Space Engineers
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SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeMissileTurret Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeMissileTurret:
SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeConveyorTurretBase Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeTurretBase Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyUserControllableGun Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.IMyLargeMissileTurret SpaceEngineers.Game.Weapons.Guns.MyLargeMissileTurret

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeTurretBase
void TrackTarget (IMyEntity entity)
 Tracks entity with enabled position prediction More...
void TrackTarget (Vector3D pos, Vector3 velocity)
 Tracks given target with enabled position prediction More...
void SetTarget (IMyEntity Entity)
 Tracks target without position prediction More...
void SetTarget (Vector3D pos)
 Targets given position More...
void SyncElevation ()
 method used to sync elevation of turret , you need to call it to sync elevation for other clients/server More...
void SyncAzimuth ()
 method used to sync azimuth, you need to call it to sync azimuth for other clients/server More...
void SyncEnableIdleRotation ()
 method used to sync idle rotation and elevation, you need to call it to sync rotation and elevation for other clients/server More...
void ResetTargetingToDefault ()
 resert targeting to default values More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock
void RequestEnable (bool enable)
void RequestEnable (bool enable)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
bool HasLocalPlayerAccess ()
bool HasPlayerAccess (long playerId)
void SetCustomName (string text)
void SetCustomName (StringBuilder text)
void GetActions (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
void SearchActionsOfName (string name, List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction GetActionWithName (string name)
Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty GetProperty (string id)
void GetProperties (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalProperty, bool > collect=null)
bool HasLocalPlayerAccess ()
bool HasPlayerAccess (long playerId)
void RequestShowOnHUD (bool enable)
void SetCustomName (string text)
void SetCustomName (StringBuilder text)
void GetActions (List< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction > resultList, Func< Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces.ITerminalAction, bool > collect=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
string GetOwnerFactionTag ()
Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetPlayerRelationToOwner ()
Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock GetUserRelationToOwner (long playerId)
void UpdateIsWorking ()
void UpdateVisual ()
- Properties inherited from SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeConveyorTurretBase
bool UseConveyorSystem [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyLargeTurretBase
bool IsUnderControl [get]
 Indicates whether a block is locally or remotely controlled. More...
bool CanControl [get]
float Range [get]
float Elevation [get, set]
 Sets/gets elevation of turret, this method is not synced, you need to sync elevation manually More...
float Azimuth [get, set]
 Sets/gets azimuth of turret, this method is not synced, you need to sync azimuth manually More...
bool EnableIdleRotation [get, set]
 enable/disable idle rotation for turret, this method is not synced, you need to sync manually More...
bool AIEnabled [get]
 Checks is AI is enabled for turret More...
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyUserControllableGun
bool IsShooting [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock
bool Enabled [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
string CustomName [get]
string CustomNameWithFaction [get]
string DetailedInfo [get]
string CustomInfo [get]
string CustomData [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent More...
bool ShowOnHUD [get]
- Properties inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.SerializableDefinitionId BlockDefinition [get]
bool CheckConnectionAllowed [get]
IMyCubeGrid CubeGrid [get]
String DefinitionDisplayNameText [get]
float DisassembleRatio [get]
String DisplayNameText [get]
bool IsBeingHacked [get]
bool IsFunctional [get]
bool IsWorking [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Max [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Min [get]
int NumberInGrid [get]
VRageMath.MyBlockOrientation Orientation [get]
long OwnerId [get]
VRageMath.Vector3I Position [get]
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock
Action< IMyTerminalBlockEnabledChanged
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock
Action< IMyTerminalBlockCustomNameChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockOwnershipChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockPropertiesChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockShowOnHUDChanged
Action< IMyTerminalBlockVisibilityChanged
- Events inherited from Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyCubeBlock
Action< IMyCubeBlockIsWorkingChanged

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file IMyLargeMissileTurret.cs.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: