Space Engineers
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Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser:
Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyAutomaticRifleGun Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyHandDrill Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyLargeTurretBase Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallGatlingGun Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallMissileLauncher Sandbox.ModAPI.Weapons.IMyAutomaticRifleGun Sandbox.ModAPI.Weapons.IMyHandDrill SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeConveyorTurretBase SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeInteriorTurret Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallMissileLauncherReload Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyAutomaticRifleGun Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyHandDrill SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeGatlingTurret SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeMissileTurret


MyEntity[] IgnoreEntities [get]
MyEntity Weapon [get]
MyEntity Owner [get]
IMyMissileGunObject Launcher [get]
MyInventory AmmoInventory [get]
 The inventory in which the weapon searches for additional ammo More...
MyDefinitionId PhysicalItemId [get]
 The physical item that is being searched for in the weapon inventory. Can be ignored if WeaponInventory is null More...
MyInventory WeaponInventory [get]
 The inventory in which the weapon searches for it's object builder (e.g. an automatic rifle in character's inventory) Can be null if the object builder is not to be searched More...
long OwnerId [get]
String ConstraintDisplayName [get]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

Property Documentation

MyInventory Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.AmmoInventory

The inventory in which the weapon searches for additional ammo

Definition at line 22 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

String Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.ConstraintDisplayName

Definition at line 36 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

MyEntity [] Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.IgnoreEntities

Definition at line 13 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

IMyMissileGunObject Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.Launcher

Definition at line 17 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

MyEntity Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.Owner

Definition at line 16 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

long Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.OwnerId

Definition at line 35 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

MyDefinitionId Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.PhysicalItemId

The physical item that is being searched for in the weapon inventory. Can be ignored if WeaponInventory is null

Definition at line 27 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

MyEntity Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.Weapon

Definition at line 15 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

MyInventory Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyGunBaseUser.WeaponInventory

The inventory in which the weapon searches for it's object builder (e.g. an automatic rifle in character's inventory) Can be null if the object builder is not to be searched

Definition at line 33 of file IMyGunBaseUser.cs.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: