerType | |
CTexId | |
►NUtils | |
CMyAnimatedProperty2DTransparentMaterial | |
CMyAnimatedPropertyTransparentMaterial | |
CMyConstPropertyTransparentMaterial | |
CMyPhysicsMesh | |
►CMyPolygon | |
CLoopIterator | |
CVertex | |
CMyPolygonBoolOps | |
►CMyWingedEdgeMesh | |
CEdge | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
CEdgeEnumerator | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
CFace | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
CFaceEdgeEnumerator | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
CFaceVertexEnumerator | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
CVertexEdgeEnumerator | Note: This is invalid after the mesh changes! |
►NVertex | |
CMyVertexFormat2DPosition | |
CMyVertexFormatCubeInstance | |
CMyVertexFormatGenericInstance | |
CMyVertexFormatNormal | |
CMyVertexFormatPosition | |
CMyVertexFormatPosition2Texcoord | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionColor | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionH4 | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionHTextureH | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionPackedColor | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionSkinning | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionTexcoordNormalTangent | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionTextureH | |
CMyVertexFormatPositionTextureSkinning | |
CMyVertexFormatSpritePositionTextureColor | |
CMyVertexFormatSpritePositionTextureRotationColor | |
CMyVertexFormatTexcoordNormalTangent | |
CMyVertexFormatTexcoordNormalTangentTexindices | |
CMyVertexFormatVoxel | |
►NVoxels | |
CIMyClipmapCell | |
CIMyClipmapCellHandler | |
►CMyClipmap | |
CVoxelKey | |
CMyClipmap_CellData | |
CAtmosphereConstants | |
CAtmosphereLuts | |
CCloudsConstants | |
CComputeShaderId | |
CFogConstants | |
CGeometryShaderId | |
CHighlightConstantsLayout | |
CIDepthStencilBindable | |
CIDrawTrianglesMessage | |
CIMyRender | |
CInputLayoutId | |
►CInstancingId | |
CMyInstancingIdComparerType | |
CIRenderTargetBindable | |
CIShaderResourceBindable | |
CIUnorderedAccessBindable | |
►CLodMeshId | |
CMyLodMeshIdComparerType | |
CMaterialFoliageConstantsElem | |
►CMeshId | |
CMyMeshIdComparerType | |
►CMeshPartId | |
CMyMeshPartIdComparerType | |
►CMeshSectionId | |
CMyMeshSectionIdComparerType | |
CMyActorComponent | |
CMyActorsUpdatingWork | |
CMyAdapterInfo | |
CMyAssetMesh | |
CMyAssetsLoader | |
CMyAtmosphere | |
CMyAtmosphereRenderer | |
CMyBigMeshTable | |
CMyBillboard | |
CMyBillboardBatch | |
CMyBillboardData | |
CMyBillboardDataArray | |
CMyBillboardRenderer | |
CMyBillboardRendererBatch | |
CMyBillboardVertexData | |
CMyBillboardViewProjection | |
►CMyBinding | |
CMyBindingComparerType | |
CMyBlendTargets | |
CMyBloom | |
CMyBlur | |
CMyClassicInstancing | |
CMyClipmapCellProxy | |
CMyClipmapHandler | |
►CMyCloudLayer | |
CMyCloudTextureInfo | |
CMyCloudRenderer | |
CMyConstantsPack | |
CMyContextState | |
CMyCopyToRT | |
CMyCullingSmallObjects | |
CMyCullProxy | Contains data used for culling, but should not own any itself |
CMyCullProxy_2 | |
CMyCullQuery | |
CMyDebugDrawBatchAABB | |
CMyDebugRenderer | |
CMyDecalBindingInfo | |
CMyDecalConstants | |
CMyDecalGlobals | |
CMyDecalJob | |
CMyDecalMaterial | |
CMyDecalMaterialDesc | |
CMyDecalRenderInfo | |
CMyDecalTextures | |
CMyDepthPass | |
CMyDestructionMesh | |
CMyDeviceErrorException | |
CMyDisplayMode | |
CMyDraw | |
CMyDrawSubmesh | |
CMyDrawSubmesh_2 | |
CMyDX11Render | |
►CMyEntityMaterialKey | |
CMyEntityMaterialKeyComparerType | |
CMyEnvironment | |
CMyEnvironmentData | |
CMyEnvironmentLightData | |
CMyEnvironmentMatrices | |
CMyEnvironmentProbe | |
CMyEnvProbeProcessing | |
CMyFoliageComponent | |
CMyFoliageGeneratingPass | |
CMyFoliageStream | |
►CMyFont | |
CKernPair | |
CKernPairComparer | |
CMyBitmapInfo | Info for each font bitmap |
CMyGlyphInfo | Info for each glyph in the font - where to find the glyph image and other properties |
CMyForwardPass | |
CMyFreelist | |
CMyFrustumCuller | |
CMyFrustumCullQuery | |
CMyGBuffer | |
CMyGBufferPass | |
CMyGenericObjectPool | A copy of MyObjectsPool that handles types a little different for the MyObjectPoolManager |
CMyGeometryRenderer | |
CMyGeometryTextureSystemReference | |
CMyGlobalLoddingSettings | |
CMyGroupLeafComponent | |
CMyGroupRootComponent | |
CMyHashHelper | |
CMyHdrDebugTools | |
CMyHighlight | |
CMyHighlightDesc | |
CMyHighlightPass | |
CMyIDTracker | |
CMyImpostorProperties | |
CMyInstancedMeshPages | |
CMyInstanceEntityInfo | |
CMyInstanceInfo | |
CMyInstanceLodComponent | Used to render LOD0 instances |
CMyInstancingComponent | |
CMyInstancingData | |
CMyInstancingInfo | |
CMyInstancingMethod | |
CMyInstancingTableEntry | |
CMyInstancingTest | |
CMyLightsCameraDistanceComparer | |
CMyLineHelpers | |
CMyLinesBatch | |
CMyLinesRenderer | |
►CMyLodMesh | |
CMyLodMeshComparerType | |
CMyLodMeshInfo | |
CMyLuminanceAverage | |
CMyMapping | |
CMyMaterialMergeGroup | |
CMyMaterialProxy_2 | |
CMyMaterialProxyId | |
CMyMaterialShaderInfo | |
CMyMaterialShadersBundle | |
CMyMaterialShadersBundleId | |
CMyMaterialShadersInfo | |
►CMyMaterialsSettings | |
CMyChangeableMaterial | |
CStruct | |
CMyMemory | |
CMyMergeInstancing | |
CMyMergeInstancingConstants | |
CMyMergeInstancingShaderBundle | |
CMyMesh | |
CMyMeshBuffers | |
CMyMeshData | |
CMyMeshInfo | |
►CMyMeshMaterialId | |
CCustomMergingEqualityComparer | |
CMyMeshMaterialInfo | |
CMyMeshMaterials1 | |
►CMyMeshPart | |
CMyMeshPartComparerType | |
CMyMeshPartInfo1 | |
CMyMeshRawData | |
►CMyMeshSection | |
CMyMeshSectionComparerType | |
CMyMeshSectionInfo1 | |
CMyMeshSectionPartInfo1 | |
CMyMeshTableEntry | |
CMyMeshTableSRV | |
CMyMeshTableSrv | |
CMyMeshTableSrv_Entry | |
CMyMeshTableSRV_Entry | |
CMyMessagePool | TODO: This should use some better sync, it could introduce delays with current state 1) Use spin lock 2) Lock only queue, not whole dictionary 3) Test count first and when it's insufficient, create new message, both should be safe to do out of any lock 4) Custom consumer/producer non-locking (except resize) queue could be better (maybe overkill) |
CMyMessageQueue | |
CMyModelProperties | |
CMyModifiableCloudLayerData | |
CMyNewLoddingSettings | |
CMyNewPipelineSettings | |
CMyNullRender | |
CMyOcclusionCuller | |
CMyOcclusionQueryRender | |
CMyPackedIndexer | |
CMyPackedIndexerDynamic | |
CMyPackedPool | |
CMyPackedPoolHandle | |
CMyParent | |
CMyPassLocals | |
CMyPassLoddingSetting | |
CMyPassStats | |
CMyPerInstanceData | |
CMyPerMaterialData | |
CMyPerMeshInstancing | |
►CMyPostprocessSettings | |
CLayout | |
CMyPrimitivesRenderer | |
CMyQuery | |
CMyRCStats | |
CMyRefreshRatePriorityComparer | |
CMyRender | |
CMyRender11 | |
CMyRenderableComponent | |
CMyRenderableProxy | Contains data needed to render an actor or part of it. Does not own any data |
CMyRenderableProxy_2 | Renderable proxies for merge-instancing |
CMyRenderBatchPart | |
CMyRenderContext | |
CMyRenderContextAnnotation | |
CMyRenderCullResultFlat | |
CMyRenderDeviceSettings | |
CMyRendererBase | |
CMyRenderException | |
CMyRenderFont | |
CMyRenderingPass | |
CMyRenderingWork | |
CMyRenderingWorkItem | |
CMyRenderingWorkRecordCommands | |
CMyRenderInstanceInfo | |
CMyRenderLod | |
CMyRenderLodInfo | |
CMyRenderMeshInfo | |
CMyRenderMessageScreenDataReady | |
CMyRenderQualityProfile | |
CMyRenderSettings | Settings for whole render. To make settings per draw, use RenderSetup |
CMyRenderSettings1 | Naming convention from DX. Newer version for Dx11 render. Put only settings that player can control (either directly or indirectly) using options here. Don't put debug crap here! |
CMyRuntimeMeshPersistentInfo | |
CMyScreenDecal | |
CMyScreenPass | |
CMyScreenshot | |
CMyShaderInfo | |
CMyShaderMaterial | |
CMyShaderPass | |
CMyShaderStreamOutputInfo | |
CMyShadowConstants | |
►CMyShadowsSettings | |
CCascade | |
CNewStruct | |
CStruct | |
CMyShapesRenderer | |
CMySharedData | Data shared between render and update |
CMySkinningComponent | |
CMySoftInstancingGroup | |
CMySoftInstancingGroup2 | |
CMySpritesBatch | |
CMySpritesContext | |
CMySpritesRenderer | |
CMySrvTable | |
►CMySSAOSettings | |
CLayout | |
►CMyStageBinding | |
CMyStageBindingComparerType | |
►CMyStageSrvBinding | |
CMyStageSrvBindingComparerType | |
CMyStereoRender | |
CMyStereoStencilMask | |
CMySubmeshInfo | |
CMyTextureData | |
CMyToneMapping | |
CMyTransparentMaterial | |
CMyTriangleBillboard | |
CMyUpdateData | |
CMyUpdateFrame | Contains data produced by update frame, sent to render in thread-safe manner |
CMyVertexInput | |
CMyVertexInputComponent | |
CMyVertexLayoutInfo | |
CMyVideoFactory | |
CMyVideoPlayer | |
CMyViewport | |
CMyViewTransformation | |
CMyVisibilityCuller | |
CMyVoxelCellInfo | |
CMyVoxelMaterial1 | |
CMyVoxelMaterialConstants | |
CMyVoxelMaterialDetailSet | |
CMyVoxelMaterialEntry | |
CMyVoxelMaterialTriple | |
CMyVoxelMultiMaterialConstants | |
CMyVoxelPartInfo1 | |
CPixelShaderId | |
CPooledObjectAttribute | Using this attribute on a class requires a public static method with the PooledObjectCleaner attribute in the class. There should be a public parameterless constructor defined too. |
CPooledObjectCleanerAttribute | Anything in the pool has the method with this attribute called to make sure everything stored is in a proper, cleaned state. |
CShaderBytecodeId | |
CSpriteScissorStack | Stores stack of scissor rectangles where top rectangle has already been cut using all the rectangles below it, so that only one rectangle is checked during scissor test. |
CStaticGlassConstants | |
CVertexLayoutId | |
CVertexShaderId | |
►CVoxelPartId | |
CMyVoxelPartIdComparerType | |
►NWorld | |
CMySpaceSessionCompatHelper | |
CDeque | |