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Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock:
VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyUpgradableBlock VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity VRage.Game.Components.IMyComponentOwner< MyIDModule > VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyUpgradableBlock VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyAttachableTopBlockBase Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFracturedBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyLadder Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyPassage Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MySyncedBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyor Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorConnector


class  MyBlockPosComponent

Public Member Functions

string GetOwnerFactionTag ()
VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetUserRelationToOwner (long identityId)
VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetPlayerRelationToOwner ()
bool FriendlyWithBlock (MyCubeBlock block)
 Whether the two blocks are friendly. This relation is base on their owners and is symmetrical More...
void UpdateIsWorking ()
 Force refresh working state. Call if you change block state that could affect its working status. More...
bool CanContinueBuild ()
IMyUseObject GetInteractiveObject (uint shapeKey)
void ReleaseInventory (MyInventory inventory, bool damageContent=false)
virtual void GetTerminalName (StringBuilder result)
 MyCubeBlock ()
void Init ()
 Reloads block model and interactive objects (doors, terminals, etc...) More...
void GetLocalMatrix (out Matrix localMatrix)
void CalcLocalMatrix (out Matrix localMatrix, out string currModel)
virtual void Init (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, MyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
sealed override MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase GetObjectBuilder (bool copy=false)
 Gets object builder from object. More...
virtual MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock (bool copy=false)
 Returns block object builder which can be serialized or added to grid More...
override void OnAddedToScene (object source)
 Called when [activated] which for entity means that was added to scene. More...
override void OnRemovedFromScene (object source)
virtual bool ConnectionAllowed (ref Vector3I otherBlockPos, ref Vector3I faceNormal, MyCubeBlockDefinition def)
 Returns true if this block can connect to another block (of the given type) in the given position. This is called only if CheckConnectionAllowed == true. If this method would return true for any position, set CheckConnectionAllowed to false to avoid unnecessary overhead. It is the block's responsibility to call CubeGrid.UpdateBlockNeighbors every time the conditions that are checked by this method change. More...
virtual bool ConnectionAllowed (ref Vector3I otherBlockMinPos, ref Vector3I otherBlockMaxPos, ref Vector3I faceNormal, MyCubeBlockDefinition def)
 Whether connection is allowed to any of the positions between otherBlockMinPos and otherBlockMaxPos (both inclusive). Default implementation calls ConnectionAllowed(ref Vector3I otherBlockPos, ref Vector3I faceNormal) in a for loop. Override this in a subclass if this is not needed (for example, because all calls would return the same value for the same face) More...
virtual void UpdateVisual ()
 Updates block visuals (ie. block emissivity) More...
override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame ()
override void UpdateBeforeSimulation10 ()
 Called each 10th frame if registered for update10 More...
override void UpdateBeforeSimulation ()
virtual void OnBuildSuccess (long builtBy)
 Method called when a block has been built (after adding to the grid). This is called right after placing the block and it doesn't matter whether it is fully built (creative mode) or is only construction site. Note that it is not called for blocks which do not create FatBlock at that moment. More...
virtual void OnRemovedByCubeBuilder ()
 Method called when user removes a cube block from grid. Useful when block has to remove some other attached block (like motors). More...
virtual void OnRegisteredToGridSystems ()
 Called at the end of registration from grid systems (after block has been registered). More...
virtual void OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems ()
 Called at the end of unregistration from grid systems (after block has been unregistered). More...
virtual void ContactPointCallback (ref MyGridContactInfo value)
 Return true when contact is valid More...
virtual void OnDestroy ()
 Called when block is destroyed before being removed from grid More...
virtual void OnModelChange ()
 Called when the model referred by the block is changed More...
virtual string CalculateCurrentModel (out Matrix orientation)
void ChangeBlockOwnerRequest (long playerId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum shareMode)
bool SetEffect (string effectName, bool stopPrevious=false)
bool SetEffect (string effectName, float parameter, bool stopPrevious=false, bool ignoreParameter=false, bool removeSameNameEffects=false)
int RemoveEffect (string effectName, int exception=-1)
virtual void SetDamageEffect (bool show)
 Start or stop dammage effect on cube block More...
virtual void StopDamageEffect ()
override void UpdateAfterSimulation ()
void ChangeOwner (long owner, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum shareMode)
virtual void OnCubeGridChanged (MyCubeGrid oldGrid)
 Notifies about grid change with old grid in parameter (new grid is available in property). More...
virtual float GetMass ()
virtual BoundingBox GetGeometryLocalBox ()
DictionaryReader< string, MySlimBlockGetSubBlocks ()
bool TryGetSubBlock (string name, out MySlimBlock block)
MyUpgradableBlockComponent GetComponent ()
void AddUpgradeValue (string name, float defaultValue)
 Preferred way of registering a block for upgrades Adding directly to the dictionary can have unintended consequences when multiple mods are involved. More...
void CommitUpgradeValues ()
virtual void CreateRenderer (MyPersistentEntityFlags2 persistentFlags, Vector3 colorMaskHsv, object modelStorage)
MyFractureComponentCubeBlock GetFractureComponent ()
override void RefreshModels (string modelPath, string modelCollisionPath)
void Init (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock builder, IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid)
 Initializes block state from object builder More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
bool GetIntersectionWithLine (ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?tri, IntersectionFlags flags)
void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere (ref BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3?referenceNormalVector, float?maxAngle, System.Collections.Generic.List< MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals > retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
void DebugDraw ()
void DebugDrawInvalidTriangles ()
void AddDebugRenderComponent (MyDebugRenderComponentBase render)
void ClearDebugRenderComponents ()
MyEntity GetTopMostParent (Type type=null)
 Return top most parent of this entity More...
virtual List< MyHudEntityParamsGetHudParams (bool allowBlink)
 MyEntity ()
 MyEntity (bool initComponents=true)
 Initializes a new instance of the MyEntity class. More...
void CreateSync ()
MyEntitySubpart GetSubpart (string name)
bool TryGetSubpart (string name, out MyEntitySubpart subpart)
virtual void UpdatingStopped ()
virtual void UpdateAfterSimulation10 ()
virtual void UpdateBeforeSimulation100 ()
 Called each 100th frame if registered for update100 More...
virtual void UpdateAfterSimulation100 ()
virtual string GetFriendlyName ()
virtual MatrixD GetViewMatrix ()
void SetSpeedsAccordingToServerValues ()
virtual void SetWorldMatrix (MatrixD worldMatrix, bool forceUpdate=false, bool updateChildren=true)
virtual void DebugDrawPhysics ()
 Draw physical representation of entity More...
virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine (ref LineD line, out Vector3D?v, bool useCollisionModel=true, IntersectionFlags flags=IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine (ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags=IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
virtual Vector3D GetIntersectionWithLineAndBoundingSphere (ref LineD line, float boundingSphereRadiusMultiplier)
virtual bool GetIntersectionWithSphere (ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
void GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere (ref BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3?referenceNormalVector, float?maxAngle, List< MyTriangle_Vertex_Normals > retTriangles, int maxNeighbourTriangles)
virtual bool DoOverlapSphereTest (float sphereRadius, Vector3D spherePos)
double GetSmallestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
double GetLargestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
double GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere ()
double GetDistanceBetweenPlayerPositionAndBoundingSphere ()
double GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndPosition ()
virtual MyEntity GetBaseEntity ()
void AddToGamePruningStructure ()
void RemoveFromGamePruningStructure ()
void UpdateGamePruningStructure ()
void RaisePhysicsChanged ()
void HackyComponentInitByMiroPleaseDontUseEver (MyDefinitionId id)
virtual void Init (MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
virtual void Init (StringBuilder displayName, string model, MyEntity parentObject, float?scale, string modelCollision=null)
void Delete ()
 Every object must have this method, but not every phys object must necessarily have something to cleanup More...
void Close ()
 This method marks this entity for close which means, that Close will be called after all entities are updated More...
virtual void BeforeSave ()
 Called before method GetObjectBuilder, when saving sector More...
virtual void PrepareForDraw ()
 Method is called defacto from Update, preparation fo Draw More...
virtual void BeforePaste ()
virtual void AfterPaste ()
void SetEmissiveParts (string emissiveName, Color emissivePartColor, float emissivity)
 Sets the emissive value of a specific emissive material on entity. More...
void SetEmissivePartsForSubparts (string emissiveName, Color emissivePartColor, float emissivity)
 Sets the emissive value of a specific emissive material on all entity subparts. More...
override string ToString ()
virtual MyInventoryBase GetInventoryBase (int index)
 Search for inventory component with maching index. More...
MyInventoryBase GetInventoryBase ()
 Simply get the MyInventoryBase component stored in this entity. More...
delegate MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase MyEntityFactoryCreateObjectBuilderDelegate (MyEntity entity)
delegate MySyncComponentBase CreateDefaultSyncEntityDelegate (MyEntity thisEntity)
delegate bool MyWeldingGroupsGroupExistsDelegate (MyEntity entity)
virtual void SerializeControls (BitStream stream)
virtual void DeserializeControls (BitStream stream, bool outOfOrder)
virtual void ApplyLastControls ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.IMyComponentOwner< MyIDModule >
bool GetComponent (out T component)
 Always implement explicitly, because of Obfuscation More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector3 GetBlockGridOffset (MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefinition)
 Returns block offset in spawned grid. More...
static bool GetSubBlockDataFromDummy (MyCubeBlockDefinition ownerBlockDefinition, string dummyName, MyModelDummy dummy, bool useOffset, out MyCubeBlockDefinition subBlockDefinition, out MatrixD subBlockMatrix, out Vector3 dummyPosition)
 Returns subblock data from dummy, subblock matrix can be offset (according to useOffset parameter) so the dummy position output is also provided. More...

Public Attributes

bool IsBeingRemoved = false
bool MarkedToExplode = false
int HackAttemptTime = 0
MySlimBlock SlimBlock
bool IsSilenced = false
bool SilenceInChange = false
bool UsedUpdateEveryFrame = false
- Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
MyDefinitionId DefinitionId = null
string Name
bool DebugAsyncLoading
DebugCreatedBy DebugCreatedBy
float m_massChangeForCollisions = 1f
Vector3D m_serverPosition = new Vector3D()
Quaternion m_serverOrientation = new Quaternion()
MatrixD m_serverWorldMatrix = new MatrixD()
Vector3 m_serverLinearVelocity
Vector3 m_serverAngularVelocity
bool m_positionResetFromServer
bool SentFromServer
int GamePruningProxyId = MyVRageConstants.PRUNING_PROXY_ID_UNITIALIZED
int TopMostPruningProxyId = MyVRageConstants.PRUNING_PROXY_ID_UNITIALIZED
bool StaticForPruningStructure = false
int TargetPruningProxyId = MyVRageConstants.PRUNING_PROXY_ID_UNITIALIZED
Dictionary< IMyReplicable, Action > ReadyForReplicationAction = new Dictionary<IMyReplicable, Action>()

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool CheckIsWorking ()
virtual void OnConstraintAdded (GridLinkTypeEnum type, IMyEntity attachedEntity)
 Called by constraint owner More...
virtual void OnConstraintRemoved (GridLinkTypeEnum type, IMyEntity detachedEntity)
 Called by constraint owner More...
virtual void WorldPositionChanged (object source)
override void Closing ()
virtual void OnOwnershipChanged ()
bool AllSubBlocksInitialized ()
void AddSubBlock (string dummyName, MySlimBlock subblock)
virtual void SubBlocksInitialized (bool spawned)
 Function called when all subblocks have been initialized. More...
virtual void OnSubBlockClosing (MySlimBlock subBlock)
bool RemoveSubBlock (string subBlockName, bool removeFromGrid=true)
 Removes subblock with the given name from the block. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
virtual bool CanBeAddedToRender ()
virtual MySyncComponentBase OnCreateSync ()
virtual void ClampToWorld ()
virtual void BeforeDelete ()
virtual void OnInventoryComponentAdded (MyInventoryBase inventory)
virtual void OnInventoryComponentRemoved (MyInventoryBase inventory)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void UpdateEmissiveParts (uint renderObjectId, float emissivity, Color emissivePartColor, Color displayPartColor)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
static void UpdateNamedEmissiveParts (uint renderObjectId, string emissiveName, Color emissivePartColor, float emissivity)

Protected Attributes

List< MyCubeBlockEffectm_activeEffects = null
Dictionary< string, MySlimBlockSubBlocks
 Map from dummy name to subblock (subgrid, note that after grid split the subblock instance will be the same) More...
bool m_forceBlockDestructible
- Protected Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
List< MyHudEntityParamsm_hudParams
MyModel m_modelCollision

Static Protected Attributes

static readonly string DUMMY_SUBBLOCK_ID = "subblock_"


new MyPhysicsBody Physics [get, set]
long OwnerId [get]
long BuiltBy [get]
MyResourceSinkComponent ResourceSink [get, protected set]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
MyCubeBlockDefinition BlockDefinition [get]
Vector3I Min [get]
Vector3I Max [get]
MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
Vector3I Position [get]
MyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
MyUseObjectsComponentBase UseObjectsComponent [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get, set]
int NumberInGrid [get, set]
bool IsFunctional [get]
 Shortcut to component stack property. More...
virtual float DisassembleRatio [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
MyIDModule IDModule [get]
bool IsSubBlock [get]
string SubBlockName [get, set]
 Name of subblock (key in the owner's subblocks map). More...
MySlimBlock OwnerBlock [get, set]
 If the block is subblock then OwnerBlock is set to block which owns (spawns) subblocks (subgrids) More...
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
bool ForceBlockDestructible [get]
Dictionary< string, float > UpgradeValues [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock
SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get, set]
 Whether the grid should call the ConnectionAllowed method for this block (ConnectionAllowed checks mount points and other per-block requirements) More...
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
 Grid in which the block is placed More...
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
 Definition name More...
float DisassembleRatio [get]
 Is set in definition Ratio at which is the block disassembled (grinding) More...
String DisplayNameText [get]
 Translated block name More...
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
 True if integrity is above breaking threshold More...
bool IsWorking [get]
 True if block is able to do its work depening on block type (is functional, powered, enabled, etc...) More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
 Maximum coordinates of grid cells occupied by this block More...
float Mass [get]
 Block mass More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
 Minimum coordinates of grid cells occupied by this block More...
int NumberInGrid [get, set]
 Order in which were the blocks of same type added to grid Used in default display name More...
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
 Returns block orientation in base 6 directions More...
long OwnerId [get]
 Id of player owning block (not steam Id) More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
 Position in grid coordinates More...
Dictionary< string, float > UpgradeValues [get]
 Get all values changed by upgrade modules Should only be used as read-only More...
IMySlimBlock SlimBlock [get]
 Gets the SlimBlock associated with this block More...
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get]
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
float DisassembleRatio [get]
String DisplayNameText [get]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
float Mass [get]
 Block mass More...
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
int NumberInGrid [get]
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
long OwnerId [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components [get]
long EntityId [get]
VRageMath.BoundingBoxD WorldAABB [get]
VRageMath.BoundingBoxD WorldAABBHr [get]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrix [get]
VRageMath.BoundingSphereD WorldVolume [get]
VRageMath.BoundingSphereD WorldVolumeHr [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components [get]
MyPhysicsComponentBase Physics [get, set]
MyPositionComponentBase PositionComp [get, set]
MyRenderComponentBase Render [get, set]
MyEntityComponentBase GameLogic [get, set]
MyHierarchyComponentBase Hierarchy [get, set]
MySyncComponentBase SyncObject [get]
MyModStorageComponentBase Storage [get, set]
 Custom storage for mods. Shared with all mods. More...
EntityFlags Flags [get, set]
long EntityId [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
bool MarkedForClose [get]
bool Closed [get]
bool DebugAsyncLoading [get]
bool Save [get, set]
MyPersistentEntityFlags2 PersistentFlags [get, set]
MyEntityUpdateEnum NeedsUpdate [get, set]
IMyEntity Parent [get]
Matrix LocalMatrix [get, set]
bool NearFlag [get, set]
bool CastShadows [get, set]
bool FastCastShadowResolve [get, set]
bool NeedsResolveCastShadow [get, set]
float MaxGlassDistSq [get]
bool NeedsDraw [get, set]
bool NeedsDrawFromParent [get, set]
bool Transparent [get, set]
bool ShadowBoxLod [get, set]
bool SkipIfTooSmall [get, set]
bool Visible [get, set]
bool InScene [get, set]
bool InvalidateOnMove [get]
new VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrix [get, set]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrixInvScaled [get]
VRageMath.MatrixD WorldMatrixNormalizedInv [get]
bool IsVolumetric [get]
BoundingBox LocalAABB [get, set]
BoundingBox LocalAABBHr [get]
BoundingSphere LocalVolume [get, set]
Vector3 LocalVolumeOffset [get, set]
Vector3 LocationForHudMarker [get]
bool IsCCDForProjectiles [get]
string DisplayName [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyUpgradableBlock
uint UpgradeCount [get]
 number of upgrades applied More...
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get]
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
float DisassembleRatio [get]
String DisplayNameText [get]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
int NumberInGrid [get]
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
long OwnerId [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
MyEntityComponentContainer Components [get]
MyPositionComponentBase PositionComp [get, set]
MyRenderComponentBase Render [get, set]
MyGameLogicComponent GameLogic [get, set]
long EntityId [get, set]
 Entity id, can be set by subclasses (for example when using pool...) More...
MySyncComponentBase SyncObject [get, protected set]
MyModStorageComponentBase Storage [get, set]
bool Closed [get, protected set]
bool MarkedForClose [get, protected set]
virtual float MaxGlassDistSq [get]
bool Save [get, set]
bool IsPreview [get, set]
bool IsReadyForReplication [get, set]
MyEntityUpdateEnum NeedsUpdate [get, set]
MatrixD WorldMatrix [get, set]
MyEntity Parent [get]
 Gets or sets the parent. More...
MyHierarchyComponent< MyEntityHierarchy [get, set]
MyPhysicsComponentBase Physics [get, set]
 Gets the physic component of the entity. More...
bool InvalidateOnMove [get, set]
bool SyncFlag [get, set]
bool InScene [get, set]
virtual bool IsVolumetric [get]
virtual Vector3D LocationForHudMarker [get]
MyModel Model [get]
MyModel ModelCollision [get]
string DisplayName [get, set]
string DebugName [get]
Dictionary< string, MyEntitySubpartSubparts [get]
virtual bool IsCCDForProjectiles [get]
int InventoryCount [get]
 Iterate through inventories and return their count. More...
bool HasInventory [get]
 Returns true if this entity has got at least one inventory. Note that one aggregate inventory can contain zero simple inventories => zero will be returned even if GetInventoryBase() != null. More...
virtual String DisplayNameText [get, set]
 Display Name for GUI etc. Override in descendant classes. Usually used to display in terminal or inventory controls. More...
EntityFlags Flags [get, set]


Action< MyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged
Func< bool > CanContinueBuildCheck
Action OnUpgradeValuesChanged
- Events inherited from VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock
Action< IMyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged
Action OnUpgradeValuesChanged
 Event called when upgrade values are changed Either upgrades were built or destroyed, or they become damaged or unpowered More...
- Events inherited from VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity
Action< IMyEntityOnClose
Action< IMyEntityOnClosing
Action< IMyEntityOnMarkForClose
Action< IMyEntityOnPhysicsChanged
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Action< IMyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged
- Events inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
Action< MyEntityOnMarkForClose
 This event may not be invoked at all, when calling MyEntities.CloseAll, marking is bypassed More...
Action< MyEntityOnClose
Action< MyEntityOnClosing
Action< MyEntityOnPhysicsChanged

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity
static Action< MyEntityAddToGamePruningStructureExtCallBack = null
static Action< MyEntityRemoveFromGamePruningStructureExtCallBack = null
static Action< MyEntityUpdateGamePruningStructureExtCallBack = null
static MyEntityFactoryCreateObjectBuilderDelegate MyEntityFactoryCreateObjectBuilderExtCallback = null
static CreateDefaultSyncEntityDelegate CreateDefaultSyncEntityExtCallback
static Action< MyEntityMyWeldingGroupsAddNodeExtCallback = null
static Action< MyEntityMyWeldingGroupsRemoveNodeExtCallback = null
static Action< MyEntity, List< MyEntity > > MyWeldingGroupsGetGroupNodesExtCallback = null
static MyWeldingGroupsGroupExistsDelegate MyWeldingGroupsGroupExistsExtCallback = null
static Action< MyEntityMyProceduralWorldGeneratorTrackEntityExtCallback = null
static Action< MyEntityCreateStandardRenderComponentsExtCallback = null
static Action< MyComponentContainer, MyObjectBuilderType, MyStringHash, MyObjectBuilder_ComponentContainerInitComponentsExtCallback = null
static Func< MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase, bool, MyEntityMyEntitiesCreateFromObjectBuilderExtCallback = null

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.MyCubeBlock ( )

Definition at line 381 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Member Function Documentation

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.AddSubBlock ( string  dummyName,
MySlimBlock  subblock 

Definition at line 1219 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.AddUpgradeValue ( string  upgrade,
float  defaultValue 

Preferred way of registering a block for upgrades Adding directly to the dictionary can have unintended consequences when multiple mods are involved.

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 1485 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.AllSubBlocksInitialized ( )

Definition at line 1209 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CalcLocalMatrix ( out Matrix  localMatrix,
out string  currModel 

Definition at line 435 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual string Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CalculateCurrentModel ( out Matrix  orientation)

Definition at line 860 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CanContinueBuild ( )

Definition at line 227 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ChangeBlockOwnerRequest ( long  playerId,
MyOwnershipShareModeEnum  shareMode 

Definition at line 910 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ChangeOwner ( long  owner,
MyOwnershipShareModeEnum  shareMode 

Definition at line 1074 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CheckIsWorking ( )

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyLargeTurretBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyLaserAntenna, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyProgrammableBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorSuspension, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySoundBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyAirVent, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyTimerBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRadioAntenna, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCameraBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasGenerator, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasTank, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyShipConnector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyPistonBase, Entities.Blocks.MySpaceProjector, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipDrill, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyButtonPanel, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyOxygenFarm, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyBatteryBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyThrust, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipMergeBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyBeacon, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGeneratorBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLightingBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMedicalRoom, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipToolBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallGatlingGun, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallMissileLauncher, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyOreDetector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyCollector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightDoorGeneric, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAdvancedDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyReactor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyGyro, and SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyVirtualMass.

Definition at line 219 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Closing ( )
void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CommitUpgradeValues ( )

Definition at line 1502 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ConnectionAllowed ( ref Vector3I  otherBlockPos,
ref Vector3I  faceNormal,
MyCubeBlockDefinition  def 

Returns true if this block can connect to another block (of the given type) in the given position. This is called only if CheckConnectionAllowed == true. If this method would return true for any position, set CheckConnectionAllowed to false to avoid unnecessary overhead. It is the block's responsibility to call CubeGrid.UpdateBlockNeighbors every time the conditions that are checked by this method change.

Reimplemented in SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipMergeBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFracturedBlock, and Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock.

Definition at line 606 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ConnectionAllowed ( ref Vector3I  otherBlockMinPos,
ref Vector3I  otherBlockMaxPos,
ref Vector3I  faceNormal,
MyCubeBlockDefinition  def 

Whether connection is allowed to any of the positions between otherBlockMinPos and otherBlockMaxPos (both inclusive). Default implementation calls ConnectionAllowed(ref Vector3I otherBlockPos, ref Vector3I faceNormal) in a for loop. Override this in a subclass if this is not needed (for example, because all calls would return the same value for the same face)

Reimplemented in SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipMergeBlock, and Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock.

Definition at line 672 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ContactPointCallback ( ref MyGridContactInfo  value)
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CreateRenderer ( MyPersistentEntityFlags2  persistentFlags,
Vector3  colorMaskHsv,
object  modelStorage 

Definition at line 1511 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.FriendlyWithBlock ( MyCubeBlock  block)

Whether the two blocks are friendly. This relation is base on their owners and is symmetrical

Definition at line 137 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

static Vector3 Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetBlockGridOffset ( MyCubeBlockDefinition  blockDefinition)

Returns block offset in spawned grid.

Definition at line 1355 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyUpgradableBlockComponent Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetComponent ( )

Definition at line 1463 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyFractureComponentCubeBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetFractureComponent ( )

Definition at line 1522 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual BoundingBox Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetGeometryLocalBox ( )

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock.

Definition at line 1438 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

IMyUseObject Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetInteractiveObject ( uint  shapeKey)

Definition at line 280 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetLocalMatrix ( out Matrix  localMatrix)

Definition at line 430 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual float Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetMass ( )
sealed override MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetObjectBuilder ( bool  copy = false)

Gets object builder from object.


Reimplemented from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.

Definition at line 543 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock ( bool  copy = false)

Returns block object builder which can be serialized or added to grid

copySet if creating a copy of block
Block object builder

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyLargeTurretBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySensorBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyProgrammableBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyLaserAntenna, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyProjectorBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorSuspension, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLandingGear, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAdvancedDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLightingBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyShipConnector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyJumpDrive, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCameraBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRadioAntenna, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySoundBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMedicalRoom, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyTimerBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyButtonPanel, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipDrill, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallMissileLauncher, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyThrust, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyBatteryBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyTerminalBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyAssembler, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorStator, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyAirVent, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyGyro, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasGenerator, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyPistonBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasTank, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySpaceBall, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyWarhead, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyBeacon, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMechanicalConnectionBlockBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGenerator, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipToolBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightDoorGeneric, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGeneratorSphere, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallGatlingGun, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyReactor, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipWelder, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyCollector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyOreDetector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCargoContainer, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyOxygenFarm, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFracturedBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeConveyorTurretBase, and Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyUserControllableGun.

Definition at line 549 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

string Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetOwnerFactionTag ( )

Tag of faction owning block

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 90 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetPlayerRelationToOwner ( )

Relation of local player to the block

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 119 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

static bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetSubBlockDataFromDummy ( MyCubeBlockDefinition  ownerBlockDefinition,
string  dummyName,
MyModelDummy  dummy,
bool  useOffset,
out MyCubeBlockDefinition  subBlockDefinition,
out MatrixD  subBlockMatrix,
out Vector3  dummyPosition 

Returns subblock data from dummy, subblock matrix can be offset (according to useOffset parameter) so the dummy position output is also provided.

true when dummy is subblock otherwise false

Definition at line 1374 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

DictionaryReader<string, MySlimBlock> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetSubBlocks ( )

Definition at line 1446 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetTerminalName ( StringBuilder  result)

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyThrust.

Definition at line 353 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

VRage.Game.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner ( long  playerId)

playerIdId of player to check relation with (not steam id!)
Relation of defined player to the block

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 108 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init ( MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock  builder,
IMyCubeGrid  cubeGrid 

Initializes block state from object builder

builderObject builder of block (should correspond with block type)
cubeGridOwning grid

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 18 of file MyCubeBlock_ModAPI.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init ( )

Reloads block model and interactive objects (doors, terminals, etc...)

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 389 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Init ( MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock  builder,
MyCubeGrid  cubeGrid 

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyLargeTurretBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySensorBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyProgrammableBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorSuspension, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyProjectorBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyLaserAntenna, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLightingBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLandingGear, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyShipConnector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyJumpDrive, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyThrust, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyTimerBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyProductionBlock, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySoundBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRadioAntenna, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAdvancedDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorStator, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMedicalRoom, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyGyro, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyTerminalBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyBatteryBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCameraBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyPistonBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyWarhead, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyAirVent, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySpaceBall, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyAssembler, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallGatlingGun, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMechanicalConnectionBlockBase, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MySmallMissileLauncher, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGenerator, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGeneratorSphere, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFracturedBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyBeacon, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasTank, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyDoor, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipDrill, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyButtonPanel, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGasGenerator, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyMotorBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipMergeBlock, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipToolBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyShipWelder, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightDoorGeneric, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyReactor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyOreDetector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyCollector, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCargoContainer, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyUserControllableGun, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGeneratorBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeConveyorTurretBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyOxygenFarm, Sandbox.Game.Weapons.MyShipGrinder, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorConnector, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyVirtualMass, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyUpgradeModule, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyLadder, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySolarPanel, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyRefinery, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyAttachableTopBlockBase, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyInteriorLight, SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeGatlingTurret, SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeInteriorTurret, SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeMissileTurret, and Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightSlideDoor.

Definition at line 445 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnAddedToScene ( object  source)
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnBuildSuccess ( long  builtBy)

Method called when a block has been built (after adding to the grid). This is called right after placing the block and it doesn't matter whether it is fully built (creative mode) or is only construction site. Note that it is not called for blocks which do not create FatBlock at that moment.

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyMechanicalConnectionBlockBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySensorBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyPistonBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightDoorGeneric, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAdvancedDoor, SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyGravityGeneratorBase, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyDoor, and SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyVirtualMass.

Definition at line 804 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnConstraintAdded ( GridLinkTypeEnum  type,
IMyEntity  attachedEntity 

Called by constraint owner

Definition at line 326 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnConstraintRemoved ( GridLinkTypeEnum  type,
IMyEntity  detachedEntity 

Called by constraint owner

Definition at line 342 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnCubeGridChanged ( MyCubeGrid  oldGrid)

Notifies about grid change with old grid in parameter (new grid is available in property).

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyLightingBlock, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAdvancedDoor, Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyAirtightDoorGeneric, and Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCompoundCubeBlock.

Definition at line 1123 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnDestroy ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnModelChange ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnOwnershipChanged ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnRegisteredToGridSystems ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnRemovedByCubeBuilder ( )
override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnRemovedFromScene ( object  source)
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnSubBlockClosing ( MySlimBlock  subBlock)

Definition at line 1300 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems ( )
override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.RefreshModels ( string  modelPath,
string  modelCollisionPath 

Reimplemented from VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.

Definition at line 1530 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ReleaseInventory ( MyInventory  inventory,
bool  damageContent = false 

Definition at line 289 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

int Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.RemoveEffect ( string  effectName,
int  exception = -1 

Definition at line 971 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.RemoveSubBlock ( string  subBlockName,
bool  removeFromGrid = true 

Removes subblock with the given name from the block.

Definition at line 1326 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SetDamageEffect ( bool  start)

Start or stop dammage effect on cube block

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Reimplemented in Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube.MyFunctionalBlock, and SpaceEngineers.Game.Entities.Blocks.MySolarPanel.

Definition at line 1002 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SetEffect ( string  effectName,
bool  stopPrevious = false 

Definition at line 915 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SetEffect ( string  effectName,
float  parameter,
bool  stopPrevious = false,
bool  ignoreParameter = false,
bool  removeSameNameEffects = false 

Definition at line 920 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.StopDamageEffect ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SubBlocksInitialized ( bool  spawned)

Function called when all subblocks have been initialized.

spawnedtrue if subblocks have been just spawned on server, otherwise false (load)

Definition at line 1296 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.TryGetSubBlock ( string  name,
out MySlimBlock  block 

Definition at line 1451 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateAfterSimulation ( )
override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateBeforeSimulation ( )
override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateBeforeSimulation10 ( )
static void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateEmissiveParts ( uint  renderObjectId,
float  emissivity,
Color  emissivePartColor,
Color  displayPartColor 

Definition at line 722 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateIsWorking ( )

Force refresh working state. Call if you change block state that could affect its working status.

Implements VRage.Game.ModAPI.IMyCubeBlock.

Definition at line 207 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateOnceBeforeFrame ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpdateVisual ( )
virtual void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.WorldPositionChanged ( object  source)

Member Data Documentation

readonly string Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.DUMMY_SUBBLOCK_ID = "subblock_"

Definition at line 45 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

int Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.HackAttemptTime = 0

Definition at line 145 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsBeingRemoved = false

Definition at line 105 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsSilenced = false

Definition at line 215 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

List<MyCubeBlockEffect> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.m_activeEffects = null

Definition at line 157 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.m_forceBlockDestructible

Definition at line 372 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.MarkedToExplode = false

Definition at line 144 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SilenceInChange = false

Definition at line 216 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MySlimBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SlimBlock

Definition at line 181 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Dictionary<string, MySlimBlock> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SubBlocks

Map from dummy name to subblock (subgrid, note that after grid split the subblock instance will be the same)

Definition at line 256 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UsedUpdateEveryFrame = false

Definition at line 217 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Property Documentation

MyCubeBlockDefinition Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.BlockDefinition

Definition at line 151 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

long Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.BuiltBy

Definition at line 78 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CheckConnectionAllowed

Definition at line 162 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyCubeGrid Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CubeGrid

Definition at line 156 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

String Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.DefinitionDisplayNameText

Definition at line 367 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

virtual float Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.DisassembleRatio

Definition at line 195 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ForceBlockDestructible

Definition at line 373 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyIDModule Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IDModule

Definition at line 246 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsBeingHacked

Definition at line 147 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsFunctional

Shortcut to component stack property.

Definition at line 187 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsSubBlock

Definition at line 263 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

bool Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsWorking

Definition at line 203 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Vector3I Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Max

Definition at line 153 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Vector3I Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Min

Definition at line 152 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

int Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.NumberInGrid

Definition at line 165 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyBlockOrientation Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Orientation

Definition at line 154 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MySlimBlock Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OwnerBlock

If the block is subblock then OwnerBlock is set to block which owns (spawns) subblocks (subgrids)

Definition at line 274 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

long Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OwnerId

Definition at line 70 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

new MyPhysicsBody Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Physics

Definition at line 64 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Vector3I Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.Position

Definition at line 155 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyResourceSinkComponent Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.ResourceSink
getprotected set

Definition at line 85 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

string Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.SubBlockName

Name of subblock (key in the owner's subblocks map).

Definition at line 267 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Dictionary<string, float> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UpgradeValues

Definition at line 1474 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

MyUseObjectsComponentBase Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.UseObjectsComponent

Definition at line 159 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Event Documentation

Func<bool> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.CanContinueBuildCheck

Definition at line 226 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Action<MyCubeBlock> Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.IsWorkingChanged

Definition at line 224 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Action Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.OnUpgradeValuesChanged

Definition at line 1501 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: