Space Engineers
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Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl:
Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController Sandbox.Game.Entities.UseObject.IMyUsableEntity Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyRemoteControl Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyControllableEntity Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipController Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyShipController Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipController VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipController Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock


struct  DetectedObject
interface  IRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour
class  MyAutopilotWaypoint

Public Types

enum  FlightMode : int { FlightMode.Patrol = 0, FlightMode.Circle = 1, FlightMode.OneWay = 2 }

Public Member Functions

 MyRemoteControl ()
override void Init (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
override void OnAddedToScene (object source)
override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame ()
override void UpdateBeforeSimulation ()
void SetCollisionAvoidance (bool enabled)
void SetAutoPilotEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables the autopilot. More...
bool IsAutopilotEnabled ()
bool HasWaypoints ()
void SetWaypointThresholdDistance (float thresholdDistance)
void SetDockingMode (bool enabled)
void ChangeFlightMode (FlightMode flightMode)
void SetAutoPilotSpeedLimit (float speedLimit)
void ChangeDirection (Base6Directions.Direction direction)
void ClearWaypoints ()
 Removes all existing waypoints. More...
void AddWaypoint (Vector3D point, string name)
 Adds a new waypoint. More...
void AddWaypoint (Vector3D point, string name, List< MyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItem > actionBuilders)
bool GetNearestPlayer (out MatrixD playerWorldTransform, Vector3 offset)
Vector3D GetNaturalGravity ()
 Gets the detected natural gravity vector and power at the current location. More...
MyPlayer GetNearestPlayer ()
bool WasControllingCockpitWhenSaved ()
override MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock (bool copy=false)
 Returns block object builder which can be serialized or added to grid More...
bool CanControl ()
override void ShowTerminal ()
void RequestControl ()
void RequestControlFromLoad ()
override void OnRegisteredToGridSystems ()
 Called at the end of registration from grid systems (after block has been registered). More...
override void OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems ()
 Called at the end of unregistration from grid systems (after block has been unregistered). More...
override void ForceReleaseControl ()
override void UpdateAfterSimulation10 ()
override void UpdateVisual ()
override MatrixD GetHeadMatrix (bool includeY, bool includeX=true, bool forceHeadAnim=false, bool forceHeadBone=false)
UseActionResult CanUse (UseActionEnum actionEnum, IMyControllableEntity user)
 Test use on server and based on results sends success or failure More...
override void ShowInventory ()
void SetAutomaticBehaviour (IRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour automaticBehaviour)
void RemoveAutomaticBehaviour ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
bool IsShooting ()
 MyShipController ()
override void Init (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock objectBuilder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
override MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock (bool copy=false)
override MatrixD GetViewMatrix ()
void MoveAndRotate (Vector3 moveIndicator, Vector2 rotationIndicator, float rollIndicator)
void MoveAndRotate ()
void MoveAndRotateStopped ()
override void UpdatingStopped ()
void UpdateControls ()
override void UpdateAfterSimulation ()
override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame ()
override void UpdateBeforeSimulation10 ()
override void UpdateBeforeSimulation100 ()
override void OnRemovedFromScene (object source)
override void OnAddedToScene (object source)
void Shoot (MyShootActionEnum action)
void Zoom (bool newKeyPress)
void Use ()
void PlayUseSound (bool getIn)
void RaiseControlledEntityUsed ()
void UseContinues ()
void UseFinished ()
void PickUp ()
void PickUpContinues ()
void PickUpFinished ()
void Crouch ()
void Jump ()
void SwitchWalk ()
void Sprint (bool enabled)
void Up ()
void Down ()
void SwitchBroadcasting ()
void SwitchDamping ()
virtual void SwitchThrusts ()
void Die ()
void SwitchLights ()
void SwitchHandbrake ()
void SwitchLeadingGears ()
void HudNotifications ()
void SwitchReactors ()
void DrawHud (IMyCameraController camera, long playerId)
virtual bool IsLargeShip ()
bool CanSwitchToWeapon (MyDefinitionId?weapon)
void SwitchToWeapon (MyDefinitionId weapon)
void SwitchToWeapon (MyToolbarItemWeapon weapon)
override void OnRegisteredToGridSystems ()
override void OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems ()
void SetWeaponSystem (MyGridWeaponSystem weaponSystem)
override void UpdateVisual ()
void BeginShoot (MyShootActionEnum action)
 This will be called locally to start shooting with the given action More...
void EndShoot (MyShootActionEnum action)
 This will be called locally to start shooting with the given action More...
void OnBeginShoot (MyShootActionEnum action)
 This will be called back from the sync object both on local and remote clients More...
void OnEndShoot (MyShootActionEnum action)
 This will be called back from the sync object both on local and remote clients More...
void RemoveUsers (bool local)
MyEntityCameraSettings GetCameraEntitySettings ()
override void SetDamageEffect (bool show)
override void StopDamageEffect ()
void RequestUse (UseActionEnum actionEnum, IMyControllableEntity usedBy)
void BeginShootSync (MyShootActionEnum action=MyShootActionEnum.PrimaryAction)
void EndShootSync (MyShootActionEnum action=MyShootActionEnum.PrimaryAction)
MyGridNetState GetNetState ()
void SetNetState (MyGridNetState netState)
Vector3D GetNaturalGravity ()
 Gets the detected natural gravity vector and power at the current location. More...
Vector3D GetArtificialGravity ()
 Gets the detected artificial gravity vector and power at the current location. More...
Vector3D GetTotalGravity ()
 Gets the total accumulated gravity vector and power at the current location, taking both natural and artificial gravity into account. More...
MyShipMass CalculateShipMass ()
 Gets information about the current mass of the ship. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
bool HasLocalPlayerAccess ()
bool HasPlayerAccess (long playerId)
void SetCustomName (string text)
void SetCustomName (StringBuilder text)
void GetActions (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
void SearchActionsOfName (string name, List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction GetActionWithName (string name)
Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty GetProperty (string id)
void GetProperties (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty, bool > collect=null)
bool HasLocalPlayerAccess ()
bool HasPlayerAccess (long playerId)
void RequestShowOnHUD (bool enable)
void SetCustomName (string text)
void SetCustomName (StringBuilder text)
void GetActions (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
string GetOwnerFactionTag ()
Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetPlayerRelationToOwner ()
Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetUserRelationToOwner (long playerId)
void UpdateIsWorking ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.UseObject.IMyUsableEntity
void RemoveUsers (bool local)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyTerminalBlock
void RefreshCustomInfo ()
 Raises AppendingCustomInfo so every subscriber can append custom info. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock
void CalcLocalMatrix (out VRageMath.Matrix localMatrix, out string currModel)
string CalculateCurrentModel (out VRageMath.Matrix orientation)
 Calculates model currently used by block depending on its build progress and other factors More...
bool DebugDraw ()
 Debug only method. Effects may wary through time. More...
string GetOwnerFactionTag ()
VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetPlayerRelationToOwner ()
VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetUserRelationToOwner (long playerId)
void Init ()
 Reloads block model and interactive objects (doors, terminals, etc...) More...
void Init (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
 Initializes block state from object builder More...
void OnBuildSuccess (long builtBy)
 Method called when a block has been built (after adding to the grid). This is called right after placing the block and it doesn't matter whether it is fully built (creative mode) or is only construction site. Note that it is not called for blocks which do not create FatBlock at that moment. More...
void OnDestroy ()
 Called when block is destroyed before being removed from grid More...
void OnModelChange ()
 Called when the model referred by the block is changed More...
void OnRemovedByCubeBuilder ()
 Method called when user removes a cube block from grid. Useful when block has to remove some other attached block (like motors). More...
string RaycastDetectors (VRageMath.Vector3 worldFrom, VRageMath.Vector3 worldTo)
 Gets the name of interactive object intersected by defined line More...
void ReloadDetectors (bool refreshNetworks=true)
 Reloads detectors (interactive objects) in model More...
void UpdateIsWorking ()
 Force refresh working state. Call if you change block state that could affect its working status. More...
void SetDamageEffect (bool start)
 Start or stop dammage effect on cube block More...
void AddUpgradeValue (string upgrade, float defaultValue)
 Preferred way of registering a block for upgrades Adding directly to the dictionary can have unintended consequences when multiple mods are involved. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity
VRageMath.Vector3D GetPosition ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
string GetFriendlyName ()
void Close ()
void Delete ()
MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase GetObjectBuilder (bool copy=false)
void BeforeSave ()
IMyEntity GetTopMostParent (Type type=null)
void SetLocalMatrix (VRageMath.Matrix localMatrix, object source=null)
void GetChildren (List< IMyEntity > children, Func< IMyEntity, bool > collect=null)
MyEntitySubpart GetSubpart (string name)
bool TryGetSubpart (string name, out MyEntitySubpart subpart)
VRageMath.Vector3 GetDiffuseColor ()
bool IsVisible ()
void DebugDrawInvalidTriangles ()
void EnableColorMaskForSubparts (bool enable)
void SetColorMaskForSubparts (VRageMath.Vector3 colorMaskHsv)
void SetEmissiveParts (string emissiveName, Color emissivePartColor, float emissivity)
 Sets the emissive value of a specific emissive material on entity. More...
void SetEmissivePartsForSubparts (string emissiveName, Color emissivePartColor, float emissivity)
 Sets the emissive value of a specific emissive material on all entity subparts. More...
float GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
float GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndPosition ()
float GetLargestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
float GetSmallestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
void OnRemovedFromScene (object source)
MatrixD GetViewMatrix ()
MatrixD GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv ()
void SetWorldMatrix (VRageMath.MatrixD worldMatrix, object source=null)
void SetPosition (VRageMath.Vector3D pos)
bool GetIntersectionWithLine (ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?tri, IntersectionFlags flags)
Vector3 GetIntersectionWithLineAndBoundingSphere (ref LineD line, float boundingSphereRadiusMultiplier)
bool GetIntersectionWithSphere (ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere (ref BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3?referenceNormalVector, float?maxAngle, System.Collections.Generic.List< MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals > retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
bool DoOverlapSphereTest (float sphereRadius, Vector3D spherePos)
void AddToGamePruningStructure ()
void RemoveFromGamePruningStructure ()
void UpdateGamePruningStructure ()

Protected Member Functions

override void CreateTerminalControls ()
override void ComponentStack_IsFunctionalChanged ()
override void sync_UseSuccess (UseActionEnum actionEnum, IMyControllableEntity user)
override void OnOwnershipChanged ()
override void OnControlledEntity_Used ()
override bool CheckIsWorking ()
bool IsMainRemoteControlFree ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
bool IsShooting (MyShootActionEnum action)
override void CreateTerminalControls ()
void ClearMovementControl ()
virtual void UpdateShipInfo10 (bool controlAcquired=false)
virtual void OnControlAcquired_UpdateCamera ()
virtual bool IsCameraController ()
void OnControlAcquired (MyEntityController controller)
virtual void OnControlReleased_UpdateCamera ()
virtual void OnControlReleased (MyEntityController controller)
virtual bool ShouldSit ()
virtual void UpdateCameraAfterChange (bool resetHeadLocalAngle=true)
void sync_ControlledEntity_Used ()
void EndShootAll ()
override void Closing ()
virtual void UpdateSoundState ()
virtual void StartLoopSound ()
virtual void StopLoopSound ()
virtual void RemoveLocal ()
virtual bool CanBeMainCockpit ()
virtual bool CanHaveHorizon ()
bool IsMainCockpitFree ()


IMyControllableEntity PreviousControlledEntity [get]
override MyCharacter Pilot [get]
MyAutopilotWaypoint CurrentWaypoint [get, set]
bool RotateBetweenWaypoints [get, set]
double TargettingAimDelta [get]
IRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour AutomaticBehaviour [get]
override ControllerPriority Priority [get]
bool IsMainRemoteControl [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
MyResourceDistributorComponent GridResourceDistributor [get]
MyGridWheelSystem GridWheels [get]
MyEntityThrustComponent EntityThrustComponent [get]
virtual MyStringId LeaveNotificationHintText [get]
bool EnableShipControl [get]
bool PlayDefaultUseSound [get]
MyToolbar Toolbar [get]
bool HasWheels [get]
VRage.Groups.MyGroups< MyCubeGrid, MyGridPhysicalGroupDataControlGroup [get]
virtual MyCharacter Pilot [get]
virtual ControllerPriority Priority [get]
bool PrimaryLookaround [get]
virtual bool ForceFirstPersonCamera [get, set]
bool EnableFirstPerson [get]
MyEntity TopGrid [get]
MyEntity IsUsing [get]
override Vector3D LocationForHudMarker [get]
new MyShipControllerDefinition BlockDefinition [get]
bool ControlThrusters [get, set]
bool ControlWheels [get, set]
MyEntity Entity [get]
MyControllerInfo ControllerInfo [get]
bool SingleWeaponMode [get]
bool IsMainCockpit [get, set]
bool HorizonIndicatorEnabled [get, set]
virtual MyToolbarType ToolbarType [get]
virtual float HeadLocalXAngle [get, set]
virtual float HeadLocalYAngle [get, set]
MyStringId ControlContext [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.IMyControllableEntity
MyControllerInfo ControllerInfo [get]
new MyEntity Entity [get]
float HeadLocalXAngle [get, set]
float HeadLocalYAngle [get, set]
bool EnabledBroadcasting [get]
MyToolbarType ToolbarType [get]
MyStringId ControlContext [get]
MyToolbar Toolbar [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity
IMyEntity Entity [get]
bool ForceFirstPersonCamera [get, set]
bool EnabledThrusts [get]
bool EnabledDamping [get]
bool EnabledLights [get]
bool EnabledLeadingGears [get]
bool EnabledReactors [get]
bool EnabledHelmet [get]
bool PrimaryLookaround [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipController
bool IsUnderControl [get]
 Indicates whether a block is locally or remotely controlled. More...
bool ControlWheels [get]
 Indicates whether wheels are being controlled by this controller. More...
bool ControlThrusters [get]
 Indicates whether thrusters are being controlled by this controller. More...
bool HandBrake [get]
 Indicates the current state of the handbrake. More...
bool DampenersOverride [get]
 Indicates whether dampeners are currently enabled. More...
Vector3 MoveIndicator [get]
 Directional input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity More...
Vector2 RotationIndicator [get]
 Pitch, yaw input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity More...
float RollIndicator [get]
 Roll input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity More...
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
string CustomName [get]
string CustomNameWithFaction [get]
string DetailedInfo [get]
string CustomInfo [get]
string CustomData [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent More...
bool ShowOnHUD [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get]
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
float DisassembleRatio [get]
String DisplayNameText [get]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
int NumberInGrid [get]
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
long OwnerId [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock
SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get, set]
 Whether the grid should call the ConnectionAllowed method for this block (ConnectionAllowed checks mount points and other per-block requirements) More...
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
 Grid in which the block is placed More...
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
 Definition name More...
float DisassembleRatio [get]
 Is set in definition Ratio at which is the block disassembled (grinding) More...
String DisplayNameText [get]
 Translated block name More...
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
 True if integrity is above breaking threshold More...
bool IsWorking [get]
 True if block is able to do its work depening on block type (is functional, powered, enabled, etc...) More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
 Maximum coordinates of grid cells occupied by this block More...
float Mass [get]
 Block mass More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
 Minimum coordinates of grid cells occupied by this block More...
int NumberInGrid [get, set]
 Order in which were the blocks of same type added to grid Used in default display name More...
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
 Returns block orientation in base 6 directions More...
long OwnerId [get]
 Id of player owning block (not steam Id) More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
 Position in grid coordinates More...
Dictionary< string, float > UpgradeValues [get]
 Get all values changed by upgrade modules Should only be used as read-only More...
IMySlimBlock SlimBlock [get]
 Gets the SlimBlock associated with this block More...
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get]
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
float DisassembleRatio [get]
String DisplayNameText [get]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
float Mass [get]
 Block mass More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
int NumberInGrid [get]
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
long OwnerId [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components [get]
long EntityId [get]
VRageMath.BoundingBoxD WorldAABB [get]
VRageMath.BoundingBoxD WorldAABBHr [get]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrix [get]
VRageMath.BoundingSphereD WorldVolume [get]
VRageMath.BoundingSphereD WorldVolumeHr [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components [get]
MyPhysicsComponentBase Physics [get, set]
MyPositionComponentBase PositionComp [get, set]
MyRenderComponentBase Render [get, set]
MyEntityComponentBase GameLogic [get, set]
MyHierarchyComponentBase Hierarchy [get, set]
MySyncComponentBase SyncObject [get]
MyModStorageComponentBase Storage [get, set]
 Custom storage for mods. Shared with all mods. More...
EntityFlags Flags [get, set]
long EntityId [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
bool MarkedForClose [get]
bool Closed [get]
bool DebugAsyncLoading [get]
bool Save [get, set]
MyPersistentEntityFlags2 PersistentFlags [get, set]
MyEntityUpdateEnum NeedsUpdate [get, set]
IMyEntity Parent [get]
Matrix LocalMatrix [get, set]
bool NearFlag [get, set]
bool CastShadows [get, set]
bool FastCastShadowResolve [get, set]
bool NeedsResolveCastShadow [get, set]
float MaxGlassDistSq [get]
bool NeedsDraw [get, set]
bool NeedsDrawFromParent [get, set]
bool Transparent [get, set]
bool ShadowBoxLod [get, set]
bool SkipIfTooSmall [get, set]
bool Visible [get, set]
bool InScene [get, set]
bool InvalidateOnMove [get]
new VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrix [get, set]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrixInvScaled [get]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrixNormalizedInv [get]
bool IsVolumetric [get]
BoundingBox LocalAABB [get, set]
BoundingBox LocalAABBHr [get]
BoundingSphere LocalVolume [get, set]
Vector3 LocalVolumeOffset [get, set]
Vector3 LocationForHudMarker [get]
bool IsCCDForProjectiles [get]
string DisplayName [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl
bool IsAutoPilotEnabled [get]
 Determines whether the autopilot is currently enabled. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
static bool HasPriorityOver (MyShipController first, MyShipController second)
- Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
MyGridGyroSystem GridGyroSystem
MyGridSelectionSystem GridSelectionSystem
MyGridReflectorLightSystem GridReflectorLights
bool BuildingMode = false
bool hasPower = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController
MyRechargeSocket m_rechargeSocket
bool m_enableFirstPerson = false
bool m_enableShipControl = true
bool m_enableBuilderCockpit = false
MyEntity3DSoundEmitter m_soundEmitter
MySoundPair m_baseIdleSound
MySoundPair GetOutOfCockpitSound = MySoundPair.Empty
MySoundPair GetInCockpitSound = MySoundPair.Empty
MyCharacter m_lastPilot = null
bool m_singleWeaponMode
Vector3 m_headLocalPosition
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
Action< IMyTerminalBlockCustomNameChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockOwnershipChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockPropertiesChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockShowOnHUDChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockVisibilityChanged
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Action< IMyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyTerminalBlock
Action< IMyTerminalBlockCustomNameChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockOwnershipChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockPropertiesChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockShowOnHUDChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockVisibilityChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlock, StringBuilder > AppendingCustomInfo
 Event to append custom info. More...
- Events inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock
Action< IMyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged
Action OnUpgradeValuesChanged
 Event called when upgrade values are changed Either upgrades were built or destroyed, or they become damaged or unpowered More...
- Events inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
Action< IMyEntityOnClose
Action< IMyEntityOnClosing
Action< IMyEntityOnMarkForClose
Action< IMyEntityOnPhysicsChanged

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 66 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.MyRemoteControl ( )

Definition at line 434 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

Member Function Documentation

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.AddWaypoint ( Vector3D  coords,
string  name 

Adds a new waypoint.


Implements Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl.

Definition at line 1359 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.AddWaypoint ( Vector3D  point,
string  name,
List< MyObjectBuilder_ToolbarItem actionBuilders 

Definition at line 1371 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.CanControl ( )

Definition at line 2786 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

UseActionResult Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.CanUse ( UseActionEnum  actionEnum,
IMyControllableEntity  user 

Test use on server and based on results sends success or failure

Implements Sandbox.Game.Entities.UseObject.IMyUsableEntity.

Definition at line 3239 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ChangeDirection ( Base6Directions.Direction  direction)

Definition at line 1174 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ChangeFlightMode ( FlightMode  flightMode)

Definition at line 1159 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.CheckIsWorking ( )

Definition at line 3248 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ClearWaypoints ( )

Removes all existing waypoints.

Implements Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl.

Definition at line 1329 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ComponentStack_IsFunctionalChanged ( )

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 2823 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.CreateTerminalControls ( )

Definition at line 481 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ForceReleaseControl ( )

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 3004 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override MatrixD Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.GetHeadMatrix ( bool  includeY,
bool  includeX = true,
bool  forceHeadAnim = false,
bool  forceHeadBone = false 

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 3227 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

Vector3D Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.GetNaturalGravity ( )

Gets the detected natural gravity vector and power at the current location.


Implements Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipController.

Definition at line 2578 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.GetNearestPlayer ( out MatrixD  playerWorldTransform,
Vector3  offset 

Definition at line 2562 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

MyPlayer Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.GetNearestPlayer ( )

Definition at line 2583 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock ( bool  copy = false)

Returns block object builder which can be serialized or added to grid

copySet if creating a copy of block
Block object builder

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 2746 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.HasWaypoints ( )

Definition at line 876 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.Init ( MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock  objectBuilder,
MyCubeGrid  cubeGrid 

Definition at line 673 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.IsAutopilotEnabled ( )

Definition at line 871 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.IsMainRemoteControlFree ( )

Definition at line 3416 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.OnAddedToScene ( object  source)

Implements VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity.

Definition at line 775 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.OnControlledEntity_Used ( )

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 3221 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.OnOwnershipChanged ( )

Definition at line 3204 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.OnRegisteredToGridSystems ( )

Called at the end of registration from grid systems (after block has been registered).

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 2977 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems ( )

Called at the end of unregistration from grid systems (after block has been unregistered).

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 2987 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.RemoveAutomaticBehaviour ( )

Definition at line 3370 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.RequestControl ( )

Definition at line 2869 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.RequestControlFromLoad ( )

Definition at line 2972 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetAutomaticBehaviour ( IRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour  automaticBehaviour)

Definition at line 3365 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Enables or disables the autopilot.


Implements Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRemoteControl.

Definition at line 854 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetAutoPilotSpeedLimit ( float  speedLimit)

Definition at line 1169 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetCollisionAvoidance ( bool  enabled)

Definition at line 849 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetDockingMode ( bool  enabled)

Definition at line 944 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.SetWaypointThresholdDistance ( float  thresholdDistance)

Definition at line 881 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ShowInventory ( )

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 3274 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.ShowTerminal ( )

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 2864 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.sync_UseSuccess ( UseActionEnum  actionEnum,
IMyControllableEntity  user 

Reimplemented from Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyShipController.

Definition at line 3074 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.UpdateAfterSimulation10 ( )

Definition at line 3125 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.UpdateBeforeSimulation ( )

Definition at line 806 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.UpdateOnceBeforeFrame ( )

Definition at line 792 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.UpdateVisual ( )

Implements Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 3156 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.WasControllingCockpitWhenSaved ( )

Definition at line 2702 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

Property Documentation

IRemoteControlAutomaticBehaviour Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.AutomaticBehaviour

Definition at line 405 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

MyAutopilotWaypoint Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.CurrentWaypoint

Definition at line 306 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.IsMainRemoteControl

Definition at line 3377 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override MyCharacter Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.Pilot

Definition at line 288 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

IMyControllableEntity Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.PreviousControlledEntity

Definition at line 250 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

override ControllerPriority Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.Priority

Definition at line 3111 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.RotateBetweenWaypoints

Definition at line 331 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

double Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyRemoteControl.TargettingAimDelta

Definition at line 368 of file MyRemoteControl.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: