override void | ProgressStart () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenProgressBase |
virtual void | OnCancelClick (MyGuiControlButton sender) |
override void | Canceling () |
| Called when user presses ESC or clicks on CANCEL - hook to this method so you can do gui-screen-specific event More...
Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase |
| MyGuiScreenBase (Vector2?position=null, Vector4?backgroundColor=null, Vector2?size=null, bool isTopMostScreen=false, string backgroundTexture=null, float backgroundTransition=0.0f, float guiTransition=0.0f) |
bool | HandleKeyboardActiveIndex (bool forwardMovement) |
bool | IsMouseOver () |
MyGuiControlLabel | AddCaption (MyStringId textEnum, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE) |
MyGuiControlLabel | AddCaption (String text, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE) |
Color | ApplyTransitionAlpha (Vector4 color, float transition) |
virtual void | OnShow () |
| Called when [show]. More...
virtual void | OnHide () |
| Called when [show]. More...
virtual void | OnClosed () |
| Called when [show]. More...
void | MakeXAndYEqual (ref Vector2 val) |
| Computes ratio of width and height in GUI coordinates to make X and Y of equal value represent same distance on screen as well. Then multiplies Y using this ratio. More...
Vector2 | MakeXAndYEqual (Vector2 val) |
void | SetDefaultCloseButtonOffset () |
StringBuilder | Text [get, set] |
Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenProgressBase |
MyGuiControlRotatingWheel | RotatingWheel [get] |
MyStringId | ProgressText [get, set] |
String | ProgressTextString [get, set] |
Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase |
Color | BackgroundFadeColor [get] |
bool | SkipTransition [get, set] |
bool | Cancelled [get] |
bool | DrawMouseCursor [get, set] |
bool | JoystickAsMouse [get, set] |
MyGuiScreenState | State [get, set] |
bool | IsLoaded [get, set] |
bool | EnabledBackgroundFade [get, protected set] |
| Draw fade rectangle under top-most screen? More...
bool | CanBeHidden [get, protected set] |
| Indicates whether screen can be hidden when another screen is on top of it (assuming that screen hides screens below it). More...
bool | CanHideOthers [get, protected set] |
| Indicates whether screen can hide screens below it. This will not hide screens that cannot be hidden. More...
bool | CanHaveFocus [get, protected set] |
| Without focus, this screen will not steal input. More...
virtual MyGuiControls | Controls [get] |
Vector4 | BackgroundColor [get, set] |
Vector2 | Size [get, set] |
bool | Visible [get] |
Vector2 | CloseButtonOffset [get, set] |
bool | CloseButtonEnabled [get, set] |
MyGuiControlBase | FocusedControl [get, set] |
string | DebugNamePath [get] |
string | Name [get] |
IMyGuiControlsOwner | Owner [get] |
Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsParent |
MyGuiControls | Controls [get] |
Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsOwner |
string | DebugNamePath [get] |
string | Name [get] |
IMyGuiControlsOwner | Owner [get] |
Definition at line 13 of file MyGuiScreenProgress.cs.