MyStringHash | ResourceSinkGroup |
MyStringHash | ResourceSourceGroup |
Vector3 | PanelOrientation |
bool | IsTwoSided |
float | PanelOffset |
MyDefinitionId | ProducedGas |
float | MaxGasOutput |
float | OperationalPowerConsumption |
Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition |
MyCubeSize | CubeSize |
MyBlockTopology | BlockTopology = MyBlockTopology.TriangleMesh |
Vector3I | Size |
Vector3 | ModelOffset |
bool | UseModelIntersection = false |
MyCubeDefinition | CubeDefinition |
bool | SilenceableByShipSoundSystem = false |
Component[] | Components |
| Index 0 is first component on stack, the one which is build first and destroyed last. More...
UInt16 | CriticalGroup |
float | CriticalIntegrityRatio |
float | OwnershipIntegrityRatio |
float | MaxIntegrityRatio |
float | MaxIntegrity |
int | DamageEffectID = null |
string | DestroyEffect = "" |
MySoundPair | DestroySound = MySoundPair.Empty |
CubeBlockEffectBase[] | Effects |
MountPoint[] | MountPoints |
Dictionary< Vector3I, Dictionary< Vector3I, bool > > | IsCubePressurized |
MyBlockNavigationDefinition | NavigationDefinition |
Color | Color |
List< MyCubeBlockDefinition > | Variants = new List<MyCubeBlockDefinition>() |
MyCubeBlockDefinition | UniqueVersion |
MyPhysicsOption | PhysicsOption |
MyStringId | DisplayNameVariant |
string | BlockPairName |
float | DeformationRatio |
float | IntegrityPointsPerSec |
string | EdgeType |
List< BoneInfo > | Skeleton |
Dictionary< Vector3I, Vector3 > | Bones |
bool | IsAirTight = false |
MyStringId | BuildType |
| Building type - always lower case (wall, ...). More...
string | BuildMaterial |
| Build material - always lower case (for walls - "stone", "wood"). More...
MyDefinitionId[] | GeneratedBlockDefinitions |
MyStringId | GeneratedBlockType |
float | BuildProgressToPlaceGeneratedBlocks |
| Value of build progress when generated blocks start to generate. More...
bool | CreateFracturedPieces |
string[] | CompoundTemplates |
bool | CompoundEnabled |
string | MultiBlock |
Dictionary< string, MyDefinitionId > | SubBlockDefinitions |
| Map from dummy name subblock definition. More...
MyDefinitionId[] | BlockStages |
| Array of block stages. Stage represents other block definition which have different UV mapping, mirrored model, etc (stone rounded corner...). Stages can be cycled when building cubes. More...
BuildProgressModel[] | BuildProgressModels |
| Models used when building. They are sorted in ascending order according to their percentage. More...
float | DisassembleRatio |
MyAutorotateMode | AutorotateMode |
MySoundPair | PrimarySound |
MySoundPair | ActionSound |
MySoundPair | DamagedSound |
int | Points |
Dictionary< string, MyObjectBuilder_ComponentBase > | EntityComponents = null |
VoxelPlacementOverride | VoxelPlacement |
| Defines how much block can penetrate voxel. More...
Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyPhysicalModelDefinition |
string | Model |
MyPhysicalMaterialDefinition | PhysicalMaterial |
float | Mass |
MyDefinitionId | Id |
MyStringId | DisplayNameEnum |
| Enum used for localization of display name. Null for player created definitions. More...
MyStringId | DescriptionEnum |
| Enum used for localization of description. Null for player created definitions. More...
String | DisplayNameString |
| String name used for user created definitions which do not have localization support. More...
String | DescriptionString |
| String used for user created description which do not have localization support. More...
string[] | Icons |
| Icons for the definition, they are used from top to bottom. More...
bool | Enabled = true |
| Definition can be disabled by mod, then it will be removed from definition manager More...
bool | Public = true |
| Indicates if definition should be offered in Cube builder More...
bool | AvailableInSurvival |
MyModContext | Context |
Definition at line 11 of file MyOxygenFarmDefinition.cs.