Space Engineers
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VRageRender.Profiler.MyNullRenderProfiler Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for VRageRender.Profiler.MyNullRenderProfiler:

Protected Member Functions

override void Draw (VRage.Profiler.MyProfiler drawProfiler, int lastFrameIndex, int frameToDraw)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
abstract void Draw (MyProfiler drawProfiler, int lastFrameIndex, int frameToDraw)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
void GetAutocommit (ref bool val)
void SetAutocommit (bool val)
void Commit ([CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void Draw ([CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void StartProfilingBlock (string blockName=null, float customValue=0, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void EndProfilingBlock (float customValue=0, MyTimeSpan?customTime=null, string timeFormat=null, string valueFormat=null, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void GPU_StartProfilingBlock (string blockName=null, float customValue=0, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void GPU_EndProfilingBlock (float customValue=0, MyTimeSpan?customTime=null, string timeFormat=null, string valueFormat=null, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void StartNextBlock (string name, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void InitMemoryHack (string name)
void ProfileCustomValue (string name, float value, MyTimeSpan?customTime=null, string timeFormat=null, string valueFormat=null, [CallerMemberName] string member="", [CallerLineNumber] int line=0, [CallerFilePath] string file="")
void SetLevel (int index)
void Dump ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
static MyProfiler CreateProfiler (string name, string axisName=null, bool memoryProfiling=false)
 Creates new profiler which can be used to profile anything (e.g. network stats). More...
static List< MyProfilerBlockGetSortedChildren (int frameToSortBy)
static MyProfilerBlock FindBlockByIndex (int index)
static MyProfilerBlock FindBlockByMax (int frameIndex, int lastValidFrame)
static void HandleInput (RenderProfilerCommand command, int index)
static MyProfiler GetProfilerAtIndex (int index)
- Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
const string PerformanceProfilingSymbol = VRage.MyCompilationSymbols.PerformanceProfiling ? "WINDOWS" : "__RANDOM_UNDEFINED_PROFILING_SYMBOL__"
const bool MemoryProfiling = VRage.MyCompilationSymbols.ProfileWorkingSetMemory
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
static bool Paused = false
static Action< int > GetProfilerFromServer
static Action< int > SaveProfilerToFile
static Action< int > LoadProfilerFromFile
static int ServerSelectedIndex
static bool IsProfilerFromServer
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
static Color IndexToColor (int index)
static bool IsValidIndex (int frameIndex, int lastValidFrame)
static float FindMaxWrap (float[] data, int lower, int upper, int lastValidFrame, out int maxIndex)
- Protected Attributes inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
StringBuilder m_text = new StringBuilder(100)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
static RenderProfilerSortingOrder m_sortingOrder = RenderProfilerSortingOrder.MillisecondsLastFrame
 Sorting order will sort the listed elements in the profiler by the specified ProfilerSortingOrder More...
static MyDrawArea m_milisecondsGraphScale = new MyDrawArea(0.49f, 0, (2 - 0.51f) / 2, 0.9f, 25)
static MyDrawArea m_memoryGraphScale = new MyDrawArea(0.49f, 0, (2 - 0.51f) / 2, 0.6f, 0.001f)
static Color[] m_colors
static MyProfilerBlock m_fpsBlock
static float m_fpsPctg
static List< MyProfilerm_threadProfilers = new List<MyProfiler>(16)
static MyProfiler m_selectedProfiler
static bool m_enabled = false
static int m_selectedFrame = 0
static int m_levelLimit = -1
static bool m_useCustomFrame = false
static int m_frameLocalArea = MyProfiler.MAX_FRAMES
- Properties inherited from VRage.Profiler.MyRenderProfiler
static bool ProfilerProcessingEnabled [get]
static bool ProfilerVisible [get]
 Returns true when profiler is visible. More...
static MyProfiler SelectedProfiler [get, set]
static int SelectedIndex [get]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file MyNullRenderProfiler.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override void VRageRender.Profiler.MyNullRenderProfiler.Draw ( VRage.Profiler.MyProfiler  drawProfiler,
int  lastFrameIndex,
int  frameToDraw 

Definition at line 7 of file MyNullRenderProfiler.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: