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VRageMath.Color Struct Reference

Represents a four-component color using red, green, blue, and alpha data. More...

Inheritance diagram for VRageMath.Color:
VRageMath.PackedVector.IPackedVector< uint > VRageMath.PackedVector.IPackedVector

Public Member Functions

 Color (uint packedValue)
 Color (int r, int g, int b)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
 Color (int r, int g, int b, int a)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
 Color (float rgb)
 Color (float r, float g, float b)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
 Color (float r, float g, float b, float a)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
 Color (Color color, float a)
 Color (Vector3 vector)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
 Color (Vector4 vector)
 Creates a new instance of the class. More...
void IPackedVector. PackFromVector4 (Vector4 vector)
Vector3 ToVector3 ()
 Gets a three-component vector representation for this object. More...
Vector4 ToVector4 ()
 Gets a four-component vector representation for this object. More...
override string ToString ()
 Gets a string representation of this object. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Serves as a hash function for a particular type. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Test an instance of a color object to see if it is equal to this object. More...
bool Equals (Color other)
 Test a color to see if it is equal to the color in this instance. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Color operator* (Color value, float scale)
 Multiply operator. More...
static Color operator+ (Color value, Color other)
static bool operator== (Color a, Color b)
 Equality operator. More...
static bool operator!= (Color a, Color b)
 Equality operator for Testing two color objects to see if they are equal. More...
static Color FromNonPremultiplied (Vector4 vector)
 Convert a non premultipled color into color data that contains alpha. More...
static Color FromNonPremultiplied (int r, int g, int b, int a)
 Converts a non-premultipled alpha color to a color that contains premultiplied alpha. More...
static Color Lerp (Color value1, Color value2, float amount)
 Linearly interpolate a color. More...
static Color Multiply (Color value, float scale)
 Multiply each color component by the scale factor. More...
static implicit operator Color (Vector3 v)
static implicit operator Vector3 (Color v)
static implicit operator Color (Vector4 v)
static implicit operator Vector4 (Color v)
static Color Lighten (Color inColor, double inAmount)
static Color Darken (Color inColor, double inAmount)

Public Attributes

uint PackedValue
 Gets the current color as a packed value. More...


byte R [get, set]
 Gets or sets the red component value of this Color. More...
byte G [get, set]
 Gets or sets the green component value of this Color. More...
byte B [get, set]
 Gets or sets the blue component value of this Color. More...
byte A [get, set]
 Gets or sets the alpha component value. More...
static Color Transparent [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:0 A:0. More...
static Color AliceBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:248 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color AntiqueWhite [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:235 B:215 A:255. More...
static Color Aqua [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Aquamarine [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:127 G:255 B:212 A:255. More...
static Color Azure [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:255 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Beige [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:245 B:220 A:255. More...
static Color Bisque [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:196 A:255. More...
static Color Black [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color BlanchedAlmond [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:235 B:205 A:255. More...
static Color Blue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color BlueViolet [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:138 G:43 B:226 A:255. More...
static Color Brown [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:165 G:42 B:42 A:255. More...
static Color BurlyWood [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:222 G:184 B:135 A:255. More...
static Color CadetBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:95 G:158 B:160 A:255. More...
static Color Chartreuse [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:127 G:255 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color Chocolate [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:210 G:105 B:30 A:255. More...
static Color Coral [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:127 B:80 A:255. More...
static Color CornflowerBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:100 G:149 B:237 A:255. More...
static Color Cornsilk [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:248 B:220 A:255. More...
static Color Crimson [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:220 G:20 B:60 A:255. More...
static Color Cyan [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color DarkBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:139 A:255. More...
static Color DarkCyan [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:139 B:139 A:255. More...
static Color DarkGoldenrod [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:184 G:134 B:11 A:255. More...
static Color DarkGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:169 G:169 B:169 A:255. More...
static Color DarkGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:100 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color DarkKhaki [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:189 G:183 B:107 A:255. More...
static Color DarkMagenta [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:139 A:255. More...
static Color DarkOliveGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:85 G:107 B:47 A:255. More...
static Color DarkOrange [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:140 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color DarkOrchid [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:153 G:50 B:204 A:255. More...
static Color DarkRed [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color DarkSalmon [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:233 G:150 B:122 A:255. More...
static Color DarkSeaGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:143 G:188 B:139 A:255. More...
static Color DarkSlateBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:72 G:61 B:139 A:255. More...
static Color DarkSlateGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:47 G:79 B:79 A:255. More...
static Color DarkTurquoise [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:206 B:209 A:255. More...
static Color DarkViolet [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:148 G:0 B:211 A:255. More...
static Color DeepPink [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:20 B:147 A:255. More...
static Color DeepSkyBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:191 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color DimGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:105 G:105 B:105 A:255. More...
static Color DodgerBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:30 G:144 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Firebrick [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:178 G:34 B:34 A:255. More...
static Color FloralWhite [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:240 A:255. More...
static Color ForestGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:34 G:139 B:34 A:255. More...
static Color Fuchsia [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Gainsboro [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:220 G:220 B:220 A:255. More...
static Color GhostWhite [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:248 G:248 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Gold [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:215 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color Goldenrod [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:218 G:165 B:32 A:255. More...
static Color Gray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:128 B:128 A:255. More...
static Color Green [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:128 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color GreenYellow [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:173 G:255 B:47 A:255. More...
static Color Honeydew [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:255 B:240 A:255. More...
static Color HotPink [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:105 B:180 A:255. More...
static Color IndianRed [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:205 G:92 B:92 A:255. More...
static Color Indigo [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:75 G:0 B:130 A:255. More...
static Color Ivory [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:240 A:255. More...
static Color Khaki [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:230 B:140 A:255. More...
static Color Lavender [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:230 G:230 B:250 A:255. More...
static Color LavenderBlush [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:240 B:245 A:255. More...
static Color LawnGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:124 G:252 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color LemonChiffon [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:205 A:255. More...
static Color LightBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:173 G:216 B:230 A:255. More...
static Color LightCoral [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:128 B:128 A:255. More...
static Color LightCyan [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:224 G:255 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color LightGoldenrodYellow [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:250 B:210 A:255. More...
static Color LightGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:144 G:238 B:144 A:255. More...
static Color LightGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:211 G:211 B:211 A:255. More...
static Color LightPink [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:182 B:193 A:255. More...
static Color LightSalmon [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:160 B:122 A:255. More...
static Color LightSeaGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:32 G:178 B:170 A:255. More...
static Color LightSkyBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:135 G:206 B:250 A:255. More...
static Color LightSlateGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:119 G:136 B:153 A:255. More...
static Color LightSteelBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:176 G:196 B:222 A:255. More...
static Color LightYellow [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:224 A:255. More...
static Color Lime [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color LimeGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:50 G:205 B:50 A:255. More...
static Color Linen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:240 B:230 A:255. More...
static Color Magenta [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color Maroon [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:0 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color MediumAquamarine [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:102 G:205 B:170 A:255. More...
static Color MediumBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:205 A:255. More...
static Color MediumOrchid [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:186 G:85 B:211 A:255. More...
static Color MediumPurple [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:147 G:112 B:219 A:255. More...
static Color MediumSeaGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:60 G:179 B:113 A:255. More...
static Color MediumSlateBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:123 G:104 B:238 A:255. More...
static Color MediumSpringGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:250 B:154 A:255. More...
static Color MediumTurquoise [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:72 G:209 B:204 A:255. More...
static Color MediumVioletRed [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:199 G:21 B:133 A:255. More...
static Color MidnightBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:25 G:25 B:112 A:255. More...
static Color MintCream [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:255 B:250 A:255. More...
static Color MistyRose [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:225 A:255. More...
static Color Moccasin [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:181 A:255. More...
static Color NavajoWhite [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:222 B:173 A:255. More...
static Color Navy [get]
 Gets a system-defined color R:0 G:0 B:128 A:255. More...
static Color OldLace [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:253 G:245 B:230 A:255. More...
static Color Olive [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:128 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color OliveDrab [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:107 G:142 B:35 A:255. More...
static Color Orange [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:165 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color OrangeRed [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:69 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color Orchid [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:218 G:112 B:214 A:255. More...
static Color PaleGoldenrod [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:238 G:232 B:170 A:255. More...
static Color PaleGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:152 G:251 B:152 A:255. More...
static Color PaleTurquoise [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:175 G:238 B:238 A:255. More...
static Color PaleVioletRed [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:219 G:112 B:147 A:255. More...
static Color PapayaWhip [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:239 B:213 A:255. More...
static Color PeachPuff [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:218 B:185 A:255. More...
static Color Peru [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:205 G:133 B:63 A:255. More...
static Color Pink [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:192 B:203 A:255. More...
static Color Plum [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:221 G:160 B:221 A:255. More...
static Color PowderBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:176 G:224 B:230 A:255. More...
static Color Purple [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:0 B:128 A:255. More...
static Color Red [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color RosyBrown [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:188 G:143 B:143 A:255. More...
static Color RoyalBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:65 G:105 B:225 A:255. More...
static Color SaddleBrown [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:69 B:19 A:255. More...
static Color Salmon [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:128 B:114 A:255. More...
static Color SandyBrown [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:244 G:164 B:96 A:255. More...
static Color SeaGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:46 G:139 B:87 A:255. More...
static Color SeaShell [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:245 B:238 A:255. More...
static Color Sienna [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:160 G:82 B:45 A:255. More...
static Color Silver [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:192 G:192 B:192 A:255. More...
static Color SkyBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:135 G:206 B:235 A:255. More...
static Color SlateBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:106 G:90 B:205 A:255. More...
static Color SlateGray [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:112 G:128 B:144 A:255. More...
static Color Snow [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:250 A:255. More...
static Color SpringGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:127 A:255. More...
static Color SteelBlue [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:70 G:130 B:180 A:255. More...
static Color Tan [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:210 G:180 B:140 A:255. More...
static Color Teal [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:128 B:128 A:255. More...
static Color Thistle [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:216 G:191 B:216 A:255. More...
static Color Tomato [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:99 B:71 A:255. More...
static Color Turquoise [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:64 G:224 B:208 A:255. More...
static Color Violet [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:238 G:130 B:238 A:255. More...
static Color Wheat [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:222 B:179 A:255. More...
static Color White [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:255 A:255. More...
static Color WhiteSmoke [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:245 B:245 A:255. More...
static Color Yellow [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:0 A:255. More...
static Color YellowGreen [get]
 Gets a system-defined color with the value R:154 G:205 B:50 A:255. More...
uint IPackedVector< uint >. PackedValue [get, set]

Detailed Description

Represents a four-component color using red, green, blue, and alpha data.

Definition at line 12 of file Color.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VRageMath.Color.Color ( uint  packedValue)

Definition at line 1631 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b 

Creates a new instance of the class.

rRed component.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.

Definition at line 1640 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a 

Creates a new instance of the class.

rRed component.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.
aAlpha component.

Definition at line 1657 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( float  rgb)

Definition at line 1672 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Creates a new instance of the class.

rRed component.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.

Definition at line 1682 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  a 

Creates a new instance of the class.

rRed component.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.
aAlpha component.

Definition at line 1691 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( Color  color,
float  a 

Definition at line 1696 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( Vector3  vector)

Creates a new instance of the class.

vectorA three-component color.

Definition at line 1705 of file Color.cs.

VRageMath.Color.Color ( Vector4  vector)

Creates a new instance of the class.

vectorA four-component color.

Definition at line 1714 of file Color.cs.

Member Function Documentation

static Color VRageMath.Color.Darken ( Color  inColor,
double  inAmount 

Definition at line 1984 of file Color.cs.

override bool VRageMath.Color.Equals ( object  obj)

Test an instance of a color object to see if it is equal to this object.

objA color object.

Definition at line 1932 of file Color.cs.

bool VRageMath.Color.Equals ( Color  other)

Test a color to see if it is equal to the color in this instance.

otherA four-component color.

Definition at line 1944 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.FromNonPremultiplied ( Vector4  vector)

Convert a non premultipled color into color data that contains alpha.

vectorA four-component color.

Definition at line 1781 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.FromNonPremultiplied ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a 

Converts a non-premultipled alpha color to a color that contains premultiplied alpha.

rRed component.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.
aAlpha component.

Definition at line 1792 of file Color.cs.

override int VRageMath.Color.GetHashCode ( )

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.

Definition at line 1923 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.Lerp ( Color  value1,
Color  value2,
float  amount 

Linearly interpolate a color.

value1A four-component color.
value2A four-component color.
amountInterpolation factor.

Definition at line 1860 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.Lighten ( Color  inColor,
double  inAmount 

Definition at line 1975 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.Multiply ( Color  value,
float  scale 

Multiply each color component by the scale factor.

valueThe source, four-component color.
scaleThe scale factor.

Definition at line 1886 of file Color.cs.

static implicit VRageMath.Color.operator Color ( Vector3  v)

Definition at line 1949 of file Color.cs.

static implicit VRageMath.Color.operator Color ( Vector4  v)

Definition at line 1959 of file Color.cs.

static implicit VRageMath.Color.operator Vector3 ( Color  v)

Definition at line 1954 of file Color.cs.

static implicit VRageMath.Color.operator Vector4 ( Color  v)

Definition at line 1964 of file Color.cs.

static bool VRageMath.Color.operator!= ( Color  a,
Color  b 

Equality operator for Testing two color objects to see if they are equal.

aA four-component color.
bA four-component color.

Definition at line 1767 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.operator* ( Color  value,
float  scale 

Multiply operator.

valueA four-component color
scaleScale factor.

Definition at line 1723 of file Color.cs.

static Color VRageMath.Color.operator+ ( Color  value,
Color  other 

Definition at line 1749 of file Color.cs.

static bool VRageMath.Color.operator== ( Color  a,
Color  b 

Equality operator.

aA four-component color.
bA four-component color.

Definition at line 1758 of file Color.cs.

void IPackedVector. VRageMath.Color.PackFromVector4 ( Vector4  vector)

Definition at line 1772 of file Color.cs.

override string VRageMath.Color.ToString ( )

Gets a string representation of this object.

Definition at line 1915 of file Color.cs.

Vector3 VRageMath.Color.ToVector3 ( )

Gets a three-component vector representation for this object.

Definition at line 1834 of file Color.cs.

Vector4 VRageMath.Color.ToVector4 ( )

Gets a four-component vector representation for this object.

Definition at line 1846 of file Color.cs.

Member Data Documentation

uint VRageMath.Color.PackedValue

Gets the current color as a packed value.

Definition at line 18 of file Color.cs.

Property Documentation

byte VRageMath.Color.A

Gets or sets the alpha component value.

Definition at line 69 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.AliceBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:248 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 95 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.AntiqueWhite

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:235 B:215 A:255.

Definition at line 106 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Aqua

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 117 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Aquamarine

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:127 G:255 B:212 A:255.

Definition at line 128 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Azure

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:255 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 139 of file Color.cs.

byte VRageMath.Color.B

Gets or sets the blue component value of this Color.

Definition at line 54 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Beige

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:245 B:220 A:255.

Definition at line 150 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Bisque

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:196 A:255.

Definition at line 161 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Black

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 172 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.BlanchedAlmond

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:235 B:205 A:255.

Definition at line 183 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Blue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 194 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.BlueViolet

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:138 G:43 B:226 A:255.

Definition at line 205 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Brown

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:165 G:42 B:42 A:255.

Definition at line 216 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.BurlyWood

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:222 G:184 B:135 A:255.

Definition at line 227 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.CadetBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:95 G:158 B:160 A:255.

Definition at line 238 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Chartreuse

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:127 G:255 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 249 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Chocolate

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:210 G:105 B:30 A:255.

Definition at line 260 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Coral

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:127 B:80 A:255.

Definition at line 271 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.CornflowerBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:100 G:149 B:237 A:255.

Definition at line 282 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Cornsilk

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:248 B:220 A:255.

Definition at line 293 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Crimson

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:220 G:20 B:60 A:255.

Definition at line 304 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Cyan

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 315 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:139 A:255.

Definition at line 326 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkCyan

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:139 B:139 A:255.

Definition at line 337 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkGoldenrod

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:184 G:134 B:11 A:255.

Definition at line 348 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:169 G:169 B:169 A:255.

Definition at line 359 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:100 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 370 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkKhaki

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:189 G:183 B:107 A:255.

Definition at line 381 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkMagenta

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:139 A:255.

Definition at line 392 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkOliveGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:85 G:107 B:47 A:255.

Definition at line 403 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkOrange

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:140 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 414 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkOrchid

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:153 G:50 B:204 A:255.

Definition at line 425 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkRed

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 436 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkSalmon

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:233 G:150 B:122 A:255.

Definition at line 447 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkSeaGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:143 G:188 B:139 A:255.

Definition at line 458 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkSlateBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:72 G:61 B:139 A:255.

Definition at line 469 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkSlateGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:47 G:79 B:79 A:255.

Definition at line 480 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkTurquoise

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:206 B:209 A:255.

Definition at line 491 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DarkViolet

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:148 G:0 B:211 A:255.

Definition at line 502 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DeepPink

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:20 B:147 A:255.

Definition at line 513 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DeepSkyBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:191 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 524 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DimGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:105 G:105 B:105 A:255.

Definition at line 535 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.DodgerBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:30 G:144 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 546 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Firebrick

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:178 G:34 B:34 A:255.

Definition at line 557 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.FloralWhite

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:240 A:255.

Definition at line 568 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.ForestGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:34 G:139 B:34 A:255.

Definition at line 579 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Fuchsia

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 590 of file Color.cs.

byte VRageMath.Color.G

Gets or sets the green component value of this Color.

Definition at line 39 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Gainsboro

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:220 G:220 B:220 A:255.

Definition at line 601 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.GhostWhite

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:248 G:248 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 612 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Gold

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:215 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 623 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Goldenrod

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:218 G:165 B:32 A:255.

Definition at line 634 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Gray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:128 B:128 A:255.

Definition at line 645 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Green

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:128 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 656 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.GreenYellow

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:173 G:255 B:47 A:255.

Definition at line 667 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Honeydew

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:255 B:240 A:255.

Definition at line 678 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.HotPink

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:105 B:180 A:255.

Definition at line 689 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.IndianRed

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:205 G:92 B:92 A:255.

Definition at line 700 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Indigo

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:75 G:0 B:130 A:255.

Definition at line 711 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Ivory

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:240 A:255.

Definition at line 722 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Khaki

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:230 B:140 A:255.

Definition at line 733 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Lavender

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:230 G:230 B:250 A:255.

Definition at line 744 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LavenderBlush

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:240 B:245 A:255.

Definition at line 755 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LawnGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:124 G:252 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 766 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LemonChiffon

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:205 A:255.

Definition at line 777 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:173 G:216 B:230 A:255.

Definition at line 788 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightCoral

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:128 B:128 A:255.

Definition at line 799 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightCyan

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:224 G:255 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 810 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightGoldenrodYellow

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:250 B:210 A:255.

Definition at line 821 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:211 G:211 B:211 A:255.

Definition at line 843 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:144 G:238 B:144 A:255.

Definition at line 832 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightPink

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:182 B:193 A:255.

Definition at line 854 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightSalmon

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:160 B:122 A:255.

Definition at line 865 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightSeaGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:32 G:178 B:170 A:255.

Definition at line 876 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightSkyBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:135 G:206 B:250 A:255.

Definition at line 887 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightSlateGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:119 G:136 B:153 A:255.

Definition at line 898 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightSteelBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:176 G:196 B:222 A:255.

Definition at line 909 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LightYellow

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:224 A:255.

Definition at line 920 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Lime

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 931 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.LimeGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:50 G:205 B:50 A:255.

Definition at line 942 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Linen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:240 B:230 A:255.

Definition at line 953 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Magenta

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 964 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Maroon

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:0 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 975 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumAquamarine

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:102 G:205 B:170 A:255.

Definition at line 986 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:205 A:255.

Definition at line 997 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumOrchid

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:186 G:85 B:211 A:255.

Definition at line 1008 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumPurple

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:147 G:112 B:219 A:255.

Definition at line 1019 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumSeaGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:60 G:179 B:113 A:255.

Definition at line 1030 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumSlateBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:123 G:104 B:238 A:255.

Definition at line 1041 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumSpringGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:250 B:154 A:255.

Definition at line 1052 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumTurquoise

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:72 G:209 B:204 A:255.

Definition at line 1063 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MediumVioletRed

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:199 G:21 B:133 A:255.

Definition at line 1074 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MidnightBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:25 G:25 B:112 A:255.

Definition at line 1085 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MintCream

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:255 B:250 A:255.

Definition at line 1096 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.MistyRose

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:225 A:255.

Definition at line 1107 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Moccasin

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:228 B:181 A:255.

Definition at line 1118 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.NavajoWhite

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:222 B:173 A:255.

Definition at line 1129 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Navy

Gets a system-defined color R:0 G:0 B:128 A:255.

Definition at line 1140 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.OldLace

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:253 G:245 B:230 A:255.

Definition at line 1151 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Olive

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:128 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 1162 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.OliveDrab

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:107 G:142 B:35 A:255.

Definition at line 1173 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Orange

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:165 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 1184 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.OrangeRed

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:69 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 1195 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Orchid

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:218 G:112 B:214 A:255.

Definition at line 1206 of file Color.cs.

uint IPackedVector<uint>. VRageMath.Color.PackedValue

Definition at line 1970 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PaleGoldenrod

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:238 G:232 B:170 A:255.

Definition at line 1217 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PaleGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:152 G:251 B:152 A:255.

Definition at line 1228 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PaleTurquoise

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:175 G:238 B:238 A:255.

Definition at line 1239 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PaleVioletRed

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:219 G:112 B:147 A:255.

Definition at line 1250 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PapayaWhip

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:239 B:213 A:255.

Definition at line 1261 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PeachPuff

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:218 B:185 A:255.

Definition at line 1272 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Peru

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:205 G:133 B:63 A:255.

Definition at line 1283 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Pink

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:192 B:203 A:255.

Definition at line 1294 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Plum

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:221 G:160 B:221 A:255.

Definition at line 1305 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.PowderBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:176 G:224 B:230 A:255.

Definition at line 1316 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Purple

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:128 G:0 B:128 A:255.

Definition at line 1327 of file Color.cs.

byte VRageMath.Color.R

Gets or sets the red component value of this Color.

Definition at line 24 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Red

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:0 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 1338 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.RosyBrown

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:188 G:143 B:143 A:255.

Definition at line 1349 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.RoyalBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:65 G:105 B:225 A:255.

Definition at line 1360 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SaddleBrown

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:69 B:19 A:255.

Definition at line 1371 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Salmon

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:250 G:128 B:114 A:255.

Definition at line 1382 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SandyBrown

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:244 G:164 B:96 A:255.

Definition at line 1393 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SeaGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:46 G:139 B:87 A:255.

Definition at line 1404 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SeaShell

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:245 B:238 A:255.

Definition at line 1415 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Sienna

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:160 G:82 B:45 A:255.

Definition at line 1426 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Silver

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:192 G:192 B:192 A:255.

Definition at line 1437 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SkyBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:135 G:206 B:235 A:255.

Definition at line 1448 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SlateBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:106 G:90 B:205 A:255.

Definition at line 1459 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SlateGray

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:112 G:128 B:144 A:255.

Definition at line 1470 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Snow

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:250 B:250 A:255.

Definition at line 1481 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SpringGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:255 B:127 A:255.

Definition at line 1492 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.SteelBlue

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:70 G:130 B:180 A:255.

Definition at line 1503 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Tan

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:210 G:180 B:140 A:255.

Definition at line 1514 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Teal

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:128 B:128 A:255.

Definition at line 1525 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Thistle

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:216 G:191 B:216 A:255.

Definition at line 1536 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Tomato

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:99 B:71 A:255.

Definition at line 1547 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Transparent

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:0 A:0.

Definition at line 84 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Turquoise

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:64 G:224 B:208 A:255.

Definition at line 1558 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Violet

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:238 G:130 B:238 A:255.

Definition at line 1569 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Wheat

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:222 B:179 A:255.

Definition at line 1580 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.White

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:255 A:255.

Definition at line 1591 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.WhiteSmoke

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:245 G:245 B:245 A:255.

Definition at line 1602 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.Yellow

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:255 B:0 A:255.

Definition at line 1613 of file Color.cs.

Color VRageMath.Color.YellowGreen

Gets a system-defined color with the value R:154 G:205 B:50 A:255.

Definition at line 1624 of file Color.cs.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: