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Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault:
Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugBase Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsParent Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsOwner

Public Member Functions

 MyGuiDetailScreenDefault (Action< MyGuiControlListbox.Item > callBack, MyGuiControlListbox.Item selectedItem, MyGuiBlueprintScreen parent, string thumbnailTexture, float textScale)
override string GetFriendlyName ()
 For displaying in the list in the debug screen. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase
 MyGuiDetailScreenBase (bool isTopMostScreen, MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase parent, string thumbnailTexture, MyGuiControlListbox.Item selectedItem, float textScale)
override void RecreateControls (bool constructor)
override bool Update (bool hasFocus)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase
 MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase (Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector4 backgroundColor, bool isTopMostScreen)
override bool CloseScreen ()
virtual void RefreshBlueprintList (bool fromTask=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugBase
override string GetFriendlyName ()
 For displaying in the list in the debug screen. More...
override bool Draw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
delegate void ScreenHandler (MyGuiScreenBase source)
MyObjectBuilder_GuiScreen GetObjectBuilder ()
void Init (MyObjectBuilder_GuiScreen objectBuilder)
virtual void LoadContent ()
virtual void LoadData ()
virtual void UnloadContent ()
virtual void UnloadData ()
virtual void RunLoadingAction ()
bool IsMouseOverAnyControl ()
MyGuiControlBase GetMouseOverControl ()
virtual void GetControlsUnderMouseCursor (Vector2 position, List< MyGuiControlBase > controls, bool visibleOnly)
MyGuiControlBase GetNextFocusControl (MyGuiControlBase currentFocusControl, bool forwardMovement)
virtual void HandleInput (bool receivedFocusInThisUpdate)
virtual void InputLost ()
virtual void HandleUnhandledInput (bool receivedFocusInThisUpdate)
virtual bool HandleInputAfterSimulation ()
virtual bool HideScreen ()
virtual bool UnhideScreen ()
virtual void CloseScreenNow ()
void HideTooltips ()
Vector2 GetPositionAbsolute ()
Vector2 GetPositionAbsoluteCenter ()
Vector2 GetPositionAbsoluteTopLeft ()
bool GetDrawMouseCursor ()
bool IsTopMostScreen ()
bool IsAlwaysFirst ()
bool IsTopScreen ()
bool IsFirstForUnload ()
bool GetDrawScreenEvenWithoutFocus ()
Vector2 GetPosition ()
Vector2 GetSize ()
bool CanShareInput ()
bool CanCloseInCloseAllScreenCalls ()
virtual int GetTransitionOpeningTime ()
virtual int GetTransitionClosingTime ()
virtual void OnRemoved ()
 Called when [show]. More...

Protected Member Functions

override void CreateButtons ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase
int GetNumberOfBlocks ()
int GetNumberOfBattlePoints ()
void RefreshTextField ()
void CreateTextField ()
void CreateDescription ()
void RefreshDescriptionField ()
void CallResultCallback (MyGuiControlListbox.Item val)
override void Canceling ()
 Called when user presses ESC or clicks on CANCEL - hook to this method so you can do gui-screen-specific event More...
void OnCloseButton (MyGuiControlButton button)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase
MyGuiControlButton CreateButton (float usableWidth, StringBuilder text, Action< MyGuiControlButton > onClick, bool enabled=true, MyStringId?tooltip=null, float textScale=1f)
MyGuiControlCompositePanel AddCompositePanel (MyGuiCompositeTexture texture, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum panelAlign)
MyGuiControlLabel MakeLabel (String text, Vector2 position, float textScale=1.0f)
bool DeleteBlueprint (string name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugBase
 MyGuiScreenDebugBase (Vector4?backgroundColor=null, bool isTopMostScreen=false)
 MyGuiScreenDebugBase (Vector2 position, Vector2?size, Vector4?backgroundColor, bool isTopMostScreen)
MyGuiControlMultilineText AddMultilineText (Vector2?size=null, Vector2?offset=null, float textScale=1.0f, bool selectable=false)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (String text, MyDebugComponent component, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (MyStringId textEnum, bool checkedState, Action< MyGuiControlCheckbox > checkBoxChange, bool enabled=true, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (String text, bool checkedState, Action< MyGuiControlCheckbox > checkBoxChange, bool enabled=true, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (MyStringId textEnum, Func< bool > getter, Action< bool > setter, bool enabled=true, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (String text, Func< bool > getter, Action< bool > setter, bool enabled=true, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
MyGuiControlCheckbox AddCheckBox (String text, object instance, MemberInfo memberInfo, bool enabled=true, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null, Vector2?checkBoxOffset=null)
virtual void ValueChanged (MyGuiControlBase sender)
MyGuiControlSlider AddSlider (String text, float value, float valueMin, float valueMax, Action< MyGuiControlSlider > valueChange, Vector4?color=null)
MyGuiControlSlider AddSlider (String text, float valueMin, float valueMax, Func< float > getter, Action< float > setter, Vector4?color=null)
MyGuiControlSliderBase AddSlider (String text, MyGuiSliderProperties properties, Func< float > getter, Action< float > setter, Vector4?color=null)
MyGuiControlSlider AddSlider (String text, float valueMin, float valueMax, object instance, MemberInfo memberInfo, Vector4?color=null)
MyGuiControlTextbox AddTextbox (String value, Action< MyGuiControlTextbox > onTextChanged, Vector4?color=null, float scale=1.0f, MyGuiControlTextboxType type=MyGuiControlTextboxType.Normal, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, string font=MyFontEnum.Debug, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum originAlign=MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_RIGHT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP)
MyGuiControlLabel AddLabel (String text, Vector4 color, float scale, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, string font=MyFontEnum.Debug)
MyGuiControlLabel AddSubcaption (MyStringId textEnum, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE)
MyGuiControlLabel AddSubcaption (String text, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE)
MyGuiControlColor AddColor (String text, Func< Color > getter, Action< Color > setter)
MyGuiControlColor AddColor (String text, Color value, Action< MyGuiControlColor > setter)
MyGuiControlColor AddColor (String text, object instance, MemberInfo memberInfo)
MyGuiControlButton AddButton (string text, Action< MyGuiControlButton > onClick, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?textColor=null, Vector2?size=null)
MyGuiControlButton AddButton (StringBuilder text, Action< MyGuiControlButton > onClick, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?textColor=null, Vector2?size=null)
MyGuiControlCombobox AddCombo (List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?textColor=null, Vector2?size=null, int openAreaItemsCount=10)
MyGuiControlCombobox AddCombo< TEnum > (TEnum selectedItem, Action< TEnum > valueChanged, bool enabled=true, int openAreaItemsCount=10, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null)
MyGuiControlCombobox AddCombo< TEnum > (object instance, MemberInfo memberInfo, bool enabled=true, int openAreaItemsCount=10, List< MyGuiControlBase > controlGroup=null, Vector4?color=null)
void AddShareFocusHint ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
 MyGuiScreenBase (Vector2?position=null, Vector4?backgroundColor=null, Vector2?size=null, bool isTopMostScreen=false, string backgroundTexture=null, float backgroundTransition=0.0f, float guiTransition=0.0f)
bool HandleKeyboardActiveIndex (bool forwardMovement)
bool IsMouseOver ()
MyGuiControlLabel AddCaption (MyStringId textEnum, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE)
MyGuiControlLabel AddCaption (String text, Vector4?captionTextColor=null, Vector2?captionOffset=null, float captionScale=MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE)
Color ApplyTransitionAlpha (Vector4 color, float transition)
virtual void OnShow ()
 Called when [show]. More...
virtual void OnHide ()
 Called when [show]. More...
virtual void OnClosed ()
 Called when [show]. More...
void MakeXAndYEqual (ref Vector2 val)
 Computes ratio of width and height in GUI coordinates to make X and Y of equal value represent same distance on screen as well. Then multiplies Y using this ratio. More...
Vector2 MakeXAndYEqual (Vector2 val)
void SetDefaultCloseButtonOffset ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase
static void Publish (MyObjectBuilder_Definitions prefab, string blueprintName, Action< ulong > publishCallback=null)
static MyObjectBuilder_Definitions LoadWorkshopPrefab (string archive, ulong?publishedItemId)
static MyObjectBuilder_Definitions LoadPrefab (string filePath)
- Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
Action OnLoadingAction
readonly MyGuiControls Elements
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase
static string m_localBlueprintFolder = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.UserDataPath, "Blueprints", "local")
static string m_workshopBlueprintFolder = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.UserDataPath, "Blueprints", "workshop")
static string m_defaultBlueprintFolder = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Data", "Blueprints")
static readonly string m_workshopBlueprintSuffix = ".sbb"
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase
static void SavePrefabToFile (MyObjectBuilder_Definitions prefab, string name, bool replace=false, MyBlueprintTypeEnum type=MyBlueprintTypeEnum.LOCAL)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
static string MakeScreenFilepath (string name)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase
float m_textScale
string m_blueprintName
MyGuiControlListbox.Item m_selectedItem
MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_loadedPrefab
MyGuiControlMultilineText m_textField
MyGuiControlMultilineText m_descriptionField
MyGuiControlImage m_thumbnailImage
Action< MyGuiControlListbox.ItemcallBack
MyGuiBlueprintScreenBase m_parent
MyGuiBlueprintTextDialog m_dialog
bool m_killScreen = false
Vector2 m_offset = new Vector2(-0.01f, 0f)
int maxNameLenght = 40
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugBase
Vector2 m_currentPosition
float m_scale = 1.0f
float m_buttonXOffset = 0
float m_sliderDebugScale = 1f
float Spacing = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
Action OnEnterCallback
float m_transitionAlpha
float m_backgroundTransition
float m_guiTransition
Vector2 m_position
Color m_backgroundFadeColor
bool m_isTopMostScreen = false
bool m_isAlwaysFirst = false
bool m_isTopScreen = false
bool m_isFirstForUnload = false
Vector4 m_backgroundColor
string m_backgroundTexture
bool m_canCloseInCloseAllScreenCalls = true
Vector2 m_size
bool m_closeOnEsc = true
bool m_joystickAsMouse = true
bool m_defaultJoystickDpadUse = true
bool m_defaultJoystickCancelUse = true
bool m_drawEvenWithoutFocus = false
bool m_canShareInput = false
bool m_allowUnhidePreviousScreen
GuiSounds m_openingCueEnum
GuiSounds m_closingCueEnum
MyGuiControlGridDragAndDrop m_gridDragAndDropHandlingNow
MyGuiControlBase m_comboboxHandlingNow
MyGuiControlBase m_lastHandlingControl
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase
static readonly Vector2 SCREEN_SIZE = new Vector2(0.40f, 1.2f)
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
Color BackgroundFadeColor [get]
bool SkipTransition [get, set]
bool Cancelled [get]
bool DrawMouseCursor [get, set]
bool JoystickAsMouse [get, set]
MyGuiScreenState State [get, set]
bool IsLoaded [get, set]
bool EnabledBackgroundFade [get, protected set]
 Draw fade rectangle under top-most screen? More...
bool CanBeHidden [get, protected set]
 Indicates whether screen can be hidden when another screen is on top of it (assuming that screen hides screens below it). More...
bool CanHideOthers [get, protected set]
 Indicates whether screen can hide screens below it. This will not hide screens that cannot be hidden. More...
bool CanHaveFocus [get, protected set]
 Without focus, this screen will not steal input. More...
virtual MyGuiControls Controls [get]
Vector4 BackgroundColor [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
bool Visible [get]
Vector2 CloseButtonOffset [get, set]
bool CloseButtonEnabled [get, set]
MyGuiControlBase FocusedControl [get, set]
string DebugNamePath [get]
string Name [get]
IMyGuiControlsOwner Owner [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsParent
MyGuiControls Controls [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.IMyGuiControlsOwner
string DebugNamePath [get]
string Name [get]
IMyGuiControlsOwner Owner [get]
- Events inherited from Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase
ScreenHandler Closed
VisibleChangedDelegate VisibleChanged
Action< MyGuiScreenBaseDataLoading
Action< MyGuiScreenBaseDataUnloading

Detailed Description

Definition at line 319 of file MyGuiDetailScreen.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault ( Action< MyGuiControlListbox.Item callBack,
MyGuiControlListbox.Item  selectedItem,
MyGuiBlueprintScreen  parent,
string  thumbnailTexture,
float  textScale 

Definition at line 321 of file MyGuiDetailScreen.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override void Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault.CreateButtons ( )

Implements Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenBase.

Definition at line 357 of file MyGuiDetailScreen.cs.

override string Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiDetailScreenDefault.GetFriendlyName ( )

For displaying in the list in the debug screen.


Implements Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase.

Definition at line 352 of file MyGuiDetailScreen.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: