Space Engineers
Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition:
Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition Sandbox.Definitions.MyPhysicalModelDefinition VRage.Game.MyDefinitionBase

Public Attributes

string ResourceSinkGroup
float ForceMagnitude
float RequiredPowerInput
- Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition
MyCubeSize CubeSize
MyBlockTopology BlockTopology = MyBlockTopology.TriangleMesh
Vector3I Size
Vector3 ModelOffset
bool UseModelIntersection = false
MyCubeDefinition CubeDefinition
bool SilenceableByShipSoundSystem = false
Component[] Components
 Index 0 is first component on stack, the one which is build first and destroyed last. More...
UInt16 CriticalGroup
float CriticalIntegrityRatio
float OwnershipIntegrityRatio
float MaxIntegrityRatio
float MaxIntegrity
int DamageEffectID = null
string DestroyEffect = ""
MySoundPair DestroySound = MySoundPair.Empty
CubeBlockEffectBase[] Effects
MountPoint[] MountPoints
Dictionary< Vector3I, Dictionary< Vector3I, bool > > IsCubePressurized
MyBlockNavigationDefinition NavigationDefinition
Color Color
List< MyCubeBlockDefinitionVariants = new List<MyCubeBlockDefinition>()
MyCubeBlockDefinition UniqueVersion
MyPhysicsOption PhysicsOption
MyStringId DisplayNameVariant
string BlockPairName
float DeformationRatio
float IntegrityPointsPerSec
string EdgeType
List< BoneInfoSkeleton
Dictionary< Vector3I, Vector3Bones
bool IsAirTight = false
MyStringId BuildType
 Building type - always lower case (wall, ...). More...
string BuildMaterial
 Build material - always lower case (for walls - "stone", "wood"). More...
MyDefinitionId[] GeneratedBlockDefinitions
MyStringId GeneratedBlockType
float BuildProgressToPlaceGeneratedBlocks
 Value of build progress when generated blocks start to generate. More...
bool CreateFracturedPieces
string[] CompoundTemplates
bool CompoundEnabled
string MultiBlock
Dictionary< string, MyDefinitionIdSubBlockDefinitions
 Map from dummy name subblock definition. More...
MyDefinitionId[] BlockStages
 Array of block stages. Stage represents other block definition which have different UV mapping, mirrored model, etc (stone rounded corner...). Stages can be cycled when building cubes. More...
BuildProgressModel[] BuildProgressModels
 Models used when building. They are sorted in ascending order according to their percentage. More...
float DisassembleRatio
MyAutorotateMode AutorotateMode
MySoundPair PrimarySound
MySoundPair ActionSound
MySoundPair DamagedSound
int Points
Dictionary< string, MyObjectBuilder_ComponentBaseEntityComponents = null
VoxelPlacementOverride VoxelPlacement
 Defines how much block can penetrate voxel. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyPhysicalModelDefinition
string Model
MyPhysicalMaterialDefinition PhysicalMaterial
float Mass
- Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.MyDefinitionBase
MyDefinitionId Id
MyStringId DisplayNameEnum
 Enum used for localization of display name. Null for player created definitions. More...
MyStringId DescriptionEnum
 Enum used for localization of description. Null for player created definitions. More...
String DisplayNameString
 String name used for user created definitions which do not have localization support. More...
String DescriptionString
 String used for user created description which do not have localization support. More...
string[] Icons
 Icons for the definition, they are used from top to bottom. More...
bool Enabled = true
 Definition can be disabled by mod, then it will be removed from definition manager More...
bool Public = true
 Indicates if definition should be offered in Cube builder More...
bool AvailableInSurvival
MyModContext Context

Protected Member Functions

override void Init (MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyPhysicalModelDefinition
override void Init (MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition
override MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase GetObjectBuilder ()
bool RatioEnoughForOwnership (float ratio)
bool RatioEnoughForDamageEffect (float ratio)
bool ModelChangeIsNeeded (float percentageA, float percentageB)
 Tells, whether a model change is needed, if the block changes integrity from A to B or vice versa. More...
float FinalModelThreshold ()
Vector3 MountPointLocalToBlockLocal (Vector3 coord, Base6Directions.Direction mountPointDirection)
Vector3 MountPointLocalNormalToBlockLocal (Vector3 normal, Base6Directions.Direction mountPointDirection)
MountPoint[] GetBuildProgressModelMountPoints (float currentIntegrityRatio)
void InitPressurization ()
void InitNavigationInfo (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockDefinition blockDef, string infoSubtypeId)
bool ContainsComputer ()
MyCubeBlockDefinition GetGeneratedBlockDefinition (MyStringId additionalModelType)
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.MyDefinitionBase
void Init (MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder, MyModContext modContext)
virtual void Postprocess ()
 Override this in case you want to do some postprocessing of the definition before the game starts. More...
void Save (string filepath)
override string ToString ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition
static int GetMountPointWallIndex (Base6Directions.Direction direction)
static BlockSideEnum NormalToBlockSide (Vector3I normal)
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition
MyBlockDirection Direction [get]
 Allowed cube block directions. More...
MyBlockRotation Rotation [get]
 Allowed cube block rotations. More...
bool IsGeneratedBlock [get]
Vector3I Center [get]
MySymmetryAxisEnum SymmetryX [get]
MySymmetryAxisEnum SymmetryY [get]
MySymmetryAxisEnum SymmetryZ [get]
string MirroringBlock [get]
override String DisplayNameText [get]
bool GuiVisible [get]
bool Mirrored [get]
bool RandomRotation [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.MyDefinitionBase
virtual String DisplayNameText [get]
 Use this property when showing name in GUI instead of DisplayName. This takes into account more complex name construction. More...
virtual String DescriptionText [get]
 Use this property when showing description in GUI, as it takes into account more complex description construction. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file MyGyroDefinition.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override void Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition.Init ( MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase  builder)

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Definitions.MyCubeBlockDefinition.

Definition at line 15 of file MyGyroDefinition.cs.

Member Data Documentation

float Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition.ForceMagnitude

Definition at line 12 of file MyGyroDefinition.cs.

float Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition.RequiredPowerInput

Definition at line 13 of file MyGyroDefinition.cs.

string Sandbox.Definitions.MyGyroDefinition.ResourceSinkGroup

Definition at line 11 of file MyGyroDefinition.cs.

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