Space Engineers
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Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.MyBlockPosComponent Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.MyBlockPosComponent:
VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase VRage.Game.Components.MyEntityComponentBase VRage.Game.Components.MyComponentBase

Protected Member Functions

override void OnWorldPositionChanged (object source, bool updateChildren)
 Called when [world position changed]. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent
virtual void UpdateChildren (object source)
 Updates the childs of this entity. More...
override void OnWorldPositionChanged (object source, bool updateChildren=true)
 Called when [world position changed]. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase
void RaiseOnPositionChanged (MyPositionComponentBase component)
virtual void UpdateWorldMatrix (object source=null)
 Updates the world matrix (change caused by this entity) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent
override void OnAddedToContainer ()
 Gets called after the container of this component changes More...
override void OnBeforeRemovedFromContainer ()
 Gets called before the removal of this component from a container More...
override void SetWorldMatrix (MatrixD worldMatrix, object source=null, bool forceUpdate=false, bool updateChildren=true)
 Sets the world matrix. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase
void SetLocalMatrix (MatrixD localMatrix, object source=null)
 Sets the local matrix. More...
Vector3D GetPosition ()
 Gets the entity position. More...
void SetPosition (Vector3D pos)
 Sets the position. More...
virtual MatrixD GetViewMatrix ()
virtual void UpdateWorldMatrix (ref MatrixD parentWorldMatrix, object source=null)
 Updates the world matrix (change caused by parent) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyComponentBase
virtual void SetContainer (MyComponentContainer container)
 Sets the container of this component. Note that the component is not added to the container here! Therefore, use MyComponentContainer.Add(...) method and it will in turn call this method. Actually, you should seldom have the need to call this method yourself. More...
virtual T GetAs< T > ()
virtual void OnAddedToScene ()
 CH: TOOD: Be careful! This does not get called if the component is added to a container that is in the scene already! More...
virtual void OnRemovedFromScene ()
 CH: TOOD: Be careful! This does not get called if the component is removed from a container that is still in the scene! More...
virtual MyObjectBuilder_ComponentBase Serialize (bool copy=false)
virtual void Deserialize (MyObjectBuilder_ComponentBase builder)
virtual void Init (MyComponentDefinitionBase definition)
virtual bool IsSerialized ()
 Tells the component container serializer whether this component should be saved More...
- Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent
Action< object > WorldPositionChanged
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent
static bool SynchronizationEnabled = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase
MatrixD m_worldMatrix = MatrixD.Identity
MatrixD m_localMatrix = MatrixD.Identity
 Internal local matrix relative to parent of entity. More...
BoundingBox m_localAABB
BoundingSphere m_localVolume
Vector3 m_localVolumeOffset
BoundingBoxD m_worldAABB
BoundingSphereD m_worldVolume
bool m_worldVolumeDirty = false
bool m_worldAABBDirty = false
bool m_normalizedInvMatrixDirty = true
bool m_invScaledMatrixDirty = true
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponent
override BoundingBox LocalAABB [get, set]
 Sets the local aabb. More...
override bool ShouldSync [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase
MatrixD WorldMatrix [get, set]
 World matrix of this physic object. Use it whenever you want to do world-matrix transformations with this physic objects. More...
Matrix LocalMatrix [get, set]
 Gets or sets the local matrix. More...
BoundingBoxD WorldAABB [get, set]
 Gets the world aabb. More...
BoundingSphereD WorldVolume [get, set]
 Gets the world volume. More...
virtual BoundingBox LocalAABB [get, set]
 Sets the local aabb. More...
BoundingSphere LocalVolume [get, set]
 Sets the local volume. More...
Vector3 LocalVolumeOffset [get, set]
 Gets or sets the local volume offset. More...
virtual bool ShouldSync [get]
float Scale [get, set]
MatrixD WorldMatrixNormalizedInv [get]
MatrixD WorldMatrixInvScaled [get]
override string ComponentTypeDebugString [get]
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyEntityComponentBase
MyEntityComponentContainer Container [get]
IMyEntity Entity [get]
abstract string ComponentTypeDebugString [get]
 Name of the base component type for debug purposes (e.g.: "Position") More...
- Properties inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyComponentBase
MyComponentContainer ContainerBase [get]
 This cannot be named Container to not conflict with the definition of Container in MyEntityComponentBase. More...
- Events inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase
Action< MyPositionComponentBaseOnPositionChanged
- Events inherited from VRage.Game.Components.MyEntityComponentBase
static Action< MyEntityComponentBaseOnAfterAddedToContainer
Action< MyEntityComponentBaseBeforeRemovedFromContainer

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1155 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override void Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock.MyBlockPosComponent.OnWorldPositionChanged ( object  source,
bool  updateChildren 

Called when [world position changed].

sourceThe source object that caused this event.

Reimplemented from VRage.Game.Components.MyPositionComponentBase.

Definition at line 1157 of file MyCubeBlock.cs.

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